Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 1043- Happy New Year!

Here are my notes from what I did a year ago. 12/31/2009

day 678-921- 182-400 crunches no plank 50x20 SNOWING

Okay, straight from the horse's mouth.

Today, December 31st 2010 my notes: Day 1043 1344 177 438 AM.

So, over the last 365 days I have done 373, 60 minute cardiovascular workouts where I have burned between 850 to 1515 calories per hour- Can I get an AMEN?

I started this streak of consecutive days of doing at least one cardiovascular workout where I burned anywhere between 850 to 1515 calories per hour on February 23, 2008.

Here is a look at how I began and ended each year since the streak.

12/31/08- Day 313 937 174
12/31/09- Day 678 921 182
12/31/10- day 1043 1344 177

My calorie burns are different because for the 706 days I used the life cycle bike and for the last 350 days I have used the arc trainer.

How was everyone's year? I hope by reading this blog has aided you in some way this year. In 2010 I had perfect attendance on this blog I post everyday. My have actually increased and I feel stronger.

Folks, I have said many times before, you can and should workout everyday.Our bodies were meant to be moved. Moved by the wonderful legs and arms God have given us.

Tomorrow is Day 1044. I am so psyched. Another workout, another year of workouts- I am pumped what about You??

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 1042 People don't know what......

Is good for them. I really do not know that but suppose what I am doing right now is what all people should be doing. Let us for a second shift our paradigm. Taking the position of a person who has practiced a habit of working out everyday for 1042 and has completed 1054 60 minute cardiovascular workouts where on average has burned between 850- 1300 calories per hour.

Now, about that comment. People don't know what is good for them. I am of the belief( which is bordering on a conviction) that our bodies need a daily purging. Can I get an AMEN? The bible says renew your mind and renew your spirit. Well, if we dwell on that concept and consider how our bodies work it sure seems like the same thing goes for mind, body and soul.

It is a believe shared by many that the trinity goes together. So, if my thoughts are the truth then people need to change their paradigms. People need to study their habits. People need to get some sober reflection and decide what is good for them.

Folks if some bumpkin like me can workout everyday don't you think you can?

Awesome day, woke up at 330 am was at the gym parking lot by 410 in the gym door by 420 and on the machine at 424 am. Burned 1367 one more calorie in an hour than yesterday. Felt awesome

Day 1043 - New Year's Eve -- I am psyched to beat 1367 in an hour.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 1041 Not easy to dash through the snow

We are expecting a warmer trend. As the snow continues to sit. I got up and blasted a good almost record setting calorie burn workout at 506 am. I felt awesome particularly at the 59TH minute when I ended the workout by burning 27 calories in one minute. When we do the math we see that by burning 1366 calories in an hour I averaged a 22.77 calories burned per minute pace. However, in the last minute I was able to push myself to burn 27 calories in a minute. Which is an increase of 4.23 calories during that final minute.

You see folks if you are competitive, you find a challenge in anything.

Confucius said it best: "person who sees himself as hammer, sees everything as nail.

How true, how true. We all have are own set of glasses that we view the world through.
What is yours?

Day 1042 is dawning in my glasses already.---

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 1040- Treating today like a Sunday.....

A Sunday where I have some extra time. The work out will commence shortly. Will do two hours today since I have a little extra time as today is a planned no work day!

You know I just love it! Blasting out a 2 hour workout burning 2685 calories. I burned 1402 in the 1st hour which is awesome. Although I burned only 1283 in the second hour that still is strong. On Sunday, I burned 2669 today, I beat it by 14 calories!

Tomorrow, we go with less rest. Tomorrow, we will be operating on a break of 18 hours of rest in between workouts which is plenty.That is more than enough rest, especially when we will only be riding for one hour. The record for most calories burned in an hour before 6 am is? On Day 1029 I burned 1369. However, I completed my workout at 602 am.

When you make a decision, go for it!

Day 1041 and the 1053rd workout awaits......

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 1039 Herky- jerky workouts, yet streak continues

As a blizzard pounds the area I must come up with alternative ways to workout. Today was the second time in the last few days where I needed to use my at home life cycle to do my sixty minute cardiovascular workout. I called the gym two times once at 437 am and again at 457 am after I got no answer both times by letting it ring for two minutes I decided it was time for plan B.

Plan B mind you is not the way I wanted. Plan B was a workout on my at home life cycle which has no computer readout. As a result of not having a readout the machine offers very little resistance. Since there is very little resistance a person in my cardiovascular health has a very easy time of doing 60 minutes. To make the workout more of a challenge I put on a 16 pound weighted vest.

So be it. I may go workout after work but I really do not think so.

Tomorrow,Day 1040- I will do another two hour workout.
Now, I have to continue digging out the cars to arrive at work on time.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 1038- Simply having.... a wonderful Christmas time

How can you not? Especially, after doing a two hour cardiovascular workout in which you burned 2669 calories. YAHOOOOO! I have a day ahead that revolves around watching football at home for the first time this football season.

I think I have discovered or uncovered the essence of my desire to workout and eat healthy.The root of my passion for the workout and healthy eating go hand and hand. Just as the sprinter must practice his sprints and eats as lean as he could, I to must do the same. I workout as often and as much as I can and I eat accordingly. My goal is to mesh this fine tuned vehicle to continue to perform at maximum speed and efficiency.

Let us all realize what we want and let us all realize how bad we want it. Also, let us all be thankful for what we have.

Today, I concluded my sixth work out in the last three days---- CAN I GET AN AMEN?
Checking the wall calendar for Christmas I did do a 60 minute life cycle workout. The gym was closed on Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 1036- Merry Christmas! Lets workout for three hours!

God bless all at this wonderful Christmas time! Since we got no place to go, lets do a three hour cardiovascular workout and burn 3795 calories while doing it! Awesome! A marathon like none other I have done before.

I got on the machine at 441 am and no boys and girls no sign of Santa yet. As I looked outside to spot Santa all I could see was darkness. Some three hours later I looked up and it was 741 am and in was sunny outside. I burned more calories than I ever have in one cardiovascular workout.
Just for the record I have now done 1045 sixty minute cardiovascular workouts in the last 1036 days.

I will say I felt awesome, but to be honest, a little wobbly. But no matter, I feel tremendous now! That was an experience like none other.

Well, we all will watch for Santa now!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 1035 - The wind in blowing a bitter cold air as I ....

Knife my way through it. The alarm clock which is in being used in place of the other one which broke rings. The sound wakens me from my golden slumber. Although in is not a familiar sound I am called to action. I push myself into position to attack another workout. On my mind is today's number 1350. Yesterday I burned 1347. Today's quest is burn 1350 calories in an hour.

I am not fully awake but I know what I want to do. My gym bag and work out clothes are laid out and like some knight in a round table I put them on and girder myself for the coming battle.

The noise from outside is the wind whipping across the neighborhood. The skies are clear my car is warmed up -

As I knife my way through the wind and onto the gym.

When I arrive at the gym I see a few cars in the lot. I always feel a bang when I realize some one beat me to the gym.

As I check in I am always greeted by an up beat cheerful person. It always amazes me to see the consistency of that greeting. The workout is ready to begin and my anticipation is high.

On this day I burn less than my goal. My 1338 calories I burn does not match my goal but, I feel tremendous and I am indeed thankful that the Lord gave me the strength to enjoy the workout.

I stretch and head on out the door and get ready to go to work.

I know tomorrow will represent three things to me: #1 its Christmas Eve # 2 I will ride for three hours( I have not done that before ) # 3 It will be my 1st day off since Black Friday from working my one of two jobs. It will be the conclusion of a streak of 28 days.

The crazy thing is I will have three consecutive days off- WOW!

Tomorrow Day 1036 I go for three hours!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 1034- I was determined to beat yesterday's numbers!

So I did. When I burned 1347 calories in the hour before 6 am I set a new personal record for calories burned in an hour prior to 6am. Can I get an AMEN?

Despite, all the aches and pains the human body does what it wants to do. IF, we tell it to do it.

I know it is not much but, case in point: Yesterday, I tripped over a pallet and fell backwards on my butt. Not something I want to do that often. But heck when you work everyday since Black Friday, you are beyond to have a misstep at some point. Anyway, I was not feeling anything this morning but a sense of determination. I was determined to have an awesome workout regardless of what happened yesterday.

So, my friends the next time you have a boo boo or can think of an excuse not to workout remember that on Day 1034 of the streak, some guy got up at 410 in am and shook off a tumble and burned more calories in one before 6 am than he ever did before.

Keeping that little vignette in mind might be enough to get you to try another workout, instead of eating that bag of potato chips!

Tomorrow we go for Day 1035

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 1033- People on a streak must think differently

I guess. There should be some sort of council where people that have maintained a streak of days months or years can speak about how they think. I feel very blessed that I have been able to maintain my current workout streak. I wonder how they feel? Hey Cal Ripken how did you feel while you were on the streak of consecutive games? Or Brett Favre what you did you feel any different than Cal? Or me?

I noticed for a great many days I really did not want to talk about it. I was just go about doing it.
I am going to email these guys and see if I get any response.

As for today, I am beginning to feel stronger. I have decided to push myself harder and make the workout more of a challenge. I have raised my standards. My goal is burn 1400 calories in one hour before 6 am.

