Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 1163-Thoughts on; where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?
Repetition creates confidence that one is good at what it does. Just as teacher continues to issue the same tests to different students year after year in an effort for them to learn , that same teacher, is still teaching themselves more each day.

I guess no matter what happens this piece of time from February 23, 2008 to the present will always have a significant meaning in my life.

I do consider myself fortunate for being able to continue on this path.I suppose to some this may be a very boring path one with nonsensical comprise and repetition for what reason. My answer to that is if we take a tiny thin piece of twine and we tie it to one point, then we repeat that procedure by taking another piece of thin twine and connecting it the same way, we will have doubled the strength of that connection. Now, should you do that exact same procedure 1000 times you will have created a very strong connection from the first point to the second point.

I feel awesome to have built a very solid contact and bond in doing the cardiovascular workout everyday.

Now, I am perched to spend the next hour and a half in movement.

Felt great by getting a 25 hour rest in between workouts. I burned 1358 and did 1100 crunches. That's right I didn't stutter! Eleven hundred 500 in the incline sit up and 600 on the quad crunch machine.

God bless all, as we go for Day 1164. I have now done crunches for 14 consecutive days.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 1162 The sun is shinning!

As we stride towards spring time weather we find today's 5 am temperature a little cooler and less moist.We burned 1331 in the hour and worked very hard to do 1040 crunches which took about 16 minutes to do.When you consider that after the first 540 crunches I switched machines which took about a minute of my 16 minutes to do, you see how I actually did the crunches in about 15 minutes.

Now, there are 60 seconds in a minute and 900 seconds in fifteen minutes. I was doing about 1 crunch per second.

Now we head towards the last weekend of April 2011. Day 1163, I feel strong and I am ready!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 1161 Wow 1030 crunches!

I have been noticing the temperature every day at 5 am. Everyday at 5 am this week the temperature has been on the rise. On Monday it was 54 degrees and today it was at 57 degrees. My calorie burn has been pretty flat. Today I burned 1337 in the hour. However, I did do 1030 crunches immediately there after.

The foot challenge is not so evident. The daily toil has been asking a lot. Many questions, like can you do this? The bible says, "the rest of the laborer is sweet." Sweet it is!

Day 1162 would like to invite all of you to attend.Deal me in!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 1160 Eleven sixty- simple!

OK eleven sixty - Despite the fact that from 345 pm to 520 pm I dragged 15 pallets weighing 2400 lbs each some 300 feet. I got up after sleeping from 1030 pm to 410 am and burned 1352 calories in the hour and did 650 crunches. I believe that when you move a muscle it causes a shift in your mood. When your mood shifts you realize you have a lot more control over your attitude than you thought previous. I am not sure if doing vigorous exercise such as moving that amount of weight produces an attitude but, I believe it sure accentuates it. When I started pulling those loads I felt a lot of muscles come to life and activating those muscles put me in a very aggressive mood.

I suppose at times having aggression is good. It definitely keeps the determination high.So be it,

Day 1161 is calling for its time- As we break 1355 and more!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 1159 Feeling better!

The hoof is coming around.My foot that is. I was able to exert myself a little harder and as a result I burned more calories than the day before. When I burned 30 more calories in an hour than I did the in the same hour as the day before you realize that you shaved a minute off your time. Consider this, yesterday I burned 1324 in 60 minutes which averages to 22.07 calories a minute. Today, I burned 1354 calories in 60 minutes which averages 22.57 calories per minute. That means in 59 minutes I burned 1331 calories. In 58.5 minutes I burned 1320 calories. So I shaved 1 minute and a quarter off my time as as result of my quicker pace I set today.I also went ahead and did 950 crunches!

Here we are, day 1160- Right at the door step! Knock Knock!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 1158 We answer the bell one more time

Since my foot challenge has left me asking to burn more calories in the hour, I have decided to do as many crunches as I can after the workout. I am now up to 910 crunches. Not bad since I started by doing 220. Since Day 1148, I have done over 400 crunches a day. In a good battle I burned 1324 calories in the hour. This mornings temperature was 57 degrees at 5am. At 57 degrees I am begin to wonder if wearing three layers of clothing may be too much for the workout.

