Sunday, January 31, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday January 31, 2016 Day 717 have now done 3030 1/2 workouts in the last 2891 days.

The record stands as of Sunday January 31, 2016 Day 717  have now done 

3030 1/2  workouts in the last  2891 days. 

Saturday slept 11:00 pm  to 6:45 am. Felt awesome.  
Got on the machine at 10:30 am burned 2164 calories in the hour.
Bummer I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 744  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1959

How good are you at determining what your number one project is for today. Why do you feel it  is important to determine what your number one project is for the day?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday January 30, 2016 Day 716 have now done 3029 1/2 workouts in the last 2890 days.

The record stands as of Saturday January 30, 2016 Day 716  have now done 

3029 1/2  workouts in the last  2890 days. 

Friday   slept 11:59 pm  to 2:45 am. Felt awesome. Worked 8 1/4 hours 
Got on the machine at 1:15 pm burned 2099 calories in the hour.
Bummer I was trying to reach 2100. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 720  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1958

Is there anyone in your life that you sincerely wish were with you right now? Why?

The record stands as of Friday January 29, 2016 Day 715 have now done

The record stands as of Friday January 29, 2016 Day 715  have now done 

3028 1/2  workouts in the last  2889 days. 

Thursday   slept 8:15 pm  to 3:05 am. Felt awesome. Worked 8 1/2 hours 
Got on the machine at 1:56 pm burned 2249 calories in the hour.
Bummer I was trying to reach 2300. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 760  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1958

On scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest rate this statement. My lifestyle is awesome because I always either excited to do something or currently doing something exciting.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday January 28, 2016 Day 714 have now done 3027 1/2 workouts in the last 2888 days.

The record stands as of Thursday January 28, 2016 Day 714  have now done 

3027 1/2  workouts in the last  2888 days. 

Wednesday  slept 9:45 pm  to 3:05 am. Felt awesome. Worked 7 1/2 hours 
Got on the machine at 1:20 pm burned 2153 calories in the hour.
Bummer I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 733  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1957

The time you prepare for the next day is the time spent on the day before because? 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday January 27, 2016 Day 713 have now done 3026 1/2 workouts in the last 2887 days.

The record stands as of Wednesday January 27, 2016 Day 713 have now done 

3026 1/2  workouts in the last  2887 days. 

Tuesday  slept 8:45 pm  to 7:45 am. Felt awesome. 
Got on the machine at 9:30 am burned 2238 calories in the hour! burned 2238 calories in the hour!  That's right me Bucko!
Bummer I was trying to reach 2250. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 798  calories in the last 20 minutes?
Plus+++ Burning 1158 calories in the last 30 minutes.
Once I get my rest, I am like a freight train gather speed going down a hill!
Eleven hours of rest and I almost burned 800 calories in 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1956

What are the five things you would like to stop doing, that you do do at least every 24 hours?  Why ?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday January 26, 2016 Day 712 have now done 3025 1/2 workouts in the last 2886 days.

The record stands as of Tuesday January 26, 2016 Day 712  have now done 

3025 1/2  workouts in the last  2886 days. 

Monday  slept 8:45 pm  to 3:09  am. Felt awesome. Worked 7 hours
Got on the machine at 1:15 pm burned 2153  calories in the hour! 
Bummer I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 735  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1955

Rate this statement on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
Life will give you only one thing with the utmost certainty that is what you are willing to accept.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The record stands as of Monday January 25, 2016 Day 711 have now done 3024 1/2 workouts in the last 2885 days.

The record stands as of Monday January 25, 2016 Day 711  have now done 

3024 1/2  workouts in the last  2885 days. 

Sunday  slept 9:10 pm  to 3:30   am. Felt awesome. Worked 9 hours
Got on the machine at 3:15 pm burned 2125 calories in the hour! 
Bummer I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 698  calories in the first 20 minutes?
Burning 715 calories from 20 minutes to 40 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1954

You are only a thousand hours of practice doing what? To be great at what?

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday January 24, 2016 Day 710 have now done 3023 1/2 workouts in the last 2884 days.

The record stands as of Sunday January 24, 2016 Day 710 have now done 

3023 1/2  workouts in the last  2884 days. 

Saturday  slept 9:30 pm  to 7  am. Felt awesome
Went to church. Did reading at the church Nehemiah Chapter 8 2-4,5-6 8-10
Very uplifting, Got on the machine at 11:45 am burned 2257 calories in the hour! 
Bummer I was trying to reach 2300. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 730 calories in the first 20 minutes?
Burning 1495 calories in the first 40 minutes?
Burning 763 calories in the last twenty minutes?
I guess burning 765 in between the first 20 and forty minutes. What averaging 751 calories burned per 20 minutes. Since I fell short of burning 2300 calories in the hour that means I need to average 767 calories burned every twenty minutes. A pace of 
38.35 calories burned per minute for 60 minutes! My goal should be to burn 39 calories every minute if, I want to burn 2300+ calories an hour.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1953

There are 24 hours in a day. One hundred and sixty eight in a week. Most of us work 40 hours a week or a little less than a quarter of the week. Here is the question: Based on whatever it is that you spend a 1/4 of your week doing are you the best at it? What can you do to become the best at what you do a quarter of your week doing? If you were the best, the very best at what it is that you do for a good portion of your waking hours how would that change your life? Would it be worth the effort? Why?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday January 23, 2016 Day 709 have now done 3022 1/2 workouts in the last 2883 days.

