Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 1347 You would have trouble telling me it was not a cold December day

Had another nice rest almost 6 hours. Adding 9 1/2 hours from yesterday coupled with a day off ( the first in 55) I feel refreshed. I also feel blessed as power outages a bound through out the state. Feeling blessed and refreshed we embark on the day while we peruse these numbers.

In sixty minutes I burned 1352 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
50 assisted chin ups
500 killer crunches
1100 crunches
900 floor crunches
5 minutes of plank

I felt strong as I blasted through the hour half workout( hour cardio and half chin and abs)

Day 1348 should be warmer and we will attack our next workout.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 1346 Well, we did not just get snow; we got : A freakin SNOWSTORM

A state of emergency, a disaster, down trees and over a half billion power outages.As I was retreating from work yesterday and was driving home in the fake snow storm I saw a huge chunk of a tree come crashing down. Then had to turn and go back as there was a downed tree blocking the road.

Now, the sun is shining and we will never forget our visit from frosty the snowman at such an odd time of the year. The trees are green and the leaves are turning as we are 52 days from winter. We are 20- days removed from an 80 degree day.

Forget it! I am going to the gym.

In sixty minutes I burned 1411 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) blew it up, son!
40 assisted chin ups
520 killer crunches
1000 crunches
1000 floor crunches
8 minutes of plank

What a rush! Fourteen hundred and eleven calories burned in sixty. I have not done that in awhile. Now we get a day off work the streak stops at 55 days! As the storm kills the power at the restaurant.

Day 1347 were ready!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 1345 I feel like a player in the locker room getting ready to play a big game

Folks that one emotion is priceless. Everyday I get to compete.Everyday I bring it. Anyone that has had this feeling on a daily basis knows the rush I am talking about.I love the sense that this could be the day that I break personal records and no matter what happens I spent and hour feeling awesome.

Yep, that is priceless. I urge anyone to step into this realm of thought and enjoy the the moment.

Now I count the minutes as I finish my final preparations for another Saturday.( on day 1345,the 192nd)...

In sixty minutes I burned 1354 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
50 assisted chin ups
500 killer crunches
1110 crunches
900 floor crunches
7 minutes of plank

Was flying and felt awesome.

Now, we see if there really will be any snow. Go figure on October 9Th some 20 days ago we were wondering if we were still in the summer months as the temp hit 80 degrees. Now, as the temperature is expected to cool down to below freezing and we are bracing for a nor' easter snow fall( I dare not say snow storm). What?

Day 1346 lets get it on!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 1344 A cold start but a warm finish

In sixty minutes I burned 1341 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
50 assisted chin ups did more
550 killer crunches did less
1130 crunches did more
900 floor crunches did more
4 minutes of plank same

The chilly air left its mark I waited for the frost to melt before driving to the gym. The call on Saturday is for snow. Are you serious? We head towards Halloween and a look back at the Halloween's starting with 2008.

Friday October 31st 2008 Day 252 burned 898 in an hour on life cycle

Saturday October 31st 2009 Day 617 burned 880 in an hour on life cycle

Sunday October 31st 2010 Day 982 2554 174! 100 crunches 820am - two a day workout for 2 hours straight( no work so I did two)

Monday October 31st but first we play Saturday and Sunday.

Day 1345 is next!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 1343 Who is still here?

This whole working out every day thing started in the winter of 2008. Here we are in the middle of the fall of 2011. Who would have ever had the thought? When I think about how the seasons have rolled by.
Winter 2007-2008
Spring 2008
Summer 2008
Fall 2008
Winter 2008-2009
Spring 2009
Summer 2009
Fall 2009
Winter 2009-2010
Spring 2010
Summer 2010
Fall 2010
Winter 2010-2011
Spring 2011
Summer 2011
Fall 2011

Like some sort of statue, I have been there everyday of almost all seasons.The only time I missed was the first half of the Winter of 2007-2008.Fifteen seasons!

Today I get a break I have now worked 53 straight days. I leave early to catch the oil man and see about the vent alarm.What a sluggard!

In sixty minutes I burned 1324 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
50 assisted chin ups did more
500 killer crunches did less
1110 crunches did more
800 floor crunches did more
6 minutes of plank same

Day 1344 in the 15TH season- Awesome

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 1342 Are you following this?

I am still here. I have not gone anywhere. I do not plan on going any where. I have set a course to hit fours years of working out everyday. So far I am ahead of schedule. I have worked out 1356 times in the last 1342 days.

The mind is the key. I see people that are new to the program come in and I can easily see where they have been. I have no intention of prejudging but, I look and I see the questions written all over their face. How long do I do this? Why am I doing this? What can I do to avoid not doing this?

My answer in my mind is simple.Forever and learn to love it. I do not of myself as odd when you consider most want to feel good. When you commit to a workout program that is right for you will get that result.