Today, I burned 1338 calories in the hour. As usual with all thanks being to the Lord, I felt awesome.

Tomorrow we go for Day 1034---Sixty two days to three years.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 1032 On 18 hours and 23 minutes of rest we......

Burned 1355 calories in an hour. Yesterday at 10:09 am I completed a 1401 calorie burn in an hour.Some 18 hours and 23 minutes later I burned 1355 calories in an hour. Between the rest in did get 4 and half hours of sleep!

I suppose if we check the records we will see that this has been my sleep and rest schedule for Mondays since I have started working this schedule about 220 days ago.

So folks, as most people drag themselves out of bed on Monday I have already put in a good calorie burn and feel like I am 20 feet off the ground!

I know I am odd but, heck I enjoy it. Sometimes it is a lonely feeling knowing there is not anyone I really can talk to about what I did today, this week, this month, this year or the last few years for that matter. However, there is one thing I can say I have done, that separates me from a ton of people.

So time rolls on another calendar season is upon us. Tomorrow will be the first day of the winter.
The last of the four seasons.
As workouts have intensified, I find myself feeling more awesome than ever during them at their conclusion. Long live the workout and its many benefits to mind body and soul!

Day 1033 will be a good challenge as we should get an extra 4 hours of rest in between workouts...I'm ready. Are you?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 1031- A month in quad city!

May god bless all who read this. As Christmas is down to its final few sleeps before it makes its arrival we should count our blessings. One process of evaluating our current situation is to do something called checking our B.A.G. B.A.G stands for b which is blessings,a which stands for attitude and g which stands for goals. As we proceed forward and attempt to discover who we are and really honestly evaluate how we are doing we should all look inside and check our bags.

  • Blessings--are there not too many to really count?
  • Attitude-- it is a simple thing it all comes from two primary sources (a) what we choose to think about (b) how we feel about what we think about.
  • Goals -- Just like the rude person who answers a reply to someone who calls their name-WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Once you do an inventory of one's status in those categories it is easy to tell where you are.

No one can answer those simple aspects of your life right now than you. I wish you success in all endeavors and with the Good Lord willing your bag looks the way you wish it to be.

Today, our workout has a typical Sunday look. As sleep was plentiful and rest between workouts were good. If I am on the machine between 830 and 9 am my totals of rest will be 24 plus hours which is more than I usually get.

Checking my bag: My blessings are heart warming and my attitude is sky high while the goal for a good calorie burn is set. I need to hit 1400 to keep improving.

Six more sleeps until Christmas Day!

YES! YES! Did a 1401 and had a tremendous pace for 35 minutes where I was on pace to hit 1440 in an hour. However, I could not keep that pace but did enough to hit the goal of 1400 by doing 1401. Yes, I did it by checking my bag every 5 minutes.

Big bag check tomorrow as we go for 1032! Of course on the usual Monday short rest plan----I--loveit-----

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 1030- This epic journey continues

Well, here we are Saturday number 147. In a series in 1030 days. This whole thing started on Saturday February 23,2008. How crazy is this? Everyday I spend at least one hour of each day doing one thing. The amazing thing is not so much that I do this one thing each day, it is the joy that it brings each day.

It is similar to Aesop's fable of the goose that laid the golden egg. Point being each day the chicken laid one golden egg. Well, each day I have received the equivalent. This one activity has brought me one simple satisfaction.

Today, we head for Day 1030. We do it on a break of 24 and 50 minutes. We do it eying a calorie burn of 1400. As yesterday, we did burn 1369. The goal is set the fire is burning.

Saw an old buddy today at the gym it was great to see you, Charles! You there before this blog even got started and this streak was just a baby.

I was psyched and rested an excellent recipe for scoring high calorie burn numbers! Try 1398 in an hour! Can I get an AMEN?

I think I have regained the old form. The best part of the number 1398 is that it is so close 1400 that I can taste it.

Tomorrow it is an all out blitz on 1400!! Really, tomorrow we go for 1440!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 1029 A record breaker!

I am checking the records for the last time I burned over 1350 calories in an hour. I know that today by burning 1369 calories I definitely set the record for burning the most calories prior to 605 am.

Short talk today as we shoot for 1030 - That is not the time by the way!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 1028- Back to back sweeps!On earlier and burned more

Yep, like a programmed machine I got up and did my workout. Only this time I up a little earlier and I burned 29 more calories in the hour. I love it a less rest yet more production. I my crazy mind, that is a sweep. Keep in mind yesterday I increased my production from the day before and went on the machine earlier than the day before. Here is a look at the week so far:
  • Monday on at 432 am burned 1254 calories
  • Tuesday on at 452 am burned 1246 calories = two losses
  • Wednesday on at 427 am burned 1294 calories= two wins
  • Thursday on at 424 am burned 1323 calories= two wins
  • Friday ???
Yes folks, we play to win the game! The old saying rings true compete don't compare. We all want to do our best and sometimes knowing that you did the best you could is enough for that day. However, that next day you better be ready to go and beat what you did the day before!

We approach Day 1029 with an eye on the numbers of today ready to be surpassed.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 1027 Yep, its freezing but, when your workout starts at 427 in the am ...

You are warmed up by 445 am and you feel like a million bucks at 5:30 am! Also, while all this is happening others are saying, "oh boy, it is cold out there." So they get the caffeine in them and then try to wake up in a shower. Then they contemplate the cold again. All this takes about a good 45 minutes to an hour.

In the meantime, I have already broken a sweat and my juices are flowing and I am excited about the prospects of the day.

My message is simple use what your body has to offer. You have the capacity to ditch the caffeine and the shower and giving the old gal or boy a break. Push yourself, get up work out get your body moving.

You know we have been told that our ancestors did a heck of a lot of work and exercise before they had any breakfast. What is so special about us? We need to see and feel what they did. We need to learn how to be strong and show some of their mental toughness.

We have got all the equipment. Let's go out there and use it.

Today, was truly awesome. I got on the machine at 427 am and burned a week day high for the month of 1294 calories in an hour. For the first hour I struggled to burn 630 calories. After that I cranked it up and with total conviction I just missed hitting the 1300 mark.

So today was indeed a clean sweep I started earlier than yesterday and I burned a lot more calories in the hour.

Day 1028 is rapidly approaching .....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 1026- The Favre streak ends,but ours .......

Ours keeps on going. There is no way I can compare this workout streak to any professional sports streak. However, I can appreciate it more than the average individual. As all the accolades get cast upon the Favre streak. I cannot help but look closely at any streak of consecutive games or in my case days.

My day has had an awesome start, as we burned 1246 calories in 60 today by sheer perseverance!
I loved it. I was totally spent at the conclusion of the hour as I gave it my all to burn as many calories as I could. A good rest followed by a 452 am workout. Hey, where else would you rather be?

The streak continues, by the grace of God. Day 1027 is in waiting.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 1025- Reading this my cause some discomfort

Yeah, you may be motivated enough to get off the couch.That is awful news. That couch have been part of your butt for years. You may get this, sweat for the first time in awhile. I have come to the conclusion that most people if given a choice will take the path of least resistance. Answer this if you differ. What is more crowded the elevators or the stairwells?

I believe we were born to move around. Why else would be created with 2 legs and 2 arms? Sounds clear to me. Motion is the key. Sitting for any length is time is not good for the body. Keep moving increase your blood flow. Always pretend your butt is on fire. Ray Kroc said look sharp and act sharp.

Eat foods that are at least 70 % water soluble. Why? So your body has a better chance of breaking down the food. Question what percent of body is made up of water? About sixty percent yet obesity lowers your water content. How bad is that? I believe your body needs to be purified daily. Fill it with the liquids you take out. It is just how your body is made to be used. That is one reason why working out every day is good for your body.

Speaking of which, I had an awesome calorie burn of 1254 in sixty today as I rested only 19 hours.As I finished with a very strong effort. Struggling in the early minutes and later in the workout to just burn 20.5 calories per minute I put on a burst of energy to burn 1254 calories. In order to burn that amount of calories I needed to burn about 22 calories per min in the last 10 minutes. That folks was awesome!

Day 1026 promises to packed with challenges. I am excited to burn more per hour than I did today.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 1024-The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain

Oh boy, its raining on this mid December Sunday morning. As we wipe the rest out of our eyes. Right now, the time is 8 am. On this schedule, I will probably be at the gym around 9 am.

It is an interesting morning because we got the two R's rain and rest. Soon we will be testing the recipe. Let's see what we got.

Today, we had it and then some. I had the big goal of 1440 in 60 on my mind. I had the view of 1320 in 60 as a meaningful specific.I did not want to do less than 1300 in an hour. My pace was awesome at one point, I believe it was 15 and 20 minutes into the workout I was averaging a calorie burn of over 22 per minute. My total calorie burn for the 60 minutes was 1303. Now, that is an average of 21.72 calories burned per minute.

It is indeed a sensation that is hard to describe.

