Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 1439 I will feel better!

I do feel better. I was much stronger in my workout as I delivered a 2384 calorie burn with 22 chin ups,250 killers, 300 crunches, 350 q's,600 floors and 3 minutes of plank. I weighed in at 183.

I feel better and I am ready for the big push.

Day 1440 back and better than ever!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 1438 I am looking forward to my normal workout.

Chase it and caught it. Boy, being sick is a drag. I am sure two factors did not aid in my health one having  to kids in the house both sick. Two, living in a construction site for the last 81 days. Oh well being is a challenge. I work out as hard as I can and I feel hungry.

Today I burned 2318 in sixty and did 10 chins, 100 killers,120 crunches,130 q's, 3 minutes plank and 500 floors. That my friends was enough.

Day 1439 I will feel better!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 1437 here we are ready to battle.

From workout to job site. Up at 5 am to get all in order.

A good battle as we look to nurse a cold and then go to work. The best therapy is a workout. Check that, the best therapy is an an awesome workout!

I'll post later in the day.

The Sunday evening post.... Well, my efforts were not in vain. My first attempt was unsuccessful. My second was. They moved the first gym I went to at 645am. I found  the second open and I used it for today's workout.

I got to use a new Cybex machine and had a so so workout. I was extremely grateful for that. The numbers were low 950 in an hour with no weight to report.

Day 1438 I  am looking forward to my normal workout.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 1436 this is the 1460TH workout!

Wow, felt lousy all today. As I proceeded with the same workout.

Burned 2355 in sixty. Pushed- 20 chin ups, 200 killers, 350 crunches, 450 q's, 3 minutes of plank and 800 floors. A robust 186. I did today what most would not have done if they felt the same way.

No matter, tomorrow should be a bigger challenge. As we come off the mat to workout for one hour prior to going to
hour. See ya in the am.

Day 1437 here we are ready to battle.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 1435 we are still kicking and screaming!

This our 1459Th workout just about four years. Did 2,386 today in sixty and really got after the 4 types of crunches,  plank and chin ups.
33 chin ups
350 killers
450 crunches
640 q's
800 floors
5 minutes

A great day of working out!

Day 1436 this is the 1460TH workout!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 1434 that is a little over three weeks until we hit four years!

Do I scream and shout and let my feelings out? As I operated on 5 hours of sleep. We burned 2336 and did 25 chins,250 killers, 350 crunches, 450 q's,4 minutes on plank and 800 floors. 185.

Day 1435 we are still kicking and screaming!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 1433 lest us not forget we are 67 days from 1500 days

We blasted today as we surpassed 2400 calories in the hour. Burned 2415 in sixty then passed on the chin ab workout and weighed in at 185.

Day 1434 that is a little over three weeks until we hit four years!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 1432- we are getting closer to 1460! Although, 1455 are in the books!

The temperature has risen, now at 47 degrees at 818am- Nice!

Simple: burned 2346 in 60 and  did 430 chin ups,370 killers, 470 crunches, 620 q's, 800 floors and 4 minutes of plank. Weighed in at 184.

Funny felt a little stiff prior to workout then felt awseome after and during the workout. Whenever than happens I always think of Matisse. The old man who transformed himself  daily into a  famous painter.

Day 1433 lest us not forget we are 67 days from 1500 days

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 1431 we are inside of a month as we near the wonderful 4 year plateau!

We flew to the workout today.Did crunches and chin ups and of course the sixty minute cardio for 1455TH time in the last 1431 days.

Burned 2,340 calories and did 40 chin ups,360 killers,460 crunches, 600 q's, 800 floors, and 4 minutes of plank.

We move because we anticipate something happening.

Day 1432- we are getting closer to 1460! Although, 1455 are in the books!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 1430 a adventurous day!

As the warmth meter hits 15 degrees I am getting set for a big adventure. Here we are on championship Sunday in the NFL. I am excited because the team I root for has made it to this day.

A change plans allowed me to sleep in on this frigid day. So here we go to the gym to the TV and watch the course of events that will determine the participants in the upcoming Super Bowl.

I read recently that a very strong question to ask anybody, including your self is, what has to happen in order for you to feel successful?

Here we go, the car is warm .....