In sixty minutes I burned 1336 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
45 assisted chin ups did more
600 killer crunches did less
1100 crunches did more
900 floor crunches did more
7 minutes of plank same

Day 1343 we are indeed determined!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 1341 WHOOSH the day goes by

A great analogy of how I felt prior to my workout. Picture this, you wake up and you are in a boxing ring and you are standing there with boxing gloves on and another person is coming at you wearing boxing gloves.That is how I felt when I left the house this morning.

When faced with that reality what can you do?

Awesome workout cardio was a little testy but felt better as I loosened up.

Day 1342 lets go!

In sixty minutes I burned 1304 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
41 assisted chin ups did more
520 killer crunches did less
1250 crunches did more
800 floor crunches did more
6 minutes of plank same

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 1340 A late post

In sixty minutes I burned 1345 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
41 assisted chin ups did more
520 killer crunches did less
1160 crunches did more
800 floor crunches did more
6 minutes of plank same

The daily toil allowed me to rack up about two miles of walking. As the work piled up.

As day fifty concluded I headed home after a stop for some produce. I love the energy but after only 3 and half hours of sleep tonight I hope to plat catch up.

Day 1341 as we march towards 1350!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 1339 Day 49, give me a break

Well here we are and here we go as we head towards the 1353RD workout in the last 1339 days. The sleep has allowed me to feel refreshed. Last night, I had the engine in high gear until 930 before shutting it down.

The body will do what it is used to do. Most people instinctively take the path of least resistance. It makes sense, when there is a push against normal most give it there best effort to return to normal.The desire to return to their comfort zone takes top priority.

It is only until their attitude changes and they establish a different level of normal do they begin to move to a more challenging level of determination.

Now, I move on to the next work out I am psyched to give it another go!

In sixty minutes I burned 1373 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
0 assisted chin ups did more
0 killer crunches did less
0 crunches did more
00 floor crunches did more
o minutes of plank same

Daz it! I broke through with a 1373 in sixty knowing full well I had no time for another exercises. I'll be back at it on Monday am. Give me 18 hours and I will be dressed, fed and ready to play.

DAY 1340!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 1338 Those days and nights, they went flying by!

The world was new and so were you. As I consider the status of my being on this rather cool Saturday morning my thoughts seem to drift in and out of this past evening's dreams. I am psyched to attack another workout. You know folks it is never too late to start again.

Our feelings may be strong in one area but, they can change. The bible says it best the concept of a closed mind or a hardened heart clearly lies at the root of all change. We think of change in this sense as only good. We start the day fresh free from any anxiety. A great question to ponder, what in your life causes you the most anxiety? What things have you done to relieve that feeling?

Time, 551 am wash and go----

In sixty minutes I burned 1347 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
41 assisted chin ups did more
510 killer crunches did less
990 crunches did more
900 floor crunches did more
5 minutes of plank same

It is a delightful humid less day.The sheer joy of waking and doing a workout is so awesome that I wish you were there. Just knowing that feeling almost is enough but, it is not. The challenge is to have that feeling.Its a feeling that makes you like you are floating. To a point of virtual weightlessness.

Here is a thought a day off from the daily toil. As I am on my 48TH day of not taking a day off from work. Everyday I set the record. I suppose when I hit fifty on Monday I will seriously look into a day off.

Day 1339 is at hand, less than 60 for Christmas.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 1337 A banner day just look at the results

In sixty minutes I burned 1334 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
40 assisted chin ups did more
350 killer crunches did less
1160 crunches did more
900 floor crunches did more
7 minutes of plank same

Net it out! Four did more, one did less and one was the same. WOW! Felt great. It is a crisp 55 degrees. I feel energy.

Day 1338 will be the 191ST Saturday.Awesome.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 1336 We want to beat the day before!

In sixty minutes I burned 1313 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) Did less
30 assisted chin ups did less
510 killer crunches did more
1150 crunches did more
800 floor crunches same
7 minutes of plank did more

Net it out; did more three times did less two times and did the same once.

All people that are very proficient at one thing or another know this:
If I miss a day I notice it in my performance.
If I miss three days my critics notice it.
If I miss a week my audience notices it in my performance.

This tidbit of information has been on my mind since I began the this streak.

The time is right are you right with the time?

Day 1337 we are gaining on 1340!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 1335 Here we go!

Up early, this was yesterday I am going right now to beat this!

In sixty minutes I burned 1304 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)( beat it 1343)
55 assisted chin ups( did 51)
500 killer crunches( beat 510)
1030 crunches (did 1010)
800 floor crunches (same)
6 minutes of plank (same)

It was an awesome work out. I burned more calories on a machine that has more resistance than the previous day's machine did. The killer crunches felt good and to think not too long a go I had trouble doing a 100.