Thank you storm Jonas for closing the gym today @ 12. As result of that fact I was unable to go to the gym and my workout.

The record stands as of Saturday January 23, 2016 Day 709 have now done 

3022 1/2  workouts in the last  2883 days. 

Friday  slept midnight to 3:10 am. Felt awesome
 Worked 8 hours.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1952

What is the first task you do everyday when you first get up? Why?

Friday, January 22, 2016

The record stands as of Friday January 22, 2016 Day 708 have now done 3022 1/2 workouts in the last 2882 days.

The record stands as of Friday January 22, 2016 Day 708 have now done 

3022 1/2  workouts in the last  2882 days. 

Wednesday slept 9 pm to 3:10 am. Felt awesome
 Worked 8 hours.Got on the machine at 1:35 pm  burned 2136 calories in the hour.
Highlights of the workout?
Burning 1076  calories in the last 30 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1951

 Did you know that the US Navy Seals believe making your bed in the morning as soon as you get up is one of the most important things you can do? When was the last time you made your bed? Just checking. Why do you feel it is important to make your bed in the morning? 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday January 21 , 2016 Day 707 have now done 3021 1/2 workouts in the last 2881 days.

The record stands as of Thursday January 21 , 2016 Day 707 have now done 

3021 1/2  workouts in the last  2881 days. 

Wednesday slept 10 pm to 3:10 am. Felt awesome
     Got on the machine at 3:53 am burned 2170  calories in the hour.
Highlights of the workout?
Burning 1090 calories in the last 30 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1950

How many people are you planning to help today? Why?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday January 20 , 2016 Day 706 have now done 3020 1/2 workouts in the last 2880 days.

The record stands as of Wednesday January 20 , 2016 Day 706 have now done 

3020 1/2  workouts in the last  2880 days. 

Monday slept 9 pm to 7:10 am. Felt awesome
     Got on the machine at 9:23 am burned 2208  calories in the hour.
Highlights of the workout? Many
Burning 710 calories in the last 20 minutes.
Burning 1440 calories in the first 40 minutes 
Burning 768 in the last 20 minutes!
Ten hours of sleep makes a huge difference!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1949

I know there really is no way of thanking enough, the person who helped me the most because_______? How many people can say that about their ability to thank you? Why?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday January 19, 2016 Day 705 have now done 3019 1/2 workouts in the last 2879 days.

The record stands as of Tuesday January 19, 2016 Day 705 have now done 

3019 1/2  workouts in the last  2879 days. 

Monday slept 7:15 pm to 3:09 am. Felt awesome
     Got on the machine at 4::01 am burned 2293  calories in the hour.
Highlights of the workout? Many
Burning 805 calories in the last 20 minutes.
Burning 1488 calories in the first 40 minutes 
Doing all of it before 5:02 in the am!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1948

As you grow older day by day how much stock do you put in how other people view you? Why?

Monday, January 18, 2016

The record stands as of Monday January 18, 2016 Day 704 have now done 3018 1/2 workouts in the last 2878 days.

The record stands as of Monday January 18, 2016 Day 704 have now done 

3018 1/2  workouts in the last  2878 days. 

Sunday slept 8:15 pm to 2:30 am. Felt awesome
  Worked 8 hours .  Got on the machine at 1:15 pm burned 2167  calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 747 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1947

Who was the one person that you would have loved to have met in your life but now has passed away? Why would you had loved to meet that person?

Who is the person in the world that is still alive that you would love to meet? Why?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday January 17, 2016 Day 703 have now done 3017 1/2 workouts in the last 2877 days.

The record stands as of Sunday January 17, 2016 Day 703 have now done 

3017 1/2  workouts in the last  2877 days. 

Thursday slept 12:45 am to 8:45 am. Felt awesome
No  Work.  Got on the machine at 10:15 am burned 2151  calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 1131 calories in the last 30 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1946
This  is you talking,
Some day I will do something, do what?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday January 16, 2016 Day 701 have now done 3016 1/2 workouts in the last 2876 days.

The record stands as of Saturday January 16, 2016 Day 701 have now done 

3016 1/2  workouts in the last  2876 days. 

Thursday slept 11:45 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome
 Worked 8 hours  Got on the machine at 1:25 pm burned 2119  calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 715 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1945

Should I decide for you or will you make your own decisions?
If I decide for you will you resent me? What do you like best about making your own decisions?

Friday, January 15, 2016

The record stands as of Friday January 15, 2016 Day 700 have now done 3015 1/2 workouts in the last 2875 days.

