Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 1316 One more time!

Picture this your alarm comes on to nice soft sound to remind you that it is now 410 in the am. Your body tells you "yep, its time get up and work out." It is a cooler dark morning. Your motor inside your body is asking, " do we wear that vest again?" Your mind kicks in and says, 'why not?" There you have it, the table is set. Your clothes are on and you get on the machine and you feel like a backpacker ready to ascend a hill for a nice early morning hike.

In sixty minutes I burned 1330 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
30 assisted chin ups
150 killer crunches
650 crunches
500 floor crunches with weights
4 minutes of plank

I always get a change of clothes prior to my chin and ab workout. By the time I am done sometimes I am wet enough to need another change of clothes.

I felt stronger today than yesterday but not quite as exhilarated.Maybe possible the sensation of using the vest for the first time in a while was not as great the second day in a row.

Now we head towards day three ( wtwv 17 lbs) Day 1317, day 25 ( without a day off from work). I am psyched.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 1315 With the seventeen pound weighted vest!

In sixty minutes I burned 1311 calories( done with the seventeen pound weighted vest)
20 assisted chin ups
100 killer crunches
550 crunches
500 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank
Today at 412 am I decided to workout for sixty minutes while wearing the weighted vest. Wearing that vest takes on a different dynamic.

  1. you must be conscious of your movements
  2. you need more energy to do movements
  3. expect earlier fatigue to set in
  4. you need to be ready to over come that fatigue
  5. you feel incredibly liberated when after the sixty minutes or so is up.

I am so psyched I did that. I feel much lighter on my feet now.

Day 1316 if the vest gets worn it will be a wet one. Can I do two days in a row with it?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In sixty minutes I burned 1312 calories
10 assisted chin ups
20 killer crunches
350 crunches
500 floor crunches with weights
3 minutes of plank

Well, I felt stronger. As yesterday went on I felt very good. This morning I felt good. Started early as I arrived on the machine at 437 am. I felt great!

Now we head to day 1315 !

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 1313 Despite it all, I showed up!

I know to many, this whole streak thing of 1313 straight days and doing 1327 workouts in that period of time and beating yesterday's totals, means little or nothing.However, for the record despite leaving work at 5 pm and sleeping from 535pm until 415 I did my workout and felt great while doing it. My stomach gave me trouble around 430 pm and I have not had anything to eat or drink since. But, I woke up and said let's just see what happens.

In sixty minutes I burned 1279 calories
0 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
00 crunches
00 floor crunches with weights
0 minutes of plank

For the second day in a row I passed on doing chins and abs. Also, for the third day I done no crunches and planks.

Here we go off to work I hope the stomach holds up.

Day 1314 I'll be there.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 1312 Barely finished

I cannot remember the last time or any time, I had to struggle this hard to finish the workout. As a result I passed on the other exercises and did only the cardiovascular work out.

In sixty minutes I burned 1248 calories
0 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
00 crunches
00 floor crunches with weights
0 minutes of plank

I was glad just to finish.I will be more assertive in my efforts tomorrow ---

DAY 1313!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 1311 Having slept and been energized we head to the gym

As we march on down to the gym I am reminded about a few things-

  1. I am using new sneakers
  2. The weather feels cooler with less humidity
  3. My workout time will probably be at around nine am
  4. I want to do real good

Now is the time to get moving.

In sixty minutes I burned 1367 calories
50 assisted chin ups
280 killer crunches
00 crunches
00 floor crunches with weights
0 minutes of plank

Time will not give me time. Reality I dogged it by

1 stayed up too late
2 got up too late
3 poor decisions

But, the cardio, chin ups and crunches were awesome and I feel awesome.

Here we go, Day 1312 up early then off to work!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 1310 Off the heels of an off the track day , I look to regain form

We hit day 1310 with high expectations. Friday which was the day in which I awoke at 315 am and was on the machine from 423-523 and left in time to get work by 602 am. I was limited in my workout time. I usually do assisted chin ups, abs and then finish with a good stretch. On less time I only did a good cardiovascular workout.

We turn the page and make a new road today. Here it is 6 09 am and we are ready to go. It feels great knowing there is no time crunch!

The door I was told, will be open in a half hour. So, let us go!