Tomorrow we operate on less rest but I feel awesome as I look forward to day

TEN TWENTY FIVE ! May the Lord have mercy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 1023 We notice then we react

Stimulus pause respond. It all comes down to recognizing the situation. These three simple steps determine our destiny's. What does it all mean? Well first, our stimulus is anything that occurs around us.It could be as simple as sitting in a chair. Second, pause that time in between our next step which is response. Pause is a passage of time that usually goes by in less than a second. Perhaps, a nano second.Lastly, response what we actually do after the pause.How and where do we draw upon our responses? That depends on the individual. As I recall, Steven Covey wrote that four abilities are at one's finger tips on how to respond. Here is a list of areas where we get our responses:
  • imagination
  • independent will
  • self awareness
  • conscience
When you really break it down our choices do fall under these categories.The speed at which we choose happens so fast it is scary. Literally, in a blink of an eye our destiny's are formed. The course we initially choose can be changed as we adjust our plans.

Today, I delved into the human psyche to help us to think about the incredible power we all can, if we choose, control.

Here we are at the door step of Saturday number 146. Heck, four more and it will be 150. I am psyched to see what it is that I have today.

The stimulus is there . Ah, now that pause is over, what will be my response?

I am back and confused. I know I worked very hard yesterday and have been battling sniffles but, I only burned 1249 calories in the hour after resting 25 hours in between workouts. I am a bit perplexed because yesterday I was able to burn 1274 calories in an hour only only 23 hours of rest. Oh well, I will mill that over a bit.

What about you? Have you found that thing you wish to do everyday that is good for your mind, body and soul that allows you to feel great every day you do it?

Now that is a question!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 1022- The more often you do it, the easier it is to tell you have done it!

Today, I felt magnificent and the numbers prove it! When you burn the most in a week it usually means it is the best you have felt. My numbers are fresh in my mind because I challenged myself everyday to do better.
  • Monday 453 am burned 1248
  • Tuesday 512 am burned 1263
  • Wednesday 446 burned 1261
  • Thursday 427 burned 1248
  • Friday 457 burned 1274
Looking at these numbers it is clear that today was my best day. Anytime I can get on the machine before 5am and still burn over 21 calories per minute for 60 minutes I know I am feeling good. Now, if you can push the envelope and over 21 before you are doing great. Today, with the burn of 1274 per hour that is a 21.23 calories per minute.

The best part was I felt awesome while doing more. The old saying is and falls perfectly in line with this when challenge yourself to ask more you usually get more.

I realize to some this is probably about as boring as things can get. However, to me I am truly fascinated by the human endeavour. To think that we can how this much fun doing something that is good for us!

Tomorrow, we head for another Saturday. This will be the 146TH. I wonder if anyone that has observed my actions during those 146 consecutive days has noticed. The gym opens later so I start later. Rather than 5 am or earlier I get there at around 7 am.

So the clock is ticking for Day 1023. I am ready put me in coach!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 1021- Plenty of rest & up early

I felt awesome as I woke up on the machine. With a 427 am start time what else is there to do. By 527 am I had already burned 1248 calories. Now I ask. Can I get AMEN? My workout is never easy and that is what makes it so special. I always set an outrageous goal and adjust it as I go. When it appears that I will hit the adjusted goal I always increase the goal to give me one extra bit of an incentive to try harder.

Heck, it is who I am right now. Do not make it easy on the old boy! Make it tougher, and then let us see what he has. So far I have followed that credo.

We must always be challenged otherwise we will not grow. What is the opposite of growing?

To quote Ray Kroc,( the founder of MacDonald's)( I do not eat there but his vision was extraordinary) Oh, they once asked Helen Keller what is worse than being blind? Her answer, "having sight, but no vision." Ah, back to the quote... When you are green you are growing when you are ripe you are rotting.

Here is one of my favorites. " Life is lived on a hill, either you are falling back or going forward there is no middle ground."

Let us make a firm challenge of ourselves today and see if we can achieve it!
Day 1022 awaits with all it glory we need only to meet it!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 1020- This so much fun!

I will say it right here, right now, there is something indefinable about pushing your self to get into shape. There is something magical about being shape. There is something indescribable about feeling so awesome after a workout.

Then there is the mental side of it. That overwhelming peace of mind. The best part about this piece of mind is you do not say ah, I am done and just relish the achievement. No, once the task is done this peace of mind makes you feel hungry for more.

I suppose to explain it further, this hunger fuels the desire to do better the next time. All the aches and pains are no match for the desire to see what you have next.

I hope I have shed a little light on this iceberg of a feeling I have on the subject of fulfillment.

To think I used to wonder, can I do this workout? Now, I do not have any desire to stop.

To some, this mind as well been written a completely foreign language. To others, I hope this fires you up to workout and get what is out there!

It is a wonderful thought that in year 2010 I was able to complete my 1020 workout in consecutive days.

Onto 1021 ..... I hear the call---Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 1019- We need some one at some time to give us a push!

As Vince Lombardi was fond of saying, "Gentlemen, here is where we start the big push."To the average person the great Lombardi has probably put you in a quandary. Allow me to explain. The big push refers to a hard drive towards something that we want to attain. My hard drive my desire is to get to three years. That would be, three year so of consecutive days of doing at least one sixty minute cardiovascular workout. The number of total days will be 1,095. As we are all aware I am presently at 1019. That is 1019 with 7 extra workouts.

So with the chill in the air and the magic of the holiday season, let us begin our big push!

There is something great about burning 1263 calories in the hour in the am before 615! It makes one feel alive!

I know we are in the last month of 2010. So, tomorrow will be 1020 for us!
I am ready, are you?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 1018- Today's sniffles are no match for today's burning desire!

With a good nineteen hours of rest in between workouts, we pound a 1248 calorie burn in sixty minutes. What ever I seem to have seems to be breaking up and clearing up.

A special call of recognition must go out to a special person who as of Saturday (Day 1016) was on day 12 of her own workout streak! God bless you, pretty lady! Keep it going!

The weather outside is getting chilly and the heat is cranking as the 2010 holiday season is firmly upon us. Christmas carols and songs are in full bloom. People are being told it is okay to over indulge a little after all it is the holidays.

Well? What about you are you getting caught up in the season.Are you already over indulging a bit. Is candy canes and Christmas candies being offered and accepted by you? Are you of the mindset of oh well, it is just once a year? Does this thought swim through your head as you bake and consume cookies and other holiday treats?

Where is this guy going with this line of questioning? The answer is an obvious yes. Most people do not say the holidays great I might get a few extra hours to workout. Or the holidays? Wow, an awesome time promote the cause of healthy eating and working out every day.

No, the holidays are not generally reserved to promote good health and good eating. It is ironic we wish everyone good health and happiness then we offer them foods that are not healthy. We give the hope of a happiness in their future but yet are actions of offering them good cheer and holiday food do just the opposite.

Maybe it is just me standing up on my soap box and trying to draw attention to a cause for great fitness and great health.

Either way, pardon the interruption and allow me to let get back to enjoying the holiday season.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 1017- Our opportunity starts now!

That sounds exciting, doesn't it? In life, I believe the only things we are really promised is an opportunity and a hard time. It depends on what we do with each that will eventually determine our destiny. Folks we got to fess up a hard time will come at some point in each of our lives. However, an opportunity will always be there to do whatever it is with it we choose.

As we go about our day with that thought we can appreciate our lives and who we are. In the Chinese language the symbol for crisis and opportunity are the same. So, no matter what challenges you are facing consider them nothing more than an opportunity to succeed!

Today we charge ahead with some rest and a good twenty four hour in between workouts. Its 830 in the am I ready to go . I got a 1273 burn yesterday. Today we will beat that within the same amount of minutes.

Hey, its my opportunity.

As I gave it my all striving to hit a 1300 calorie burn in one hour I had one permeating thought, "this is your opportunity make the most of it." Yep, that was the way it went down. I said to myself, "what else do I have to do today?"

That is a powerful question if, you ask it the right way. When I ask that question it means empty the tank or you waste what you have.

Today's daily question:If you were given 5,000 dollars free and clear what would you do with it?

We go at it on short rest for Day 1018-- I am UP for the challenge!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 1016- Perfect, a few sniffles to make the workout a challenge

After yesterday's early wake up, and blasting out 1257 in 60 at 420 am,along with a good daily toil of 9 plus hours, I slept from 9 pm to 430 am and woke up to a few sniffles. We all have our challenges along the way. Today, the goal is to beat yesterday's calorie burn.

Heck, I have taken ample rest in between workouts.The gym opens at 7 am so great math tells me my rest will include 24 plus hours from 520 am yesterday. To be exact, how does 25 hours and forty minutes sound? Sounds like burning 1260 ++ should be a snap!

My daily questions are still out there for anyone that wishes to answer them.Check them out they are there for all to read, share or if you choose respond. Here is a look at this past week's questions:

Saturday- What is the one thing, that you can control, that if you got better at, would dramatically change your life ?

Sunday -What time of the day are you at your best?

Monday-After all the time you spend thinking about the future, what thought about your future, excites you most?

Tuesday-Do you believe that thoughts are things?

Wednesday- I love famous speeches, they are awesome-. Which one do you prefer most?
I have a dream -Martin Luther king
Win this one for the Gipper-Knute Rockne
Gettysburg Adress- Abraham Lincoln
Day of infamy -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Thursday-We spend so much of our time processing negative thoughts, so what was the most positive thought you had yesterday? Also, did you act on it?