Tomorrow Day 1159 the forecast is for a high of 72 degrees. At 5 am it might be time for two layers.

Time to get back above that 1350 calorie burn per hour mark again and get to 1000 crunches - AGAIN - I am ready- Dressed, fed and ready to play!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 1157 Happy Easter !

The numbers 1345, 850. What they mean? Calories burned in the hour and number of crunches.

Here is the story of a man he was in search for the perfect girl. He searched hi low for the girl of his dreams. To him perfection had to met or he had no interest at all. Well, as you may figure time went by and for a large portion of his life he never met her or saw her.

Then one day, he met her. There she was the perfect girl he had ever seen she met all his attributes. He was dumb founded he had no idea what to do. You see he never really believed he would ever meet with this perfection. So rather than pursue her, he just passed her by.

He paused and thought for a minute. Then all of a sudden this woman of perfection came walking up to him and said - You know you will never know what perfection is like-

In a second she was gone forever.

Day 1158 and approach no work the day before I am psyched to what I got!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 1156 We step into the arena one more time

Joe DiMaggio played center field for the New York Yankees. While playing for the Yankees at some point in his career he developed a pain in his heel and he could not play, so he rested. Well, I ain't about to rest just yet. I am not sure where this dopey pain came from but, I sure as heck hope it goes away.

I suppose I can get onto a link and find out about the pain. But for right now, its on with the show.This coming Sunday, Easter Sunday, I am planning on missing my second day of work since Super Bowl Sunday. Now, that was on February 6TH, seventy six days ago from today. I am in all honesty looking forward to the break.

Today, will be Saturday number one sixty five.I am excited to beat yesterday's 1343 calories burned in an hour and to do 750 crunches. ........

This a win, right? I burned more today than yesterday on a bummed foot. I did more crunches today than I did yesterday.This a win, right? Okay two wins today, right? I now have a person I when asked how are doing his reply is... " see me at Friday @ 1"- I guess based on that reply he does not subscribe to the thought that happiness is not a destination it is a way.

To quote the bible Jesus said, "I am the truth and the life. No man comes to the father, except by me." To me, that means happiness is the way.

Well, I am happy now. I finished an awesome workout in which I gave it my all.

Day 1157 will be Easter. "Happy" Easter to all-

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 1155 Day two of a "good pain"

No folks, we are not talking about glass. We are talking about honest to goodness pain. The kind of pain that sticks with you but after awhile you forget that its there. Its weird, its the pain that rides with but is like a silent friend but once it gets a chance to speak it really lets you know what is on its mind.

However, today I was able to spend enough time concentrating on other things and burned 1343.Which was 22 more calories than I burned yesterday.I also did more crunches today than I did yesterday. Today I did 700.

I know this is a very good challenge.Right now I am up for it. Day 1156 looms on the horizon. Just as a plainsmen gazes off into the horizon he can see the approaching horseback rider getting closer in to view. First the person sees then eventually he sees and hears. The key to anticipation is to prepare for what lies ahead.

Day 1156 - To quote the movie Rudy-

Steele: Rudy,are you ready for this, champ?
Rudy: I've been ready for this my whole life!
Steele: Then you take us out on the field.

Day 1156 lets go!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 1154 Its funny when one pain is dominant all the others subside

Today's workout- I worked hard yesterday at the daily toil. And yes, I did play with pain. I believe its improving. It does not feel as painful as it did yesterday. I burned more calories in the hour today than I did yesterday. My 1322 calories is ten more than I burned yesterday. Also, my 650 crunches I did today are 50 more than I did yesterday.

I am determined to get better and get back to burning more calories everyday.

