Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 1015- Do you consider yourself a competitive person?

In a word, yes! However, I think there are two types of people those that compete and those that compare.The ones that compare just want to feel they are better than everyone else. Primarily, that is their goal. Now, the competitors are the ones who want to get better every time they do something. They really do not care about the others, their main drive is to be better than they were the last time out.

I am a competitor, I strive to be better every time out. I started this blog for one big reason. To tell people how awesome it is to workout every day. The other reason was to start a health revolution! Promoting good health is the essence of the blog. My view is simple, exercise daily and eat right then you have a great chance at being healthy.

This blog is a journey and the purpose of the journey is promote good health.I have often heard that you have to involve yourself in a cause that is bigger than yourself to reach your full potential.

To I wrapped on the gym door before it opened that is a win. I was up and ready @ 330 am today. That is another win. I burned 1257 calories in an hour, that is another win. These are all wins because I beat yesterday's times and totals.As I just mentioned I want to get better every day.

Yes folks come join me as we explore our own abilities. Day 1016 is calling. I well be there shortly.

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