In sixty minutes I burned 1371 calories
60 assisted chin ups
200 killer crunches
1200 crunches
800 floor crunches with weights
3 minutes of plank

A few things:
  1. sweated like crazy( the temperature has been about 70 wet and humid)
  2. decided to add some weight to the floor crunches.
  3. my order was interrupted; instead of chin up crunches on incline then quantum, I did quantum then incline.
The workout was awesome and I felt great.

We push forward to Day 1311.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 1309 With a different twist, we take on the challenge

This a the start of Day 1309 it is early I will do my workout then immediately go to work. I volunteered to go in earlier. My plan is to work after my workout and unfortunately not stretch or do abs. I will be working on unloading a truck full marshmallows. Yeah right, try home improvement products. Use your imagination to figure out what they are. The flow has been stepped lately, where this is the third truck being unloaded in the last 20 hours.

Here I go!

In sixty minutes I burned 1356 calories
0 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
0 crunches
00 floor crunches
0 minutes of plank

Its weird going in immediately after a workout. It was awesome doing the workout prior to going in early. Now, its lunch time and I leave at 3 pm.

Day 1310 is starting its engine.Bring it on!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 1308 A glorious day in Yankeeland

In New England, most people are proud to call themselves a Yankee. However, most New Englander's hate the Yankees. As the Yankees captured yet another Eastern division championship. The Red Sox, most of them Yankees are crying another tear drop as they have run their September record to 5 and 16. Whoa, while the NYY has had a 14 win and 7 loss September. I woke up after a couple hours of sleeping and had to find out if the Yankees had clinched. I slept for a few hours more and was on the the machine by 435 am.

In sixty minutes I burned 1337 calories
40 assisted chin ups
370 killer crunches
850 crunches
1200 floor crunches
4 minutes of plank

Not bad for an early workout. When you go to the gym everyday you notice very quickly who does not show up. I look at it as no reflection on anyone just a back drop on what the law of averages dictates.

We have a laser like view at Day 1309 as it nears.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 1307 With a whoosh I felt stronger

After my first set of stretches, I felt the the best I have felt in days. At times it just hits me, and I feel golden.I pray for good health to all.

In sixty minutes I burned 1351 calories
50 assisted chin ups
360 killer crunches
1010 crunches
1000 floor crunches
6 minutes of plank

We go for 1308 with gusto!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 1306 Its lunch time at 258 pm

I spent all my morning posting time trying to reconnect my monitor to the EEPC . By the time I got it to work properly it was time for work. So here I am posting on this notebook with a small screen at a wifi hot spot. Cool.

In sixty minutes I burned 1307 calories
40 assisted chin ups
350 killer crunches
1100 crunches
1200 floor crunches
4 minutes of plank

Here is a brief list of things I lift or drag around during the course of a day.

Storm doors, tile and kitchen counter tops( ranging from 3 feet to 10 feet high).

Day 1307 is coming and I will meet it head on.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 1305 At forty eighty degrees we do our best to warm up

In sixty minutes I burned 1347 calories
60 assisted chin ups
100 killer crunches
700 crunches
1000 floor crunches
3 minutes of plank

I tried to get myself as loose as I could. I did not sleep more than four hours but with this weather it was easy to at least get going.

Day 1306 cruises in another 23 and half hours. I am ready!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 1304 The air is brisk as summer is fading quickly

The calender says we have a few days of summer left. Ah but, the weather here in the northeast is giving indications of fall. The question of the day is what? I ask daily questions everyday and I post them. I suppose that may be viewed as an odd thing to some. My intent on the questions is to offer some sort of a centering point for our daily thoughts. The intent is to offer a thought provoking positive question that allows one to zero in on their goals.

As I think of all that is happening around me I ask myself what are my thoughts? What are my challenges? Where will my next inspiration come from? Here is one , when you look for creativity, where do you look for creativity?

Oh well, it is time for the work out on the bright and clear and cool Sunday morning.
pull ups and killers then ...
I blasted strong on the cardio,pull ups and killers then , .....

In sixty minutes I burned 1371 calories
50 assisted chin ups
450 killer crunches
850 crunches
800 floor crunches
3 minutes of plank

I cut short my work out when I realized my work shoes were in real bad shape and I needed to immediately replace them.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 1303 The Saturday write up

Right now, I feel a little sore from the fall I took at Lowes over by the carpet padding at 230 pm in front of no witnesses. It is the second time I have fallen while working there. I am glad that my fall was not harder.

