Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1013 - We begin December with a gut check!

How so? Well, after yesterday's 450 am start I was determined to hit 430 am as a start time. My plan was to start sleep at 9pm. Although, I started sleep at 945 ish I did get a good 6 hours of sleep which is what I needed. I awoke at 350 am and felt refreshed. We all fight various ailments and the game is to push through. On this morning I was no different. My ace in the hole is my incredible determination and thank God the ability to ignore what ever I am feeling that does not help me in achieving my goal.

So I arrived at the gym door at 418 am and got on the machine at 421. Now I ask you. can I get an AMEN? Today, was a banner day because I started earlier and burned more than the day before. Which is always the goal. why is it the goal? It is the goal because to shows attitude and heart. You cannot show earlier and burn more unless you have both on that day.

This was open of the more tougher challenges I have encountered along this journey.

Dear readers, I hope my journey has allowed you a perspective of my emotions as I move along on this path.I hope in some way I have been an inspiration for some phase of your life. My desire to chronicle this journey was to bring joy, happiness and a feeling of motivation that we can all stretch more out of ourselves.

Maybe you know it or maybe you don't but everyday I submitted a question to a few people.I call it daily questions for determined individuals. The questions are provocative. There intended to make you think about your life.

Here is today's question: Do you believe thoughts are things? Tomorrow we may get some feedback on that. Until then day 1014 is saying," can you beat 1243 and 421am?"

I am psyched to find out!

Here are more daily question

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