Day 1155 - Um ready! Lets go!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 1153 Finally, a real physical challenge to keep the streak alive

I have been in deed blessed.I was able to go 1152 days with no real pain to continue this workout streak of doing at least one sixty minute cardiovascular workout. Today, I felt some pain on bottom of my foot. I continued on with the workout and carried the streak to its 1153RD day. I burned 1312 calories in the hour but not with out experiencing some discomfort.

Here I am, ready for the daily toil and praying my foot feels better as the day goes on.

Once again, I have been truly blessed. The 1154Th day is coming and with the strength of the Lord I will be up to its challenge- Amen.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1152 - The last 36 hours

It starts twelve hours before Monday at 753 am. Which puts us at Sun April 17Th at 753 pm. I was just getting done with my bar tending gig.I was getting ready to head home. I arrived home and ate and relaxed while watching TV. I was too wound up to sleep because the night before I went to bed at 1130 pm and was able to sleep until 7 am. So, I finally went to sleep at midnight.

Then right on I schedule, I woke up at 410 am. I left the house at 440 am .I was on the machine at 451 am. I burned 1334 calories in the hour then did 500 crunches and was ready to put in a full day of work. I went to the store and bought healthy food. I ate and slept soundly from 9pm until 410 am.

I went to the gym and got on the machine at 502 am and burned 1334 calories in the hour,again. Did 550 crunches.Went home had breakfast. And now here I sit getting ready for work.

Day 1153 - I have got to beat 1335 calories burned in an hour.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 1151 Used four layers to maximizes the workout

Go figure, through one of the harshest winters on record I did not wear more than three layers of clothing during my workouts yet today, the 27TH day of spring I decide to wear four layers of clothing. I had on a t-shirt a thermal another t-shirt and a hooded sweat shirt.

I burned 1334 calories in sixty minutes and then did five hundred crunches all done before 615 am- Boo yeah!

Now we bounce back for day 1152 as I look forward to it with sun shining!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 1150 = Three years and 55 days

Here we go, deal me in! I am rested. I have sat here for almost an hour. I have 4 and half hours to go before my next show. Oh yeah, I appear daily don't you know. Heck I slept til seven am after hitting the pillow around 1130 pm. So I am fresh. Good old Sunday a day I can rest.

Monday on the other hand is a real turner. I drop in around 410 and blast out the door around 445 am. Then its get to the daily toil time....

Now, we challenge the number and the number is ....
Fourteen hundred and one calories burned in an hour.

Glad to do what I do !

We climb the spout again in search for another performance!

day 1151- Here I come. Break a leg?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 1149 One day from Eleven Fifty

We just find ourselves in position. However, things do not just happen there is justification for all that happens to us.We put in place a course of action and our actions determine where we are. Many times our minds will tell us that other things caused certain things to happen but, in the end we were the ones who really had that final say.

Steven Covey sheds light on this when uses the words response ability. To us the word is responsibility . I realize to most responsibility takes on a different meaning. As we examine the word we see our actions are caused by a stimulus and before we respond to that stimulus we pause and then react. It is during this pause that various abilities are possible to be used. We are the ones who decide which ability we will use.

I do think it is that simple. We all have free will and we do all exercise it. Our minds a control us but, us when we realize this we can see how our power is much more stronger than we know.

Simple situations take on a different feel when we employ this mind set.

A good example of this is, temporarily losing your car keys. The stimulus is the fact that you realized you cannot find your keys, now the pause is your actions to remember where you put them. It is is only after that pause will you respond.

You have many things you can choose to do during your pause.

I think there is some adrenalin rush that goes through our body and we get a different perspective on what we are doing. This allows us to think more clearly as to where we put our keys.

Right now, my stimulus is going to the gym and seeing if I can get a good power surge to get back in the flow.....

The difference between a Saturday workout where I do a sixty minute cardiovascular workout for sixty minutes. As opposed to a Monday through Friday workout where I still do a sixty minute cardiovascular workout is my am start time.