Here we are at 603 am prior to an to another Saturday workout. Since this streak began back on Saturday February 23RD 2008, I have done 186 workouts on Saturday.

I feel awesome. and so excited about how I feel. Every day I get up I so look forward to the workout. I just love it. I feel it is truly a blessing that the Lord has given me. The gym opens at about 650 am and I am ready.

Kudos to the Saturday front desk clerk. Why? Because the door was open at 645 am. I love it the earlier the better did my best time in the last six days by

In sixty minutes I burned 1367 calories
63 assisted chin ups
420 killer crunches
1200 crunches
1200 floor crunches
7 minutes of plank

My only area in which I did less was in the area of the plank.Every other area I improved on from yesterday!

I felt and feel awesome- NZT-48 baby!

Day 1304 as the train keeps rolling towards Christmas - December 23 RD will 1400 days!

But first, we hit Day 1304.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 1302 The summer wind has come and gone.

"The summer wind came blowing in From across the sea It lingered there to touch your hair And walk with me All summer long we sang a song And then we strolled that ..;_ylt=A0oG7n9wM3NOhzsAi1lXNyoA?p=the%20summer%20wind%20came%20blowing%20in%

From 2 pm to 6 pm the summer of 2011 blew away. The chill of autumn was definitely.

Today, as I woke up to the remaining chill I did.

In sixty minutes I burned 1342 calories
60 assisted chin ups
400 killer crunches
1100 crunches
1100 floor crunches
9 minutes of plank

We felt strong as the weather was definitely refreshing.I stock up on the vitamin C as we usher in some different air.

Day 1303 is coming down as the run to 1400 days is on!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 1301 This a beat more to my current rhythm

As I got up at 410 am and got on the machine at the gym at 445 am I felt awesome. Unlike the last three days, where I woke up at 3 am showered and was slinging heavy freight around at 410 am. Today, I was on the machine from 445 to 545 and the did some fun assisted chin ups and ab work. I arrived back home and showered and now am doing chores and eating with posting. Now, I am getting ready for work.

In the last three days I got up worked and worked out and then ate and looked for naps. Today, is much different---Hallelujah - When it comes right down to it. Getting up at 3 am working a strenuous job while fasting then doing an exhaustive work out does wonders for losing weight but, wreaks havoc on your body's strength. I feel very revitalized right now.

Despite resting only 14 hours and 45 minutes in between workouts I feel awesome.

Here we go onto 1400! We start with Day 1302

In sixty minutes I burned 1365 calories
60 assisted chin ups
300 killer crunches
1200 crunches
1200 floor crunches
6 minutes of plank

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 1300 Wow! I fought like crazy today

In sixty minutes I burned 1363 calories
56 assisted chin ups
360 killer crunches
800 crunches
800 floor crunches
3 minutes of plank

Today, is the last day this week where I am scheduled to go in at 4am.That means I do not have to get up at 3 am. Yahoo! It felt so liberating to get out of work at 110 pm and know this facts.

Day 1301 I get back to a 410 am wake up and a workout prior to work and some food.

I lost at least 10 pounds by fasting working and work out. I need a good nap and some solid rest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 1299 This is a series of naps

In sixty minutes I burned 1362 calories
0 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
00 crunches
00 floor crunches
0 minutes of plank

After going an entire day of work 4am to 315 pm without food or drink I was able to put together a good workout.Life is awesome when you feel good!

Thank you God, for putting me at the doorstep of working out 1300 consecutive days.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 1298 I knew I could do it!

I not only did but I thrived, by beating yesterday's total for calories burned in an hour.

In sixty minutes I burned 1381 calories
55assisted chin ups
20 killer crunches
900 crunches
500 floor crunches
2 minutes of plank

After going an entire day of work 4am to 115 pm without food or drink I was able to put together a good workout.