Friday-How about this philosophy? We are not responsible for allowing a negative thought to enter or mind . However, we are responsible for how long we entertain it. Do you agree or disagree?

I hope these questions get your juices flowing....
Today's question is-Are you part of a cause? Is your cause bigger than yourself?

Well, today set nicely, burned 1273 calories in 60 minutes which beat yesterday's total of 1257. Did 1030 crunches all on 25 hours and 45 minutes of rest. Beautiful! Felt awesome upon completion and during workout. There was a distinct chill in the gym early today. As the air is frosting up.Tomorrow will be Day 1017 and I do not start work until 1230pm. That leaves me with most of the morning to workout and get ready to go to work.

I know I have an opportunity to rest. In between now and then I need to toil a few hours.

We must always be as up beat as humanly possible, so no one can knock us down!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 1015- Do you consider yourself a competitive person?

In a word, yes! However, I think there are two types of people those that compete and those that compare.The ones that compare just want to feel they are better than everyone else. Primarily, that is their goal. Now, the competitors are the ones who want to get better every time they do something. They really do not care about the others, their main drive is to be better than they were the last time out.

I am a competitor, I strive to be better every time out. I started this blog for one big reason. To tell people how awesome it is to workout every day. The other reason was to start a health revolution! Promoting good health is the essence of the blog. My view is simple, exercise daily and eat right then you have a great chance at being healthy.

This blog is a journey and the purpose of the journey is promote good health.I have often heard that you have to involve yourself in a cause that is bigger than yourself to reach your full potential.

To I wrapped on the gym door before it opened that is a win. I was up and ready @ 330 am today. That is another win. I burned 1257 calories in an hour, that is another win. These are all wins because I beat yesterday's times and totals.As I just mentioned I want to get better every day.

Yes folks come join me as we explore our own abilities. Day 1016 is calling. I well be there shortly.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 1014- Why do you post something everyday?

Good question? Sure it is a good question. The reason I do it everyday is to stay in tune with the routine. I workout, post and go to work. I am who I am right now. I look at as a plan, do and review mentality. I also feel that there is valuable insight in my daily postings. That is one of the reasons I write daily questions. I write the questions for all to ask.

With all this healthy food you eat your house must be adorned with it,right? Not really as you can imagine not everyone is on board with this healthy food plan. I suppose my house is no different than anyone else's. I have have got a vision for a different way of life. My vision is to workout everyday and complimented the regiment by eating healthy food. Yes, in my pantry or kitchen for that matter, you find the basics. Orange juice, seltzer.Oatmeal, blue berries, cinnamon,apples, bananas, Then whole grain cereal from Kashi,rice cakes and some Kashi whole grain crackers with salsa.At times I will eat vegetable sushi and eat a chop salad or a plain salad with just olive oil for dressing that is topped off with sea.When I am in the mood I will saute some vegetable with garlic and onion and enjoy that.Does anyone else in my family share this food and beverage with me? Actually, to a small degree they do.They drink OJ and seltzer. They have apples, bananas and salsa . That is about it.

In my opinion, they are still on the grid where as they buy the usual food of choice of most Americans which includes very fattening food. But, so far they are not over weight they still have their youthful body and are in good shape. they very slim compare to most.

I have been preaching exercise and a good diet to them for years so I hope some of it sinks into these post teenagers brains.

As for the exciting workout today: I am proud to say I beat yesterday AGAIN! Was rapping at the gym door at 415am. By 420am I was on the machine and by 520am I had burned 1253 calories. Cool, I arrived earlier than yesterday and burned more calories in the same amount of time. Another sweep. That is now back to back sweeps.

Day 1015 calls and the challenge has been brought forth. I ready to meet it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1013 - We begin December with a gut check!

How so? Well, after yesterday's 450 am start I was determined to hit 430 am as a start time. My plan was to start sleep at 9pm. Although, I started sleep at 945 ish I did get a good 6 hours of sleep which is what I needed. I awoke at 350 am and felt refreshed. We all fight various ailments and the game is to push through. On this morning I was no different. My ace in the hole is my incredible determination and thank God the ability to ignore what ever I am feeling that does not help me in achieving my goal.

So I arrived at the gym door at 418 am and got on the machine at 421. Now I ask you. can I get an AMEN? Today, was a banner day because I started earlier and burned more than the day before. Which is always the goal. why is it the goal? It is the goal because to shows attitude and heart. You cannot show earlier and burn more unless you have both on that day.

This was open of the more tougher challenges I have encountered along this journey.

Dear readers, I hope my journey has allowed you a perspective of my emotions as I move along on this path.I hope in some way I have been an inspiration for some phase of your life. My desire to chronicle this journey was to bring joy, happiness and a feeling of motivation that we can all stretch more out of ourselves.

Maybe you know it or maybe you don't but everyday I submitted a question to a few people.I call it daily questions for determined individuals. The questions are provocative. There intended to make you think about your life.

Here is today's question: Do you believe thoughts are things? Tomorrow we may get some feedback on that. Until then day 1014 is saying," can you beat 1243 and 421am?"

I am psyched to find out!

Here are more daily question

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 1012 - It has been said .....

How often have we heard that phrase? In order to win you have to have confidence. To go one step further it has also been said that in order to have confidence one must posses a believe in one's self.
Now, this belief has got to be strong. There are certain things that a person can do to strengthen their belief in their self.Here is a real simple list.

  • always be excited( if you can't get excited lock yourself in a closet and give yourself a pep talk!)
  • treat people good
  • don't listen to the gloom and doom crowd
  • don't worry about things you can't control
  • don't listen to what other people say
  • don't worry about making mistakes
  • get yourself a hero
  • always be EXCITED!
Eight simple steps to having a belief in yourself. you owe it to yourself to practice these steps on a daily basis.

Today, was my second day of chasing 430 am. Since, the doors open to the gym now at 430am I have been making a push to arrive at that time. Today, I was on the machine at 450 am. I beat yesterday's time of 510 am. Tomorrow we go for 440 am- Cool-

I burned 1236 in an hour not good. However, I am excited to beat that tomorrow.

I am pumped up for day 1013!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 1011- Day Ten Eleven

With a fresh set of legs and some 19 hours of rest we burned 1281 calories in one hour today. I kinda sell myself short when I post how calories I burn. I really do cardiovascular exercise for more than an hour everyday. The reason I say that is because every time I workout after 60 minutes I cool down for five minutes.In those five minutes, I usually burn another hundred or so calories that adds to my total for that day.

Either way, I feel stupendous after the workout. I have come to realization that not many people will ever get where I am in terms of exercising everyday for as long as I have. I have also realized that not many have a desire to do what I have done. However, I still believe there are millions of people out there that have and are doing what I do and have done.

My question is......... Where are they???? They are not commenting on this blog. That is fine I write this just to offer motivation to both myself and readers.

Day ten twelve harks - The big Tuesday workout will present its challenges in 20 or so hours.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 1010- With every beat of my heart!

Gee, I have been doing that for about 2 and half years.Really? Two and half years. What have you been doing for the last 2 and half years? Eating the same ice cream? Going to a dry cleaners? Watching the same TV show? Same hair dressers? Same liquor store? Same supermarket? same restaurant?

Do you see where I am going with this? Number 1 your habits are taking you there. Number 2 whatever it is you have been doing I will bet out of the list I just gave you, you have not been doing that for everyday for the last 2 and half years. Maybe you have done it for 2 or 3 times a week for 2 and half years. But not everyday for the last 1010 days!

To quote my cousin Vinny, " I think I get the point." To quote further " No, you don't."

That is the same thing for 1010 straight days without a break!

Today I burned 1290 in an hour and did 1070 crunches on 25 hours of rest after working 11 hours yesterday. Not bad!

The gym opens tomorrow at 430 am. My goal is be there..... It will require a little sacrifice.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 1009- After a night of nostalgia we make our way to challenge ourselves one more time

Yes, let's compete one more time. Let us take this opportunity and ask ourselves what have we got today? We can give thanks for what ever it is we have and we can build on that very fact. My body has been tested time and again. In an incredible journey I have chosen to stay on this path. The road has been sweet and the fire still burns.

After a relatively brief rest, I have put myself in position to enjoy another workout. Realizing that my actions are perhaps strange and focus usually sharp. I want to compete one more time.

Yesterday, my results were not what I had hoped for as today I have a keen desire to exceed the totals of the workout. Burning only 1248 calories in an hour yesterday, is way off from what I usually do and are planning to do today.

The gym opens at 7 am. That is where I intend to be!

When door opened and I was there. Six fifty five am we started our workout. The goal was to hit 1300 in an hour. The minimum was to beat yesterday's 1248. So how did we do? We wound up right in the middle. Our goal was 1300 calories burned in an hour. We burn 1272 which was 24 more than yesterday.Also, yesterday I did 3 workouts in 20 hours. Today I rested 24 hours in between workout. Keep in mind, I went to bed at 125 am and got up at 525 am. So, I only had 4 hours of rest.

So the key factors are break time in between workouts and the amount of sleep before the next workout. They all play a role on how many calories get burned in an hour.

The next day we go after 1010- ten ten - How cool is that?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 1008 We are now at 1015 work outs!