At around 945am I went for another 2 hour workout. I was pretty spent at the end as I burned 4370 calories. I did no chins or abs. I weighed in at 180.

Day 1431 we are inside of a month as we near the wonderful 4 year plateau!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 1429 I am beginning to start the big push.

Today, we began the big push in very snowy conditions.
As I slept until 830 am I awoke well rested and determined to get  the gym despite the snow. As kitchen cabinets were going through their first stage of installation I proceeded to the gym.

Steadfast, I did a fabulous workout, where I burned 4680 calories in two hours. I dried myself off and got ready for the next round. There I did 23 chin ups, 350 killers,460 crunches 560 q's, 4 minutes of plank and 800 floors. After slugging through the snow to get back home I weighed in at 181.

Now, it is 322 pm I need to shovel snow and prepare for tomorrow's workout. Tomorrow, I plan on getting up at 520 am and driving about an hour then working out and going to work.

Day 1430 a adventurous day!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 1428 Press on young man, press on

Give strength or energy to- Yes. Invigorate. Thank you. Awesome work out pushed hard and burned 2433 in the hour. Did 20 chin ups ,330 killers,440 crunches, 530 q's, 800 floors and 4 minutes of plank.Weighed in at 183.

A cold day that I was determined to get on with the workout.

Day 1429 I am beginning to start the big push.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 1427 here we go!

Into 14 degree weather. We need a great effort to burn 2322 calories in sixty. No chins or abs today weighed in at 183.This remodeling stuff is something to get used but, a temporary inconvenience is worth a permanent result.

Day 1428
Press on young man, press on!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 1426 we will always know some one is just starting and ending on this day.

Hitting the post at lunch time. The morning talk just was not  possible as the remodeling project left us temporarily with out a kitchen floor along with not cabinets and a cloud of dust. I made myself some oatmeal on the working stove.

We burned 2355 calories in sixty and hit the chins hard for 30, killers for 330, crunches for 440, q's 510, 800 on the floors and 4 minutes on plank felt awesome.

We search for 1427 as we return work after lunch. We a desire to pick up a filing cabinet and appreciate the cleanliness of the dwellings I sit in.

Day 1427 here we go!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1425 The four day off are completed, back to the early show.

We got snow on the ground! Here we go.....

Ah, the thinning of the ranks or should I say the resolutionaries. You know those ones who have included coming to the gym more often as a New Year's resolution.

I will say making any resolution is a great first step towards improvement. When you consider its benefits I say, bravo.

But, when the snow flies and that is enough reason to say not today, I say what? Or better still that is it. That lets you out. Come on surely your enthusiasm towards your resolution has deeper roots than that. The word resolution has some strong meaning to most. After all is it not the derivative of the word to resolve. Here is Webster's take on it. To come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something): I have resolved that I shall live to the full.

Oh boy I guess that explains why the gym was so empty.
It is curious how the people who have been coming day in and day out were there while the newbies were not there today. HMM.

Did 2395 in the hour as we worked hard with 40 chin ups, 360 killers 440 crunches and 510 q's with 800 floors and 3 1/2 minutes of plank.Weight 184.

Day 1426 we will always know some one is just starting and ending on this day.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1424 as we drive towards Day 1460! Less than a lent( 45 days) to go.

Here I come off an early day off wake up call! Remember Stu Mittleman!


Come on........Gym time!
 As we successfully burn 2443 calories in the hour and do;
40 chin ups, 400 killers, 510 crunches, 600 q's, 800 floors and 4 minutes of plank.

I did learn one very helpful bit of information today. Every arc trainer in the gym has a maximum weight of 400 pounds. Where when the manual mode of a work out the highest setting for weight is 400. Along with a 400 weight setting and a 100 resistance that is the toughest you can make a workout. I estimate by doing an hour workout that is about as tough as I can set my workout.

I guess I can give it a shot with weighted vest. The go nuts and challenge myself to two hour without the weighted vest. If that is not enough fun then, maybe 2 hours with the weighted vest.

Day 1425 The four day off are completed, back to the early show.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 1423 We head for another round to beat 2500 in an hour.

The life of the loafer continues.... Here we go gym! Beat 2500+!

What a deal get up at 820 am and workout at 930 am then burn 2493 calories in the hour. Blasting out 30 chin ups, 370 killers,470 crunches,520 q's, 900 floors and 4 minutes of plank. Exer licious! New word. Body feels awesome or better word phenomenal. Mind is relaxed.