We focus in on day 1336 which will be the 1350TH workout in the last 1336 days.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 1334 A funky cardio but strong abs

My legs woke up at the end of the run. It showed in my assisted chin and ab workout

In sixty minutes I burned 1304 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
55 assisted chin ups
500 killer crunches
1030 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank

Twenty three hundred and thirty crunches-WOW!!
I felt better and better as I continued my workout. Only difference from my routine was I stretched a little prior to my ab workout.

I can only be so fortunate that I pick up where I left off on today.

Day 1335 we our truly blessed!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 1333 A precipitous drop!

I guess I needed more rest. Which is relatively strange because i felt so strong yesterday. Perhaps I ate more than I should. With this recent stomach thing I hadn't had much to eat in a few days until, last night.

Considering last night was only a few hours ago I should have definitely ate less. The game gets played-

In sixty minutes I burned 1291 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
30 assisted chin ups
250 killer crunches
900 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
5 minutes of plank

A little lack luster but I have to say I felt awesome during the work out and after.

Day 1334 where I know I will do more!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 1332 After a blitz of feeling lousy

I am back in the saddle. For some crazy reason I started feeling nauseous yesterday at around 1 pm. ( Great, right around where I can actually start making some money while working) I had to leave as I felt I was going to get sick. I arrived home at 3 pm and slept until ten pm. I woke feeling much better. As I went to bed a couple hours later I awoke at 710 am and here I am ready to give it a go.

What a strange sequence of events I feel like I never went to work.

Now, I am off to the gym.

In sixty minutes I burned 1348 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
42 assisted chin ups
350 killer crunches
800 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank

Back to feeling awesome. I hope I rest the feelings meter to Friday am. I must have been hit by the classic 24 hour bug.

Oh well, so be it, I got rest and I am eating light.As of now I am packed with energy!!

Day 1333 as we ride into week 190!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 1331 We head toward our 190TH straight Saturday

I have seen them come and I have seen them go. The people at the front desk the people that come into the gym. My part in the general of traffic at the times I usually arrive at the gym are small but, consistent.

Consistency breeds a few things. Familiarity like all actions you must become accustomed to the act otherwise you will have less desire to perform it. Confidence, when you continue to do something over and over you confidence in your ability to perform that act grows. Mind control, your mind and your overall being are very closely linked. The constant action repeated every day or hour alerts the mind to the pending action.

I am off to the gym to repeat the action.

In sixty minutes I burned 1356 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
41 assisted chin ups
350 killer crunches
930 crunches
900 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank

Now we embark on another day of toil. It has been 41 days since I have not reported to work. Yep, it was day 1290. You know when you are entrenched when you can hardly remember when you did something different.

In the movie Shaw Shank redemption the word institutionalized comes up. It has to do with doing and acting the same way over and over again until it is very hard to break the routine. In fact, breaking the routine is so painful that it can cause some desperate actions.

I guess I am halfway in, not all the way in. I love the workout but on I am not totally sold on the work. My emotions for workout are different than that of working.

This a classic example of loving what you, then you will love what you.

I suppose I could learn to love what I do. I am not going to close my mind to that effort.

Day 1332 as we set sail for day 1400. Remember, it is two days before Christmas. That means Christmas is seventy days away.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 1330 With a tremendous amount of energy

In sixty minutes I burned 1369 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
50 assisted chin ups
300 killer crunches
930 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank

I felt so awesome. It was like some one lift bricks off my back. I sailed through my workout and was in a self challenging mood!

Day 1331 less than seventy to go.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 1329 There is no such thing as a bad workout

Especially when, you sweat a lot and feel great after the workout.We make our own way. Today, I felt stiff but loosened up as I kept striding. By the end I was pushing a higher average than I did in the first 55 minutes. The key is to relish every little victory. Because one drop may seem little but, 10,000 drops equals a puddle and 10,000 puddles equals a pond and 10,000 ponds equals a lake and 10,000 lakes equals and ocean.

In sixty minutes I burned 1353 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
40 assisted chin ups
130 killer crunches
82000 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank

Day 1330 what a mouthful.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 1328 Eighty until the end of 2011

With Christmas seventy four days away I am cruising in on my thirty eight days of going to work.Well, when you have two jobs to go to it is easy to go to at least one a day. Yep it was day 1291 when I started this streak. I think it is a record.Yep, the record was from 7/4/10 to 8/8/10 now , 9/5/11 to 10/12/11 is longer. The first was 35 days. the current is 38 days.

In sixty minutes I burned 1353 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
40 assisted chin ups
130 killer crunches
82000 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank

Now we hit 1329 ---

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1327 Feelin better

We charged and we felt better.

In sixty minutes I burned 1348 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
30 assisted chin ups
50 killer crunches
700 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

There is nothing like a good workout.