That is all within 1008 days.That is a total of 1015 hours of vigorous exercise at least within the last 1008 days! Can I get an Amen? As I spent my day with people who ate normal meals I felt out of place as I watched them eat foods I have decided not to eat. I figure a lot of my life I spent doing what they were doing. Enjoying all the different tastes a person can get to.

I must admit, it was hard not to notice how much food there was and how much people were enjoying it. I simply sat there with my own food which consisted of strictly vegan. Having brought my own chopped carrots, cucumbers and anise. I was able to put together a salad that I topped off with sweet potato. I really felt great and just concentrated and enjoyed my food.There after there was tons of deserts which I had no trouble abstaining from. I had a nice cup of hot tea and felt relaxed and content.

So the day was done. I got up this morning around 425 am and waited for the gym to open at 545 am. Which is an hour later than normal. I eliminated the stretching part of my workout and was able to get right on schedule.

I was able complete my third hour of vigorous cardiovascular exercise within a 23 hours. What happened was from 745 am on Sunday until 650 am on Monday I workout for three hours of vigorous exercise--- Not bad and I feel awesome!

Today should be a day of watching people eat foods I do not eat and some socializing along with a good full day of daily toil.

Tomorrow we tackle day 1009. Three years is in the horizon.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 1007- Let's do two! There is a tremendous amount to be Thankful for

In honor of the holiday, which is today. I will show my appreciation for the strength that God has given me by working out for 2 hours today. I feel great and enjoy God's blessing. The gym opens at 8 am and I have the day off. Later in the day, I will be sitting more than standing so I mind as well be as active as I can when I can.

Life has a lot of subtle blessings if we take the time to look. I imagine there are a lot of people bustling around on this Thanksgiving morning getting prepared for the day's activities. The activities all center around eating and sitting. The traditional way in which this day is celebrated.

I on the other hand have a different thought process. You see I am an advocate for a healthy life style. An active way of carrying on the day by use of a good amount of energy.

In addition to movement I also have come to realize that the foods we eat aid in how we move or don't move. I chose foods that are non traditional. I tend to eat foods that have very little fat content and are water soluble. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains is my base diet. I have come to enjoy these foods and include them in my meals and celebrations.

You may think I am weird, or worse rude, but that is what I enjoy at this time in my life. A very healthy diet and a lot of exercise.

One other thing I have come to notice is the way people handle stress. What are the choices. Feeling no stress, eating a lot of unhealthy foods that offer temporary comfort, drinking alcohol or smoking. Those are all stress reducers that offer bad side effects especially for people who are older than 25 years of age. The body in my opinion has a great ability to bounce back when we beat it up at a younger age than it does when we age. I think we all know that.

Question? So why do we do it? Why to eat and partake in activities that hurt our bodies? That is a story for another day.

The clocks ticking I am psyched for the extra play time ......

Awesome, did 2 hours and burned 2,549 calories. I wish I could do that every day! Oh what a feeling! Did a few crunches, around 400. I wonder what is hard to change the action or the attitude toward the action? Example, let us assume someone does not like to do something that they know they should be doing. However, they eventually start doing what they should be doing, that's great! Although they really do not like doing it. You see their action completely changed but their attitude about doing it only partially changed. So, in my opinion it is harder to change the attitude than the action.

If there are changes that need to be made, it starts first, with attitude. Only two things determine our attitudes; what we think about and how we feel about what we think about. The great news is, we have control over each!

Day 1008 and work out number 1015 lie in wait.....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 1006 Oops, almost wrote 900 - Energy is the key!

Question is how much do you got? Funny thing is we all only have so much to offer the day. Then like some vacation days if not used they go away. Suppose you did know each day how much energy you had would you behave differently. Consider this, you not only know how much you have but you are told how you potential energy you have.

So now, the game is how do I tap into all that potential energy. Am I off base? Are we all not dying to know what we got? Energy is magical. We need it but yet we know so little about it.Our lives would be dramatically different without it. How do we get our potential energy. I am sure we all know how to use the energy we have but I would not be surprised that we leave so much of the potential energy.

While I was on the machine today during my workout one of the two members got off the machine he was on. The response of the other member who was still working out was- "That's it?" When he said that it hit me. I thought right is that it? Man, to me he left a lot on the table. It looked like to me he had a ton more to give. Oh well, so much for his potential energy during that workout.

Today, I hope I tapped all of my potential in burning 1273 calories in an hour. I beat yesterday's total of 1257 which was one of my goals.

We head towards Thanksgiving day and day 1007 - we are now 89 days from three years.
I have an extremely large amount to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 1005 Playing on more rest yields less calories burned per hour

As we march toward three years, we realize how awesome this journey has been. Some asked if I hit a 1000 days. My reply was yes today is day 1005 and I am going for three years.Going to work and working out everyday takes a little more effort than not working everyday. To clarify I started this campaign on May 20Th 2010. That was 187 days ago. In that time I have missed Memorial Day, July 4TH, Labor Day and Halloween. Also, I missed August 8Th,August 15TH, September 26TH and November 13TH. a total of eight days where I did not work. That comes out to a pattern of every 22 days I take a break from going to work. I call it my 22 day work week. However, as the holidays come around.There may be a day or two I will take time off.

Enough book keeping. Real quick, burned 1257 today in the hour and fought for every inch!

I feel awesome and am wondering how many work out partners I would have gone through if I really had one!

Okay, partner- Day 1006 is on the clock.......

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 1004 After four hours of rest woke up as fresh as a daisy!

Without any hesitation, I got up and was on the machine at 457am and blasted out 1291 calories in 60 minutes on 4 hours of sleep. Now, I am ready for the day. I suppose many would wonder who in their right mind would do that. Well, I have been doing just that every Monday for the last few months. Come around 9 pm, I will looking for some rest. As of right now I am ready to go.

The mind is funny that way, it needs the right amount of rest to work properly. Here we are sitting at 91 days from 3 years. Keep in mind also, that this 1010Th work out in the last 1004 days.

Anxious to get on with the day. However, I have granted myself plenty of time to reflect. Here is an observation and something I would like to correct. When I post in this blog and am challenging myself not to use the word "I."

Day 1005 will be a great one!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 1,003- Slept for awhile after a good battle

Yesterday,we started the day by burning 1,332 calories and doing 1100 crunches and ended by working 10 plus hours running around on our feet. For the first time in awhile, I elected not eat until I was done with my day. It was challenging but I felt a certain pleasure in my mastery over my body.

Now we embark on Day 1003, which will bring us to our 1009TH work out in these 1003 days.
The focus of the next few hours is to get loose and see if the extra rest was beneficial to burning more calories on less rest. Should I begin my workout at around 9 am, I will have rested 25 plus hours.The 25 plus hours is a bit more than the 23 plus hours I usually take.

I take a lot of pride in doing better the next day and it means a lot to me to discover what is in me the next day. As I sit to blog. I am anxious to get myself dressed fed and ready to play. For another day.

The game is mental, the spirit will always be challenged and now it is time to move on.

I am happy to report.... a 1312 burn for 60 today......

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 1002 - We are getting near the end of the year

God has been kind to a great number of us. As we head into the teeth of the holiday season. I wish all a wonderful holiday season. The tradition that we all know is for our hearts to be light and merry. The tradition also tells us to be happy to have family nearby to share in these blessings.
So let us all use that as a foundation of our thoughts as we head into the season of hope and love.

I have been a committed contrarian to popular beliefs. especially when it comes to working out and eating. I have worked very hard at a certain why of living that I feel I have discovered that flies right in the face of what others do. Now, to use the phrase that Socrates chose to explain his position " I maybe wrong, which I often am but." Based on my apparent results I may have come a cross an effective way of life. For the first 50 or so years of my life I never really questioned to phases of my life and that was eating and exercise. I ate what I hoped was healthy enough and tastes great. Then as I got older I discovered I had high cholesterol and in an effort to not take medicine I decided to change my diet and exercise more often. The results were good but not long lasting. As I began to observe my approach to eating foods that were not good for my situation i changed my thinking about eating those foods.

As a result of that process of thought I decided to eliminate all suspects and divorce myself from any food that I did not feel had any saturated fat in it except for olive oil. So that where I am right now.

By eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains I have made a decision to stay with that for awhile.

As far as exercising goes my choice for that was real simple. The philosophy I adopted for that was, do not miss a day and let's see what happens. So here we are.

I am now ready to go after day 1,002 of not missing a day. I have worked out 1,007 times in the last 1,001 days.

The gym opens at around 7am it is now 625am. Let me in!

I felt great. i am not sure if the rather chilly weather gave me a positive effect to my workout. My flow was definitely in motion today. I burned 660 calories in the first 30 minutes of the 60 minute workout. After another 30 minutes I burned another 672 which was a total of 1332 calories burned in the hour.

The total of 1332 calories burned in an hour sent me searching my postings to find the last time I had burned that much in one hour.Upon my research I found out on Day 975 I burned 1334 calories in an hour. The date was Sunday October 24TH 2010. That was 27 days ago.

I cannot say enough the awesome feeling those types of workouts generates in my body.

I have been sending out emails to certain individuals lately that center around one question and subject. The subject is incentives. The concept is what incentives do you need in order to agree to do something.