DAY 1299 Another challenge when you throw in a dentist appointment after work workout.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 1297 A sad day in our country's history

In sixty minutes I burned 1375 calories
51 assisted chin ups
320 killer crunches
1100 crunches
1100 floor crunches
nine minutes of plank

Awesome! See you after Day 1298 so 28 hours later!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 1296 Another funky start

I need to be out of the house quite early three days in a row next week. I figured in order to practice a strategy for having plenty of energy for those days I would take a nap for a few hours then wake up and carry on my evening then, go to sleep. In an effort to just that, I set my alarm to 525 am I went to bed around 1245 am. However, I woke up at 616am, to my surprise and neglect I did not reset my alarms when I reset my ipod. Dumb, dumb and more dumb. Oh well, I got to gym on time to do:

In sixty minutes I burned 1358 calories
50 assisted chin ups
250 killer crunches
1100 crunches
1100 floor crunches
six minutes of plank

I felt great and for the first time in a long time I did not post anything prior to My Saturday work out.

I did figure out a good work out schedule for the following days ahead. Sunday will be 8 am-9am as usual. Monday-Wednesday will be 145pm after work. Thursday I will be back to 445 am-5 am.

Now, a few wrinkles.
  1. First, I will nap for a few hours after the work out all three days.
  2. Second,I will then try to make all evenings normal.
  3. Third, I will appreciate all those days as a good challenge to hit 1300 days.!
As the days fall, on Friday September 16TH it will be day 1302. Christmas will be Day 1402.So, two days before Christmas we will hit 1400 days.

First, we need to do a great job on Day 1297.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 1295 What was that?

In sixty minutes I burned 1303 calories
this machine offered more resistance than the others but, that is still, no excuse.
20 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
0 crunches
0 floor crunches
zero minutes of plank

Day 1295-WOW! I am ready! HEY Mr Workout King, saying you are ready and being ready are two different things. Did you know that? I feel almost ashamed of my workout today.

1. I sabotaged myself by not getting out of the house on time( despite having gotten up at 406am.Four minutes before the alarm clock.
2.Ya I froze because I was left with working out around the coldest arc trainer.
3.I decided to not do any abs after a day of doing 2600.

I am still trying to figure out where the time went from 406 to 445 am.

Alright, Day 1296.I know that I know, I will do better!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 1294 It was worth it

In sixty minutes I burned 1346 calories
60 assisted chin ups
350 killer crunches
1250 crunches
1000 floor crunches
nine minutes of plank

Once a body that is in good fitness shape warms up, there is a great surge of momentum created by it's energy!I felt awesome as the feeling of strength and energy poured through my body. I ate light last night.

Day 1295-WOW! I am ready!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 1293 Started a little slow but, finished strong!

In sixty minutes I burned 1378 calories
40 assisted chin ups
300 killer crunches
1100 crunches
1000 floor crunches
six minutes of plank

As I look at my calorie burn in the first 30 minutes I remember burning only 650 calories. In the last 30 minutes I burned a good 24 calories per minute. So, I burned 728 calories in the last 30 minutes.

Next week, on Monday and Wednesday I will workout after work. I will be working at 4 am. The question is do I fast before the workout?

Day 1294 will give me a few days to think it over. I am psyched to attack in less than 22 hours!

Day 1294

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 1292 Felt like a good sleep would serve me well

Well, it sure did! I went down around 830 pm and woke up refreshed at 4 am. With a will to win I beat all of yesterday's totals. It was easy to beat the abs and the assisted pull ups since I did none yesterday.

In sixty minutes I burned 1378 calories
40 assisted chin ups
300 killer crunches
1100 crunches
1000 floor crunches
six minutes of plank

It was great to have the time to put in a good hour and a half of working out!

Now, we close in on a new day with a new challenge.Day 1293, I can't wait!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 1291 Third day in a row where I got up at 525am or later

This represents the first time since July 4TH weekend where I got up at 525 am ,8 am and 530am in consecutive days. Now that was back on Days 1226-1228. Here I am on day 1291 chomping at the bit waiting for the doors to open on Labor Day, Day 1291 my third day in a row of waking up at 530 am then 8 am and then 525 am again. I definitely feel rested especially since I went to bed at 945pm.

I WANT to burn 1400++ calories in sixty minutes today. That is my goal.

The weather was very humid yesterday I as I burned 1398. Today looks to be a sixty and dash!

Here goes I will need to edit later in the day.

Here am bruised and scraped up from another day at ....the daily toil.