Day 1328 are we down to 72 days? Whoa!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 1326 As was the case 10 /11/08

The weather was incredible for this time of year. We are actually having summer like days.It is kind of hard to believe that Christmas is now seventy six days away. As I recall from Day 233 was a sensational day. If my memory serves me right the winter of 2008 -2009 was relatively mild. As I awoke this morning with a particular bit of discomfort I just went right along to the gym.

In sixty minutes I burned 1328 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
40 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
600 crunches
600 floor crunches with weights
2 minutes of plank

My sleep was limited to 3 and a half hours. So be it we workout and we go to work there after. This is the 35TH consecutive day of doing just that.

Day 1327 swings into action let's go!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 1325 No vest; no fan

As the weather has hit just about record breaking temperatures ( 80+ degrees) we feel the desire to beat yesterday's numbers....

And we did -

In sixty minutes I burned 1358 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
33 assisted chin ups
350 killer crunches
820 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

I felt awesome and was delighted by the workout!

Day 1326 the early casting call, lets go!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 1324 After a good sleep

My gosh from 930pm until 525am. Count them about 8 hours of sleep. Can I get an amen? As the numbers compile. My last day off from work was September 4Th. Which was 33 days ago.This will be the 189TH Saturday in a row.We just kicked off the 44TH month on this tour on duty.February 23RD 2008- to October 8TH 2011.A total of 1338 workouts in the 1324 days.

Today, after the longer rest we vest.

We extended our use of the weighted 17 pound vest.

In sixty minutes I burned 1339 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
30 assisted chin ups
( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
30 killer crunches( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
800 crunches
000 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

Awesome I love using the vest!

Day 1325 we are on nour way!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 1323 Despite short rest the vest returns

This time I wore it on the outside. Wearing it on the outside gave me the option to split the time in half..However, no split time today as I went right through and--

In sixty minutes I burned 1339 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
45 assisted chin ups
400 killer crunches
800 crunches
000 floor crunches with weights
0 minutes of plank


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 1322 No vest again!

I feel awesome. I am not totally convinced that wearing the vest every day is the way to go. It is fun wearing it it certainly presents a challenge. I am going to wear it on the outside and see if it makes a difference.

Now with day 1322 behind us.

In sixty minutes I burned 1339 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
40 assisted chin ups
400 killer crunches
1100 crunches
900 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

I am sure we are ready for 1323 as the yanks look to get to their 14TH alcs in club history.Their record is 11-3 in the Alcs .

Go Yanks and go vest!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 1321 Sans the vest

It all came down to the ying and the yang as I got almost 4 hours of sleep. I decided to go to bed at 1215 am and woke up at 412 am. I also realized doing the vest workout today would be very difficult so I passed on vest and continued on.

In sixty minutes I burned 1358 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
30 assisted chin ups
250 killer crunches
650 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

We look to catch up on some rest as we get ready for day 1322!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 1320 Finished with a flourish on Day Six

Its all a matter of want to. Who else would be nuts enough to do their daily workout of doing a sixty minute cardiovascular workout, while wearing a weighted vest that weighs about one tenth of their body weight.I see one person with their hand up.

In sixty minutes I burned 1358 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
40 assisted chin ups
230 killer crunches
950 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

We are on a mission. Scoping out our next ten days and crossing it while wearing the weighted vest.Day one of the mission starts in less than 24 hours!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 1319 We looked for it and we found it!

Day five, sir. Started on Day 1315.
In sixty minutes I burned 1334 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
35 assisted chin ups
330 killer crunches
990 crunches
500 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

Is this going to be an ongoing feature? Donning the vest and blasting out the sixty minute cardio? It is fun and it certainly livens up the challenge.

Tomorrow we go for day # 6!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 1318 Day four with the weighted vest 17 pounds

Everyone should be required to wear one. At least for one hour a day.I choose to wear mine during my cardio workout how awesome is that? We are playing a fun game.

We passed on the chin and abs and stuck with the cardio and burned 1386 calories in sixty minutes.

Day 1319 early wake up call as we don the vest looking for day five!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 1317 We give it another shot!

I wear a vest when I do my daily toil so its just as well that I have one on while I do my daily cardiovascular workout.Today, is the 188 TH Saturday in which we have headed to the workout.It all began on a cold Saturday on February 23RD 2008. Some thirteen hundred and seventeen days ago. Heck, the Yankees had not even won their 27TH championship back then. Obama was not the president.

Yet here we go, ready to taken on the 1331ST workout.

There is something awesome about working out with a weighted vest. Today I beat yesterday's total for calories burned in one hour while doing sixty minutes on the arc trainer while wearing the wtwv17 pounds!

In sixty minutes I burned 1352 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
40 assisted chin ups
300 killer crunches
900 crunches
500 floor crunches with weights
5 minutes of plank

Yep, it just feels delicious.

We march towards 1318 withe gleam knowing when we hit November 1 it will be 1350!