Here are a few of the questions.
If you gave your self ten things to do today and you were paid 100 dollars if you completed all of them would you do them?
If you gave yourself ten things to do and you were paid 1,000 dollars if you completed all of them by noon would you do them?
If you gave your self ten things to do and you were paid 10,000 dollars if you completed all of them by 9 am would you do them?

Well, here is another one. If you had to write out a list of 20 things you wanted to do on a day and chose just 10 to do for that day would you do them under these conditions you were paid 2,000 dollars for completing or had to pay 200 dollars for not completing any one of the 10 things you did not complete? I suppose the question is do you have enough confidence in your self to complete what you want to do? After all, what you are really saying is my odds of doing what I say I will do are 1 in 10. Which is really pretty low.

I am curious to hear people reactions to these questions.

Either way 1003 is the next challenge.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 1001 - When you do it once, can you do it again?

Should that be true that is a powerful revelation.That would mean once you have done something only one time, you can do it over and over again. What more confidence do you need? I once heard from a positive thinker say that there are usually only five maybe six things that you need to know how to do in order to do anything. Just five or six areas of competence will allow you to be able to do anything.

What do you think? Does that sound about right? The challenge is knowing what the areas are in a given task. I suppose that is where common sense and having a background on knowing how to identify key areas of competence in any given situation .

For example, let us say your goal was to put a nail through a board without bending the nail.
Skills needed to that are. Figuring out how to do it, doing it and doing it successfully.
How would you do it? Well ,a hammer would be the wisest choice. Then we must understand how to hit the nail so it goes through the board without bending the nail. There you have it, about five or six things you had to do to complete that task.

What I did today was burn 1,257 calories in an hour which is equal to burning 20.95 calories per minute. When you compare it to yesterday's great burn of 1315 in an hour it is a difference of 21.92 calories burned per minute. which is not even a calorie more per minute! But over a sixty minute span of time the difference is almost 60 calories.

It has been an exciting week as we readjust our sights for three years. The date is February 23, 2011 which is now 94 days away.

Of course, tomorrow is day 1,002 and waits less than a few hours away.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

DAY 1,000---- HOLY ______________-

Yes! Holy God was standing right beside at 6:10 am of this Thursday morning November 18, 2010.My life has seen the coming of 1000TH consecutive day in which I have completed a sixty minute or more cardiovascular workout. During these workouts I have burned anywhere between 700 to 1515 calories. For the first 700 or so days I used the life cycle in those 60 minute or more workouts I burned between 700 to 1013 calories. I not to point during every workout I was drenched in moisture from my efforts. I do mean drenched! For the next 300 or so days I switched to the arc trainer and burned between 1000 to 1515 calories during these 60 minute or more workouts.

So, there you have it. A man aged 53 years and close to 3 months has just worked out for 1000TH consecutive day.

Questions? Are you going to celebrate? Yes, by the pure enjoyment of knowing what I was able to do. What is your feeling now? Excitement and a sincere desire to get to three years which will in 95 days from today which will be February 23, 2011. It also will take me almost through another season. Right now I am in my 11TH season. December 21ST will be the start of my 12TH.

I burned 1315 calories today to usher in the next 1000 days! I felt awesome loose and I definitely had the flow!!

Day 1001 is ready and waiting...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 999 -Well, here it is Day 999

This is the last day where we do not use a comma or for that matter four digits. I suppose four digits is a better way to define 999. After all if you should leave out a comma when writing any number beyond 999 it is still clear what the number is. The case is not true for four digits, you need four after 999. So the next day is Quad City. Four digits, oh my Gosh! It really has been 1005 workouts in the last 999 days.

Today, as fate would have it, it rained early and now, the sun is shinning. I burned only 1259 calories today. If I didn't wear three layers I am sure I would have burned more and created less moisture from my body. I prefer the former rather than the latter. Burning calories is awesome and so is creating moisture. I enjoyed the challenge of burning with the layers rather than wimping out with less clothes. I got on the machine at 5:13 am.

So, here we are on precipitous of 1---0---0--0 DAYS. I am excited to the maxxx!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 998 If you are a first time reader......

You may be wondering what is this person talking about. However, if you love to workout like I do and may have started your own blog about working out. If you are neither a work out lover or a wanderer on the net then, stick about because these postings are all about finding ways to better at anything.

Today, was my 998TH straight day of doing a 60 minute or more cardiovascular workout. Can I get an AMEN? I loved the effort today. Finishing with a flourish is sensational. My goal was to burn 1300 calories in an hour. I soon realized I had to adjust and go for with conviction, to burn 1270 calories in an hour. My body felt great as I started to make my move. In an effort to burn 1270 or more I needed to step up my game! As the math shows us to burn 1270 in an hour you need to burn 106 calories per 5 minutes. When I made my move I was only averaging 104 calories burned per 5 minutes.

I am so psyched that I was able to step up my game enough to burn an average of 105.9 calories every 5 minutes.

I will continue to sing the praises of the awesome feeling that washes all over you as hit attempt and reach the goal!

We at the drop step of DAY number NINE NINE NINE!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 997- The title of the blog is ......

I love to workout. Really? Why do you love to workout? That is a great question. It is almost like a who do you love question, and why? What does all this activity do for you and do you like it, I mean love it.

As I decide on my reasons why I love to workout, I am reminded of simple ways to identify my reasons for any action. They are emotional reasons, logical reasons and reasons to avoid a specific action.

Everyday I wake up and with a passion and desire that is almost indescribable I get out of bed and put on my workout clothes and head out the door to the gym. When I get in the gym I head for a machine and so it begins. Yes, another workout. The body just loves it. The emotions start running high when I make those first few hard strides. The resistance is either strong or weak depending on how hard I stride after about ten minutes I start to sweat. It is right about that time that I start to lose track on anything else but the goal. The numbers start to add in my head and I envision a certain number of calories I will burn. I just love that aspect of the workout.

It is so awesome to feel yourself getting more strength as you go. I can sense that this going take a great effort and I am up to the challenge.

So why do I love to workout?

  • the challenge
  • the reward
  • the anticipation of something good happening
  • the way the body reacts to the activity
  • the mental feel of relaxation despite, the strenuous movement
You all that to me, spells love!

Today, I burned 1263 calories in the hour. Now that is awesome when you take into account that I did that on 19 hours and 55 minutes of rest in between my last workout.

We are ready to hit the town. Only 3 days left until we ARRIVE!

As always the next day is a huge part of that----998-----

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 996 - For real, a strong bounce back day

You know in life as in a simple workout, you are either in, or you are out. The wake up call comes in and you are ready to go or you are not. today, by the grace of God I was ready. That reminds me of what I was told a long time ago when I was trying to get on the first organized baseball team I ever tried out for. I said to my best friend's father, "do think I will make the baseball team?" His response is something I will never forget- If you put your whole heart and soul in it you will-

Wow how true. When we put our whole heart and soul into anything we can do anything. Looking back at the age I heard those pearls of wisdom there was no way I could explain what he meant by what he said.

But, do you know what? I said but, do you know what? That is exactly what I did. I made the team. It was because I put my whole heart and soul into it.

What about you? Is there anything you want or are there any things you have and it is because you put your whole heart and soul in it the reason why you have it?

I burned 1310 today, which is excellent after burning 2529 the day before in 2 hours. I crunched 1100 times and felt truly awesome there after.

Were a mere 4 days from a special port of call....
The next is coming-----997---

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 995 - Last Saturday of 1000 days

As we get so close we can touch it. This is the Saturday that precedes the date November 18TH 2010 which is 1000 days from February 23RD 2008.Where were you on the day February 23RD 2008?
I was still basking in the glow of my beloved football Giants winning their third Super Bowl.

As I recall, I was mulling over some changes in my mind. I had begun lent on February 6TH. I was 16 days into lent where I had given up chips, beer and soda. Some tough habits to shake.So, I was determined to make those temporary changes. As fate would have it, I started talking to some positive people about positive things. The more positive I spoke the more my desire to improve myself increased. The more I attempted to improve myself the more I wanted to challenge myself.

And from this boys and girls, the streak was born! My continuous action that brought me positive results spurned on a life style change. So, folks if you are not totally satisfied with your life and want to know how to change your way of life it could start with your way of thinking. Now, I am no rocket scientist but, thinking and talking more positive could be a way to do it.

Here is a report I just read about new findings on how exercise can improve your chances of NOT getting as many colds.