On my Monday through Friday workout my start time is usually around 445 to 5 am. My Saturday start time is around 7 am. That means I am getting up at 525 am on Saturday and 410 am Monday through Friday. That is a difference of 1 hour and 15 minutes plus I do not workout until two hours later than my Monday through Friday start time.

With this extra rest I gather up a little more energy. Today, I burned 1366 calories in the sixty minute workout. I gained an extra minute on my time. So, I was a little faster today.

I had more energy. I did about 400 crunches and I felt great.

Day 1150 will be here and 1367++ needs to be beat- I would love to knock off another minute!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 1148 Just sailing along .......

The calendar says April. Is there a spring in our step. I continue to battle this little power outage.
It appears that when I give it the gas to really start moving there seems to be a little extra resistance. No matter;


We must always be mindful of that. So I burned 1334 calories in an hour. Heck, I burned more than half of that in the last thirty minutes. I felt good about finishing strong.

Day 1149 equals another Saturday, the 163RD! I feel a tremendous resurgence coming on.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 1147 With everyday we get a fresh set of challenges

Sometimes they are direct and sometimes they are subtle. No matter how you slice it a challenge is coming. So, just get ready. I was definitely challenged today. Some work was done on the arc trainer I have been using. I think it created more resistance. I believe I will not know for sure until I get more of my energy back. I feel as if I lent some of it out to someone.

My legs have been a little heavy. I have been through these phrase before the key to getting out of them is to keep moving and get into a flow.

Burning 1337 calories in sixty minutes today represents the least I have burned all week.I poured it on at the end of the workout but, I felt a little washed after the sixty minutes were completed.

When you workout for 1147 days without a break you get to know your body pretty well. I feel this is just a minor break in what has been a tremendous energy flow.

Now we are onto Day 1148. We need to beat 1338++ to show growth over today's total. I am up for the challenge.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 1146 We just don't want to quit!

The want to is a lot of what gets done. Having fun is the cherry on top.

I burned 1342 today in the hour of the workout. Did 250 crunches and felt awesome. It felt good to fast yesterday.

Day 1147 - I should feel stronger!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 1145 Just a rest before a workout

I parked myself for a good rest. From 9 pm until 410 am. A good break before the workout and the fast and a shorter work day. This seems to be different. As the more milder weather has come.

Today's workout was thoroughly enjoyable. As I burned more in the second thirty minutes than the first. I totaled out at 1352 calories burned in the sixty minutes. Then, I treated myself to some crunches because I knew I had extra time by cutting out my food prep time.

Now, I am here typing and posting to see if I can come up with some inspirational thoughts. I guess the best thing so far is to say I have chalked up one victory over yesterday. Whereas, I had a sixty minute work out that I burned more calories today than I did yesterday

Here is a splendid question: Name one thing you have done better today than you did yesterday? If you haven't done one you still have the rest of the day. So, tell me, what is the one thing you can do better than you did yesterday?

Well, tomorrow will be Day 1146, and I know 1353++ calories burned is out there to be met and beat!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 1144 Shock the world?

I don't think so! However, I went to bed at 12 pm and woke up at 410 am. That's a whopping 4 hours of sleep. A nice 18 hours and 45 minutes of rest in between workouts( 1015am to 458am ).

I burned more in the second half than the first and squeezed out a 1326 calorie burn in the hour. Heck, same story, felt great - LOVE THE WORKOUT-

I can now start to think about a game plan to mix up my daily workout. Maybe sprinkling in some stair masters might present a fun challenge.

Now we are onto Day 1145 and beating 1327++- Come on now!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 1143 After today, we are within a week of 1150

The headlines read...... Person gets out of bed and does.... My headlines aren't really that thrilling but they are my headlines. In the book of me this is the story. In fact, this is the feature story. My weather report is how I see the day coming, my reactions to the day will be the actual weather. My accomplishments will be what I actually do. The current events plans will be what I am planning on doing.

Beat yesterday's 1412?????
A brisk paces carries me to victory! Burned 712 in first 30 minutes and burned 711 in second thirt minutes- Scored a 1423 for sixty- Ye AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- me!