Earlier in the day I was hurried, as I

In sixty minutes I burned 1371 calories
0 assisted chin ups
0 killer crunches
00 crunches
000 floor crunches
zero minutes of plank

I know I had little time to enjoy today's workout but I thought it was a good indicator of the effort I put forth at work when I came home weighing less than I did after my morning work out, despite having eaten fruit and had some juice. Go figure.

Back a somewhat normal schedule, on Day 1292 I am psyched!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 1290 With some rest we embark on the run to 1300

A humid morning and a sticky feeling as I shake off the rust after a frenetic evening of serving customers. It is interesting to compare the physical challenges of the two jobs.

One has a more closed in area in which to work. Since you are closed in, your speed plays a factor in how much you can get done. The though not closed in the other challenges you to move quickly with a internalized sense of urgency. As the evening unfolds with the pace usually picks up to a feverish pace. There is little area in which to move yet you know what it is that most certainly needs to be done.

When it comes down to it the overall attitude of mind in both jobs is the key as I book end all this activity with a good workout. I am like a professional athlete that trains everyday and plays a game after he trains.

I have selected all this, the training and the vocation so, I have come up with both mental and physical strategies to continue to do my best.

It looks like I will not hit the gym until 10:30 am today. In addition, to today's schedule being altered tomorrow's schedule will be altered. As I got up at 8am and had all intentions of getting to the gym around 830 am,I was informed I need to fulfill another commitment at 930am.

As a result, the gym will have to wait until after the 930am's engagement is completed. Tomorrow, the gym will not open until 7 am and I need to be at the job by 9 am. So I will be able to do a shortened workout of 7-810am and then shower and go to be dressed fed and ready to play on time.

Tick tock and we wait....

I got the gym and on the machine at 1022am

In sixty minutes I burned 1398 calories
75 assisted chin ups
260 killer crunches
1200 crunches
1000 floor crunches
seven minutes of plank

After that without a break or drink or stoppage I got a can of gas and mowed the lawn and worked through high grass for about one hour and forty five minutes then proceeded to two stores came home showered and finally broke my fast.

It was great to expend all that energy on my day off from both jobs.

Day 1291 it be an hour on the machine and home for a quick shower and off to work!

There will in all likelihood be no post after the work out. It will be a truncated Saturday where the doors open and I can barely get my work out in. I hope someone shows up on time to open the doors.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 1289 We are ready

Now is the time we need to get this done. How many  people have that thought parading through their brain for everything they do? How about three quarters of the things they do. Half? I suppose we can look at what they get accomplished and  that will determine how they answer that question.

Today we work out, work and what else. It does not matter what else. When you put yourself totally in those moments you can have the fulfillment of the day you desire.

It is interesting I watched the movie" limitless" and it gave me a glimpse of what are brains want to do. Our brains want to be fully engaged in the exact instant we are in. It is only when we tap into what our brain's want to do will we get done what it is that we want to accomplish.

In the movie the actor said, "everything became totally clear". An interesting thought. If our minds were not clouded, and were full  with nothing but  clear thoughts how much more would we accomplish?

The doors open at around 650 am here I go.

I set the bar a little high today!

In sixty minutes I burned 1374 calories
60 assisted chin ups
250 killer crunches
1100 crunches
950 floor crunches
nine minutes of plank

I felt smashing! Chip chip and all that sort of rut.

Do most of us spend more time running away from our problems than facing them head  on while we pursue our dreams?

Day 1290 cool we are all around 1300- Lets go!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 1288 I pushed the envelope as I operated on limited sleep

Having challenged myself to stay up I found myself unable to fall asleep. Regardless, when the marimba sounded at 410 am I was there going through the rigors to be on the machine at 457am.

In sixty minutes I burned 1312 calories
30 assisted chin ups
200 killer crunches
550 crunches
950 floor crunches
seven minutes of plank

Despite an ugly day at the daily toil I am energized to have at it once again!
I move too slow???

Another Saturday for Day 1289 the 184TH!Lets do it!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 1287 My mind and body need to work in sync

In sixty minutes I burned 1355 calories
40 assisted chin ups
220 killer crunches
1100 crunches
900 floor crunches
seven minutes of plank

I felt very flexible which is a great way to feel while you are doing anything!

God bless the flexible feeling!
Day 1288 lets go!