November 12, 2010
Regular Exercise Reduces Risk of the Common Cold
At a Glance
New research shows a strong correlation between regular aerobic exercise and reduced risk of upper respiratory tract infections.
Read more about this research below.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) can be caused by more than 200 different viruses, and it is estimated that the U.S. population suffers more than one billion colds a year (2-4 per average adult, 6-10 per average child). A number of lifestyle factors contribute to URTI risk, including poor nutrient status, lack of sleep, and stress. A new paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine adds exercise habits to the list of lifestyle factors affecting URTI risk.
1,023 subjects between 18 and 85 years of age were recruited for this study, with 1,002 individuals completing all study requirements. Subjects were selected from multiple BMI groups (roughly one-third were of normal weight, one-third were overweight, and one-third were obese) to ensure adequate representation. A comprehensive validated survey on lifestyle, diet, activity levels, stress, and URTI incidence and severity was completed by each study participant.
After controlling for potential cofounders, total days with URTI symptoms were 43-46% lower in the highest third of aerobic activity when compared to the lowest third, while URTI severity was reduced 32-41% for the high group. Low stress levels, high exercise frequency (≥5 days/week), and high fruit intake (≥3 servings/day) also correlated with reduced URTI incidence.
The exact mechanism by which aerobic exercise reduces URTI risk is still uncertain, although it appears to be a combination of factors, including transient increases of certain immune cell types, a reduction of stress hormones, and specialized benefits to key organs (particularly the lungs, which serve as a primary barrier against URTIs).
Nieman DC, Henson DA, Austin MD, Sha W. Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults. 2010. Br J Sports Med, ePub ahead of print. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2010.077875

We all have choices. How and what you think plays a huge factor in what you actually do.

I write my posts daily for a couple of reasons. One, is to spread the word that working out every day is fine.Two, working out every day is beneficial. Three, working out every day is fun. Four, to benefit myself with an accountability of my daily efforts.

In all, I feel if I do this on a daily basis, I can blaze a trail for others to follow so not only can I or you improve ourselves but maybe the entire world can move in that direction.

Can I get an AMEN?

I am marching to the gym for this, the Saturday before the 1000TH day!

As I loosened up prior to getting on the machine I realized this is the 1000TH workout in the last 995 days. after that I made the decision to celebrate by doing two one hour workouts. During my first hour I burned 1263 calories. In the second hour I burned 1266. Not bad. I actually burned more in second hour than the first.

Now, I have done 1001 workouts in the last 995 days. Can I get an AMEN?

I am here to say doing that workout will cure what ails you!

The elements were in place for this to happen today because:

  • excitement over reaching one thousand workouts
  • extra time because of no work today
So now the question arises what about tomorrow? Do I go for 2 day 2 days back to back?
I have not done that before. I am temped .......

Day 996 will be here before we all know it!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 994- Today we went with three layers

Why? I am not sure. However, I am sure it was a good challenge.Was I ready for it?Not hardly. When we engage in this game we must be at all times - Dressed Fed and ready to Play- You see it is a question of physical, mental and spiritual requirements. As they all flow to one another.

First, in order to be dressed you must physically look and act the part. This where strength comes in. Second, fed in my opinion has nothing to do with eating but, all to do with thinking. When you are fed you know you can do it. Your level of expectation is sky high. The final step is obvious, ready to play, ready to play at your highest level where you have no doubt you will win!

If your goal is to win everyday and suffer no set backs then everyday you must be dressed, fed and ready to play!

As I said, today I got beat. I burned only 1263 calories in the hour. When it was my turn to get into the next gear I simply did not do it. However, that is okay I had a strong week! I feel great and I sweated profusely. Tomorrow, I rest a little more and have extra time to workout.

I feel like a pioneer crossing this country and has traveled on foot all this way. This pioneer realizes the town of destination is very near. As he senses he is only a few days from QUAD CITY.

Day 995 is down the road ... but only a peace to all.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 993 - Our way of life

What is our way of life? How awesome is it? Would we trade it for something else? What did you have in mind? Do you have any idea of how many times I have been asked that question? Or, doing what?

I don't know about you but, thinking about those questions makes me consider the options. We all are given a choice of what we want to do every day. We all know deep down, what we want. I feel the trouble is most of us cannot get deep down. Really, who is the most deep down person you know? Who is the one person that you know and they know, what they are? Is there one is someone who you feel you understand and they understand themselves?

I have news for you, if you have the opportunity, ask them how they were able to get so deep down. Take the time to ask them. Say, " so how did you get to the core of what you are?"

Today, I burned 1286 calories because I was persistent with my attempt to burn more per 5 minute intervals. I challenged and challenged to keep burning more calories per 5 minute intervals and finally, I broke through, and burned on average more calories per a 5 minute interval than I had for the previous 55 minutes. My goal was an average of 110 calories per 5 minutes and I got 107 plus calories per 5 minute intervals.

Day 994, just knocking on the door.

To all the Veterans out there- Thank You!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 992 After all these workouts the game is still awesome!

With eight more to go to hit Cee town, we chalk up two victories. One, we beat yesterday's start time by three minutes and we eclipsed the total calories burned in an hour by 15. Alright! We burned 1304 calories. We burned those calories by burning 114 calories in the last 5 minutes. Which translates to awesome finish.

I cannot express often enough and with any more emphasis the incredible sensational feeling I get when I am giving everything I have to hit my daily goal! I have said this a million times I wish I can give this feeling to the world and let them have it. If everyone in the world could have this feeling just once, I feel the world would change for the good.

As we inch closer to the workout of Day 993 my anticipation rises!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 991- We approach all days as a new beginning

What goals and efforts do for us is make us a better person. Just as a car rolls on wheels we to roll along. If key factors in our lives where shaped like a wheel. That would require that all get the even amount of care and attention. For the sake of identifying what I have been practicing for the last 1000 days or so. Let us look at the circle of health. It have 3 or 4 basic spokes, they are fitness,nutrition and sleep. It hard as heck to have good health without all working at the about the same level.

As I have learned fitness goes along way in determining the other two factors in having good health.

Today, with another strong finish we burned 1289 calories in the hour. Yes, I did entertain the thought of doing 2 hours today. But, with the possibility of not being on time for my daily toil I decided against. However, put me down for a person that could have done 2 hours today.

So with an excitement like I have never known, I rush towards DAY 992!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Oh baby! We have completed 995 workouts in the last 990 days! Ten more to go to hit 1000. A simply delightful New England weather morning. The forecast called for some rain, we got snow! How cool is that? Snow on November 8Th. I took delight in burning some calories all 1292 in the hour. Between yesterday's 2566 calories and today's total of 1292, I have burned 3858 calories in the last 23 hours! Can I get an AMEN?

That is pretty powerful stuff! I feel awesome and I definitely have more in the tank right now to do more.

My mind is swimming with positive thoughts. I am what you can call ebullient! According to the dictionary it means zestfully enthusiastic. Yes, I am ebullient! I thank God for this disposition.
Day 991 is a mere hours away the snow wind and rain are here now.

I going to check out a new venue to continue the streak.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 989 -Last day in the 80's

Whoosh goes the time. As we speed towards the big 1000TH day. Yesterday ejected a little challenge as I took a spill and hit the floor. Yep, it certainly was not the way I scripted it but here I am by the grace of God getting ready to capture two today. Hey, the show must go on.

I shared a little time pondering some of my daily questions which I have put together. Each day I sent a group of people daily questions. Why, I realize all cannot be answered every day they are all questions to consider for all any day of the year.

My today is to do a deuce. Plain and simple get on there like last Sunday and burn some calories. The challenge is to beat a total of 2554 in 2 hours. It gives me the spirit of the day for this is the day the run the NYC marathon. So, I will do my own.

The gym opens at 7 am ---LET ME IN---

I busted in and beat last Sunday's total for calories burned in 2 hours- Can I get an AMEN?
I burned 2566 calories in 2 hours and did 1100 crunches. I love it and I feel awesome!

When finishing with a good strong kick, your body is asking why did you stop?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 988- Not many Saturdays left before we hit Cee Town

As the leaves fall and the clocks get turned back for daylight savings time, we study the landscape as we look at Cee Town. Cee Town is as we all know if, we have been following these posts, 1000 days. Spending a lot of time discussing 1000 days has sharpened my focus and increased my desire to go beyond 1000 days of consecutive workouts.

Doing what it is that has been done, too many people probably is not that much of a feat. Otherwise, more people would be doing it. As I sit here, I wonder who else is out there that has done what I have done. My effort is very simple everyday, for at least one continuous hour do a cardiovascular workout. In my case, I have done it for 987 straight days which includes 991 times I have completed that exercise. Why 991? Because, on 4 of the 987 days I did more than one 60 minute cardiovascular workout.

The journey has taught me so much that I have to share its teachings with all people, to allow them an opportunity to be involved in such an activity. The opportunity is there for all to do. I just wonder who is on board with it? The main focus of this blog is to find these people and allow them to share their story with the world. We have the technology to be a global village. And we are, but let us share the word of staying physically fit.

Whoever reads this, share it.

I am on the way to yet another, Saturday workout. Workout number 142, to be exact.

Day 988 ......

After a good 24 hour and 45 minute break in between workouts I beat yesterday's total of calories burned per hour- I burned 1290. I also did 1000 crunches. I would have done more because I did 700 of one kind of crunch but was only able to do 300 of the other kind due to neck ailment. No matter, I felt great and I am going to set my sights on doing a two a day tomorrow.

My plan is to get to the gym by 7am and be done by 930 am. I ought be fun and challenging.Especially, since in this part of the world we set the clocks back one hour tomorrow am at 2am.So in essence, I will be going in at 6am and getting done at 830am.

Wow what a challenge!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 987 - Yes, Virginia I did burn as much calories per hour as yesterday

As we search for that magic formula that makes a happy now, become a happy was. For the record nine more workouts of 60 minutes or more, will give me 1000 workouts within 1000 days. As think of the significance of one thousand days I suppose I have to consider 1000 of anything. reflecting on 1000 what is strange. Most people stop counting after a much lower number. However, in this case the counting has really been done for me. The reason why I say that is whoever wrote the calendar did the job of counting.