Day 1144 it already here don't cha know?

Beat 1424++ Shock the world!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 1142 We are heading for 1150

Eleven fifty. Two nice words that covers years of ground. As I continue with my daily toil the coined phrase is "a hundred days of hell." That is a little strong.But, if we care to measure in days we have eighty two days left in the stretch. I think a positive definition of this frame of time would be "a 100 day madman cycle."

As I move forward in my journey the workout is challenged by the daily toil. Especially, when you consider that I have had only one planned day off in the last sixty. My schedule has revolved solely around working the two toils. Both are beating their drums louder.

This a Saturday and it is 162ND. The skies are brightening the sun is on its way up. My head is getting clearer and work out time is drawing nearer.The front office clerk at the gym usually opens the door at around 645 am. I will test that today. I need to be on way earlier today.

It is still chilly enough where warming the car is a good idea. When I return from my daily toil I usually have two things on my mind eat and rest. I wish I had more than that. As for now that is my emotion. I know I can get out of this reaction but, for now I have to find away to modify it.

I believe as the warmer weather arrives my desire for so much food and rest will disappear. I think my weight chart is on par with last years and only a few percentages off the year before.
  • 4/9/11-180 lbs
  • 4/9/10 - 179 lbs
  • 4/9/09-176 lbs
  • 4/9/08-174 lbs

So, after today's 1412 burn of calories in one hour I felt beat but, awesome.We can't help but enjoy these moments. Just to savor these little breaks.

So now, we set foot on our next venture. On this incredible journey we call life.

Day 1143 gleams, like some oasis, it calls to me and asks me, what have YOU ..... got?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 1141 Today's word : DETERMINATION

The dictionary describe it as;the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.What about, burning the boats that you came ashore on!Now that is a determination. That means in order for us to get off of here we need to either send for more boats or build one here.

Folks when you you have worked out as many days in a row as I have and you put in a very trying day the day before, you wonder what it is you have for the next day. Well yesterday I wrote- "Day -Eleven forty one is coming on strong- I am ready!- Sure, it did come on strong. Pulling myself out of bed was no easy chore. But I am forever reminded of the story of a famous artist Henri Matisse. How one observer said although he suffered from crippling arthritis as he aged he was still inspired to paint.

The old man would struggle to move and sit at the piano bench. Then he would start playing and the music seemed to inspire him as his music would become more fluid and his body more supple. The man was transformed right in front of the observer's eyes.

So with that thought in the back of my mind, I gave my all today to burn 1367 calories in the hour and did 150 crunches there after.

So we head now to our 163RD Saturday. I am indeed ready. Lets make it happen.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 1140 - What time is it?

Its a eleven forty all day. And tomorrow will be eleven forty one all day.Now, is it am or pm? Both!

I feel awesome as I pushed myself to burn the last few calories over 1385 in the hour. My total burn for the hour was 1387. I do pride myself on this workout just as I prided myself on my work outs on the life cycle. I have heard that doing the same workout over and over does not do your body that much good. Well, I would like to hear the reasons why. I heard them. Not good enough for me.

Like I asked, what time is it? It is eleven forty. As in eleven hundred and forty straight days and eleven hundred and fifty four workouts in the last eleven hundred and forty days.

Day -Eleven forty one is coming on strong- I am ready!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 1139 Feeling more loose and refreshed is awesome!

As I started my workout today, I felt more loose and refreshed. I bought the idea that an extra hour or so of sleep would cause that effect.In the first fifteen minutes I burned 340 calories. Three hundred and forty times four in sixty minutes equals 1320. Thirteen hundred and twenty calories was way better than yesterday's 1293 for an hour.

Now, I felt ready to go, my confidence was up and my pace was good then I decided to push myself. I finished by burning another one thousand and fifty four calories in the next forty five minutes.My total was six short of fourteen hundred for the hour. In the last five minutes I was on a pace to burn fourteen hundred and five calories in an hour.