The record stands as of Friday January 15, 2016 Day 700 have now done 

3015 1/2  workouts in the last  2875 days. 

Thursday slept 7:45 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome
 Worked 8 hours  Got on the machine at 1:35 pm burned 2201  calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 401 calories in the last 10 minutes.
Fantastic finish
Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1944

What is the best indicator that you are having a really great day? Why?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday January 14, 2016 Day 699 I have now done 3014 1/2 workouts in the last 2874 days. Tuesday slept 9:30 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome Worked 7 hours . Got on the machine at 1:07 pm burned 2159 calories in the hour. Highlight of the workout? Burning 744 in the final 20 minutes. Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1943 Think of this, you are in a crowd of people, someone approaches you and identifies you as a person that needs to stop an individual from committing suicide, it's obviously a mistake you are not professionally qualified to stop this person. The group of people sent to escort you to the top floor of the building where the subject is explain there no more time to lose we must go now and go quickly. Question: What do you do? 1) explain and attempt to prove you are not the person they are looking for 2) Attempt to psychically get away from this group of people; run! 3) Go along with the group and see if you can prevent a suicide.

The record stands as of Thursday January 14, 2016 Day 699 I have now done 

3014 1/2  workouts in the last  2874 days. 

Tuesday slept 9:30 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome
  Worked 7 hours .  Got on the machine at 1:07 pm burned 2159 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 744 in the final 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1943

Think of this, you are in a crowd of people, someone approaches you  and identifies you  as a person that needs  to stop an individual from committing suicide, it's obviously a mistake you are not professionally qualified to stop this person. The group of people sent to escort you to the top floor of the building where the subject is explain there no more time to lose we must go now and go quickly.
Question: What do you do?
1)  explain and attempt to prove you are not the person they are looking for
2) Attempt to psychically get away from this group of people; run!
3) Go along with the group and see if you can prevent a suicide.

Burning 744 in the final 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1943

Think of this, you are in a crowd of people, someone approaches you  and identifies you  as a person that needs  to stop an individual from committing suicide, it's obviously a mistake you are not professionally qualified to stop this person. The group of people sent to escort you to the top floor of the building where the subject is explain there no more time to lose we must go now and go quickly.
Question: What do you do?
1)  explain and attempt to prove you are not the person they are looking for
2) Attempt to psychically get away from this group of people; run!
3) Go along with the group and see if you can prevent a suicide.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday January 13, 2016 Day 698 I have now done 3013 1/2 workouts in the last 2873 days.

The record stands as of Wednesday January 13, 2016 Day 698 I have now done 

3013 1/2  workouts in the last  2873 days. 

Tuesday slept 10:30 pm to 5:49 am. Felt awesome
 Had a day off from work.  Got on the machine at 6:42 am burned 2172 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Working out only 14 hours after last workout and still burning more calories in the hour than than the day before.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1942

Rate this: 1-10. 10 the highest. Life is 10% how you make it and 90 % how you take it.
Reason for your rating?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday January 12, 2016 Day 697 I have now done 3012 1/2 workouts in the last 2872 days

The record stands as of Tuesday January 12, 2016 Day 697 I have now done 

3012 1/2  workouts in the last  2872 days. 

Sunday slept 9:45 pm to 3 am. Felt awesome
 Worked 10 hours  Got on the machine at 4:30 pm burned 2123 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 710 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1941

When was the last time you said to someone I am sorry? What was the reason? How you did feel?

Monday, January 11, 2016

The record stands as of Monday January 11, 2016 Day 696 I have now done 3011 1/2 workouts in the last 2871 days.

The record stands as of Monday January 11, 2016 Day 696 I have now done 

3011 1/2  workouts in the last  2871 days. 

Sunday slept 8:30 pm to 4:30 am. Felt awesome
 Worked 7 hours  Got on the machine at 1:35 pm burned 2114 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 90 calories in the last 2 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1940

How many times today dom you feel you received honest feedback? 
What was their comment? How did their comments make you feel?

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday January 10, 2016 Day 695 I have now done 3010 1/2 workouts in the last 2870 days.

The record stands as of Sunday January 10, 2016 Day 695 I have now done 

3010 1/2  workouts in the last  2870 days. 

Saturday slept 12:30 am to 9 am. Felt awesome
Day off from work  Got on the machine at 10:20 am burned 2165 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 740  calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1939

Do you believe that if the bond between to people is strong enough there can be no boundary towards their ability to connect?
Who is the one person you can point in your life that supports that belief?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday January 9, 2016 Day 694 I have now done 3009 1/2 workouts in the last 2869 days.

The record stands as of Saturday January 9, 2016 Day 694 I have now done 

3009 1/2  workouts in the last  2869 days. 

Friday slept 11:45 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome
Worked 8 hours  Got on the machine at 2:45 pm burned 2039 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout?
Burning 650  calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1938

How many  nice things did you see another person do for someone else today?
How many nice things did you  do for another person today?