All I did was attach my name and did some math. Oh and of course, the workouts. So what does 1000 cover? Well, it covers 1000/30.5 days which equals a month which equals 32.78 months.

Today I burned 1280 calories and got 5 more minutes of rest. A dead even tie in calories burned and a loss in rest. So if you had money on me burning more it was a push. And you lost on me getting there earlier. So, pay up!

Day 988 harks and calls me closer........

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 986 With strength and sagacity I exceeded yesterday's number!

What the heck does sagacity mean? It means using good judgement. It is an ability to identify talents. Okay, so how did that help you exceed yesterday's total of 1276 calories in the hour? Easy, I needed to identify and locate my strengths today. My strength lied in my ability to go real fast when the incline was not quite that steep. So, I simply poured it on when the opportunity arose.
On a rainy day my workout gave me plenty of sunshine!

Burning 1280 calories today, became a clear goal once I understood how I was going to achieve it!

Now, we are getting ready for Day 987 ------

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 985- And it is great be alive!

There have been nine eighty fives dating back to the first eighty when the streak was approaching 100. I remember telling some people that I have almost reached 100 straight days. There response threw me back a little. Heck that is not much let me know when you do 1000.

Okay, so the phrase was let me know. As we march on with our efforts to hit the milestone I realize that the goal is not to hit the just the mile stone it is to blast past it.

Did Cal Ripken stop at 2130? No, he went all the way to 2632! He beat it by a 502 margin. My gosh that is another 20 %. Well 20% for me would be 1200. To get 3 years it would take 3 x 365 which equals 1095. There in lies the next challenge - 3 years 1096!

Once again we take it one day at a time! -----Day 986 ------

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 984 We are down to the number 15, as in days to go.....

Yes! As in days to go until we get to comma city. Or Ce Town. What ever you want to called it, 1000 days is what it is. Why Ce Town? Well, Ce Town has another name it is Quad City. Why Quad City? As in quadruple digits. We need something we love to do. I happen to love the workout. It is interesting how working out every day has got me so much in tune with my body. I know where I am at when I get up physically. I have faith that after a short while my body will be ready for the workout. I felt that when I did a 2 hour workout the other day my body was asking for some serious rest last night. By the time 930 pm rolled around I was done.The last thought I remembered was a passage from the bible that said "the sleep of the laborer is sweet."

Today, burning 1266 in an hour despite, getting 23 hours and 12 minutes of rest in between the conclusion of yesterday's workout, was an awesome challenge. Through the grace of God I persevered and got the workout done with a flourish at the end!

Like I said before, we are down to 15 days. Day 1 of 15 starts in a few hours!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 983 - Off the heels of a two a day and a day of rest from work...

I blasted a good strong 1,296 calorie burn in one hour with 18 hours and thirty minutes of rest in between yesterday's two hour workout. Can I get an Amen? It has now come down to 16 days.

Thanks to yesterday's two sixty minute workouts I am now at 987 workouts in the last 983 days. I know at this point getting a work out in on Thanksgiving will be a challenge. I need to explore some options to get it done.

I am always looking ways to find motivation. Finding that spark is the key to feeding the fire. The key to continuing on this line is to enjoy it. I look around in the gym and I see people talking to one another people with headphones on and people reading. It all appears at least to me that they wish to be distracted form what they are doing. That is fine, who am I to judge. I believe there in lies the challenge to all. Question why the desire to be distracted? Why except the challenge and attack. No one said getting in shape was going to easy. Also, no one said working out and challenging yourself is not fun. That is of course, you did.

I find it a challenge to understand why any competitive person would not enjoy the challenge.

Vince Lombardi once said in regards to meeting a challenge, every person deep down inside wants and loves a challenge.

Tomorrow we meet a new day and we go for 1300+ calories to be burned in an hour.
That challenge is Day 984!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 982- To celebrate the day off from work let's do two!

I have not done this in awhile so, I will do two 60 minute work outs today. What the heck, I got the day off. I mind as well do what I love. My goal is to burn 1300 the first hour and at least 1200 the second.

It is a nice crisp day so let us put the oars in the water and row!

This will give me a good chance to get loose.


The two Halloween workouts since this streak began:
  • Day 248-felt much better than yesterday- ate sauteed veggies spinach corn chips and kashi last nite- that's the most I have eaten all week. The ride: 1st 30 457- last 441 - did an 18 last min - did 3 min 30 second plank 1st one.
    weights for express were overhead 30, row 40, pulldown 40, bench 40, preacher 30, triceps 30.did 3 sets of 10 quick.
    I can already see a difference- I feel the reason is because I have so little body fat.
  • Day 617 880 calorie burn
Today, we play two!

Man! I gave it my all! Did 2 hours with out a break. Burned 2554 calories and did 100 crunches. Saw my bodyweight drop 5 pounds.I felt awesome.By burning 2554 in two hours I averaged a 1277 calories per hour burn. On the first hour I burned 1281. In second I burned 1273.

As I continued on with my 2 hour workout I had one thought that stood out in my mind.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. A marathon by its nature is an endurance race that tests and tries the body, eventually taking it beyond its breaking point- Can I get an AMEN?

Tomorrow is the test of all tests- I love it! At 5:00 am My test will be operating on 18 and a half hours of rest. Oh baby! I will do it- I am excited about the challenge.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 981 With the advent of the holiday season....

We go for a workout number 984 since February 23, 2008. Its the 140TH straight Saturday we will have done a workout. Heck, I wonder if people that have Saturday hobbies have such proclamations. You know?There are people that golf every weekend or fish. People that are avid in their love for doing something. When you engage in consistent activities such as working every day or working out every day, you develop a sense for days and a perspective of days that is unfathomable to the people who don't.

I hope my accountability for every day doesn't give the wrong impression to my message. In my mind, which kinda scary at times, I have this incredible back drop of sporting events. I can name the winner and opponent of every Super Bowl that has been played. Along with that I can draw details from these events. That can be said for the World Series dating back to 1948. It is this feeling and memory I have for time that has passed that allows my to recapture other events that occurred on the same day.

Think of it as odd if you will, but to me I find it exciting to just take a second and flip through the pages of history whenever I wish. For example, I know when I attended my sister's wedding because Patrick Ewing missed a finger roll layup that would have sent the Knicks into the NBA finals on May 21, 1995. Or my wife's Aunt and Uncle's anniversary party of 40 years on October 5,1986. Then attending the 50Th anniversary party 10 years later and telling them how his beloved Giants did on that date 10 years prior. Which resulted in 13-6 victory over the St Louis Cardinals.

Yes, sports has definitely been the back drop and this streak with its days now makes it easy to use it as a back ground for other occasions in people's lives as well as my own.

Now, we are on Day 34 of consecutive work and workout days. However, my w squared streak I believe will take a day off. I will only workout tomorrow. But at the conclusion of the day I should set a record for most days in a row of w squared- 34- Which reminds me of Greg Pruitt. Who is Greg Pruitt? He was a football that wore a t shirt with hello in the front of it and good bye on the back. Oh yeah, he was one fast dude.

Let us burn 1320+ in an hour!

How about 1305 which was more than yesterday's total of 1274. Although, I got 24 hours and 42 minutes of rest as compared to 22 hours and 54 minutes of rest the day before. So, we split again plus 31 on the calories and negative 2 hours and 12 minutes on the rest.

Now, we are going for Day 982 can I do two 60 minute workouts?
If that happens that means I will most likely be on short rest going after the next workout. How short? Maybe 20 hours!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 980 - With enthusiasm I proclaim a split!

Yes! I got on the machine 6 minutes earlier. No! I did not burn more calories than yesterday. I burn only 1274 today as compare to yesterday, where I burned 1304 in 60 minutes. After i purchased new sneakers and wearing for a day my feet took a good beating. All I got out of those shoes was a good challenge.

Well today, sans the new shoes and wearing the old ones I will conclude Day 33 of consecutive days of working and working out. W squared will continue for one more day after this.

DAY 981 awaits with it comes Saturday # 140!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 979 rested and was tested

The scoreboard reads 2 losses. However, the scoreboard does not reflect the workout. The slow start and then, the awesome finish to cut the margin of defeat down. I was beaten but not bloodied. In the first 5 minutes I barely burned 95 calories. Then, for the last 55 minutes I burned 1209 calories a total of 1304 calories burned in 60 minutes. I went from an average of burning 95 calories per five minutes to burning 110 calories per five minutes!

So, even though I got more rest ( 10 more minutes) and burned 16 less calories, I had a tremendous work out and feel great as a result of expending that energy.

So the nine hundred and seventies are over. Tomorrow will be day 980 of this incredible journey. A total of 982 sixty minutes or more of cardiovascular workouts have been done. The trail is now left behind me the path for a new way has been cut. The future looks bright. The challenge not so daunting. November 18Th is 20 days from tomorrow. Thanksgiving is seven days after that. Then Christmas is a month later.

The most beneficial result of accomplishing a goal is not in attaining the goal, but what you become as a result of its accomplishment. Agree or disagree?

Either way, Day 980 is quickly approaching....