I felt super and was amazed by my bounce back day. This is my second bounce back day in the last two weeks.

Well, Day 1140 is a package on its way. I cannot wait to open it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 1138 I passed on sleep to watch the games

My result was a poor workout performance. I decided to nap when I finished work and then watch my three favorite teams play. I saw the Yankees win, the New York Rangers win and the UCONN huskies win the national championship of college basketball. But, as I said it cost me sleep.

So, working out on 5 hours of sleep I only burned 1293 calories in the hour. It felt good but not awesome. I was intent on enjoying myself last night. I paid in the am, so be it.

Day 1139 comes, my plan is to be rested and ready to capture the workout!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 1137 Off the heels of an awesome workout less 19 hours ago....

We put in another sixty minute session and burn 1370 calories.In exactly 18 hours and 18 minutes prior to the completion of one sixty minute workout. Feeling about as sharp as I can, we pour it on to burn 685 calories in each of the two 30 minute intervals.There is a different feel to the workout these days.We all love the warm weather for all of its conveniences no coat, no car warming no heat needed in the house.

It is like, having a place to yourself rather than taking care of an unwanted guest.Now, we break out the lighter clothing and contemplate wearing three layers or just two for our workouts.

Oh yeah, spring is in the air. Please take time to enjoy its freshness.

Day 1138 after a good toil and a good rest. I can hear NFL films music playing in the background!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 1135 The weekday work week is over.. Now starts---

I am happy to report that the daily toil for week 161 has been completed and I feel great. Now we turn the page and start the weekend work. As I said last Saturday on my first day of from 46 straight days, that I have been fortunate enough to have the energy to workout and work daily.

My efforts are priceless and I can't help but feel satisfied. When some gets into a routine of this behavior and enjoys it, that is truly a blessing.

It is now 620 am on a spring morning 2011. The weather has been pretty much spring like. It is clear that this winter is still lingering but, is showing signs of coming forward.
Baseball has begun, a little earlier than normal but , it here. Baseball will take us through spring and summer and a piece of fall. I just concluded my fourth opening day workouts. Up this point here are the days and some results from the workouts.

2008 Opening day MLB April 1ST- My team the Yankees vs Toronto @ Yankee Stadium 3-2 Yanks win
Day 39 had a great workout

2009 Opening day MLB April 6TH- My team the Yankees vs Baltimore@ Baltimore 5-10 Yanks
Day 409 burned 936 on Life Cycle in one hour

2010 Opening day MLB April 4TH - My team The Yankees vs Boston @ Boston 7-9 Yanks lose
Day 772 Burned 1492 on Arc trainer in one hour

2011 Opening day MLB March 31ST - My team the Yankees vs Detroit @ Yankee Stadium II 6-3 Yanks win
Day 1133 Burned 1290( lowest total year to date) on Arc Trainer in one hour after working 49Th day of 50 days.

Four opening days.Am I veteran yet?

Today, I played and felt like a pro. I came back strong in the second thirty minutes and burned 1405 calories in sixty minutes after burning on 687 in the first thirty. A great stretch of burning 718 calories assured me of eclipsing 1400 calories for the first time since Monday of this week.

After a brief setback, I have come on strong. Now, it off to start the weekend work. I am looking forward to a great work out on Day 1136!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 1134 Its April 1ST; How are we doing?

Can we all relate to that question? Is there power in that question. I focus everyday on coming up with a daily question. My daily questions are simple and direct inquires into your spirit and attitude.

They are questions that will allow you to soak in who you are at this moment.Check them out at
I am currently on Day 250 of the daily questions.

Today was a bounce back day after yesterday's less than stellar performance I burn 1372 calories in the hour- Ah.... What a relief . I felt great as I burned almost 700 calories in the second half hour.

Now I feel refreshed and energized- Thank God-

Day 1135 in coming another Saturday- this whole thing started 162 Saturdays ago. I am ready lets have at it!