Ready to see with expectation the Giants challenge the Packers. No metaphors here real Giants and real Packers.
If you consider anything unreal about anything of what I have said, try this go outside in 20 degree temperature and play football against professional american football players. After that tell if Giants and Packers are just metaphors or real.

Day 1424 as we drive towards Day 1460! Less than a lent( 45 days) to go.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 1422 Let us do it again!

By golly, lets! I slept until 7 am. I feel refreshed and am psyched for the workout and the day.With in the hour I will burn more today than yesterday. I will work out harder on the exercises than yesterday.

I will enjoy another day off. There is my pledge,greed or whatever you wish to call it. 

We did it again a great workout as we burn 2463 in an hour. I love it. Did 26 chin up, 360 killers, 440 crunches, 510 q's, 800 floors and 4 minutes plank. Weighed in at 182.

I am so energized and have a better sense of vitality than I have in a while.

Day 1423 we head for another round to beat 2500 in an hour.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 1421 - No Columbus sailed the ocean blue on 1492. I will do 2 hours with more resistance. As it is a day off!

As it is a day off I gave myself a gift of sleep from 10 pm to 715 am on this cold damp morning. Nine hours of rest has me rearing to go to the gym and enjoy an awesome workout.

I made a slight adjustment to the machine and viola, a better more intense sixty minute workout where I burn 2495 calories in the hour. That is right, 2495 in an hour! I felt, feel and am in an awesome mindset, right now.

I didn't feel wiped out once I finished. I felt energized and ready for the next round. Where I did 25 chin ups,360 killers.440 crunches,560 q's, 4 minutes of plank and 800 floor crunches. A total of 2160 crunches after 25 assisted chin ups and burning 2495 calories in an hour doing awesome cardiovascular exercise.Weighed in at 183.

Day 1422 let us do it again!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

We are inspired and heading towards Day 1420!

As was the  forecast, we have rain. Whenever rain comes I am reminded of my options.
Stay in ,go out and get wet or go out and with an umbrella.Either way, it is still going to rain. It is up to me on how I handle it.

I did 1280 in 60.With 22 chin ups,260 killers, 430 crunches, 4 minutes of , 800 floor crunches and ended with 500 q's. I mixed it up and felt awesome. I felt phenomal today as I am psyched to try a slight adjustment to my work on the arc trainer by Cybex. I weighed in at 185.

The rain actually got me motivated to workout harder.

Day 1421 - No Columbus sailed the ocean blue on 1492.
I will do 2 hours with more resistance. As it is a day off!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 1419 we continue our climb! Lest us not forget 22(?) days of doubles brings us to 1441 workouts!

An awesome workout! Where I burned 1300+ calories in an hour. Thirteen hundred and nine to be exact. Weighed in again at 185 and passed for the second time in the last three days days on the chin and abdominal workout.

We are inspired and heading towards Day 1420!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 1418 Their have been many great things built in that span of time!

We must never miss weigh our accomplishments.
And so, we roll on . We did 1285 calories today with 21 chin ups, 210 killers,330 crunches,430 q's and 800 floors with 3 minutes of plank.We weighed in at 185.

Day 1419 we continue our climb! Lest us not forget 22(?) days of doubles brings us to 1441  workouts!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 1417 we are in the hunt for 1460!

Decided to workout in sweat pants and shorts plus 4 layers of clothing. I just felt I needed to sweat a lot.Yesterday, was a rare day where I went the entire day with out being drenched in sweat.

Perhaps my walk with the weighted vest on in 37 degree weather from 540 am to 640 am was not as invigorating as I used to.

I guess my daily toil left me with money and no time to watch my beloved Giants' triumph.I still feel a glow to know the G--men are moving on!

Today, I burned 1296 calories in an hour and weighed in at 185. I decided to pass on the chin ups and abdominal exercises. I felt awesome after the workout.I was rejuvenated and refreshed!

Now, head for some January like weather as the weekend forecast right now is snow.

Day 1418 their have been many great things built in that span of time!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 1416 I will walk before I go in for the Sunday toil.

Well, I did that in 37 degrees at 540 am while wearing the 16 pound weighted vest. It felt good to be moving but, it is not the same as the arc trainer burning 1300 calories per hour or yesterday 2 hour blast. Next Sunday is a day off but after we will make modifications.

Day 1417 we are in the hunt for 1460!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 1415 I plan on being up around 530 am!

Well here I am on a day off. My plan is to do two at 7 am and then finish strong. Oh yes I wrote this yesterday. What an interesting question.

What we really do is the answer to the questions we consciously or subconsciously ask ourselves all day long. Do not believe me? At the end of the day ask yourself what questions did I answer today?

Many! How will my knee hold up under the rigors of the day? Well as of this morning I feel great. Game on!

Two hours burned 2536. Did a few others chin ups and abdominal exercises.
Weighed in 181 ---

Day 1416 I will walk before I go in for the Sunday toil.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 1414- Oh boy, is this great?(Flounder,Animal House circa 1978)

That child like enthusiasm. Where does it come from? How do you go about evaluating something? How many questions does your mind really answer in a minute?Hour? Day?

I once told someone that your actions are nothing more than a series of questions that you have asked your self and are in the process of answering. The person did not seem to fully understand what I was saying.

I thought I had crunched my knee bad and I would not be able play today. But.. praise the Lord I was able to play harder today than yesterday!

I did 1260 in sixty and 25 chin up 200 killers, 330 crunches, 430 q's and 800 floors and 4 minutes of plank and weighed in a t 184.

New schedule includes Saturday's off.Early Sunday on.

Day 1415 I plan on being up around 530 am!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 1413- We just love, the challenge.

I guess we do as my flip flopping stomach gave me one  good challenge. I burned a poultry 1255 calories in sixty minutes.
Despite feeling a little than spectacular I completed Day 1413. I weighed in at 183.

Now it with great enthusiasm we head towards the next challenge .

Day 1414- Oh boy, is this great?(Flounder,Animal House circa 1978)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 1412---- So, now we head back to the early schedule and line up the attack!

As was my goal I got up before the marimba music started playing. I was at the door of the gym at 420 am. I was in front of the building at 415 am. I finished my hour of intense cardio where I burned 1333 calories in an hour. I dried off and did 30 chin ups, 250 killers, 350 crunches, 430 q crunches and 4 minutes of plank with 800 floor crunches.
As I weighed in at 184 I felt truly refreshed and awesome.

Folks, come get some!

Right now, the temp is 12 degrees.

-- The weather is suppose to hit the freezing mark.

Day 1413- we just love, the challenge.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1411 Last day of "vacation"

Oh yeah, been chillaxing. Today an hour workout just seemed right. I burned 1329 in the hour and did 21 chin ups with 330 killers,430 crunches and 530 q crunches,On the floor I did 800 crunches with a four minute plank. Weighed in at 183.

Day 1412----

So, now we head back to the early schedule and line up the attack!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1410 One hundred and twenty four minutes

Equals a twenty hundred and sixty calorie burn coupled 15 chin ups, 300 killer crunches,430 crunches, 500 quantum crunches,800 floor crunches and 4 minutes of plank adds up to a weigh in of ---179.

Picture this, its a warm almost hot summer day and you are at the beach. You decide to spread out a blanket and rest on the warm sand of the beach. A you lay down the sun is strong and you feel its warmth. The ocean is sending in a nice cooling breeze. While you are lying on the blanket the top of your head feels warm. You feel the shine shining on you face and the cool breeze is refreshing.

You are starting to relax as you feel your stomach and legs feel warm then cooled. As this ebb and flow of warm and coolness continues you begin to relax. As you relax you dose off into a very mellow state. Your body feels released of all tension.

As this state of mind continues you are totally relaxed.

Then in about 7 minutes you come out of this rest. Question:
What are you more inclined to do?
Try to go to sleep?
Go and take on the world?
Do nothing and find a place to eat?

Day 1411 we will go for fours days in a row of doing two hours a day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1409 January 1, 2012. Alright, keep the ball rolling.

Roll we are as with a day off we head to gym to do a nice two hour and three minute workout. Prospero uno nuevo felicidad!

Ah, a day of football and relaxation.

Two hours and three minutes with a 2649 calorie burn weighing in at 182.I love it! As we DO roll on.

Day 1410 a day off and another two hours.