Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 995 - Last Saturday of 1000 days

As we get so close we can touch it. This is the Saturday that precedes the date November 18TH 2010 which is 1000 days from February 23RD 2008.Where were you on the day February 23RD 2008?
I was still basking in the glow of my beloved football Giants winning their third Super Bowl.

As I recall, I was mulling over some changes in my mind. I had begun lent on February 6TH. I was 16 days into lent where I had given up chips, beer and soda. Some tough habits to shake.So, I was determined to make those temporary changes. As fate would have it, I started talking to some positive people about positive things. The more positive I spoke the more my desire to improve myself increased. The more I attempted to improve myself the more I wanted to challenge myself.

And from this boys and girls, the streak was born! My continuous action that brought me positive results spurned on a life style change. So, folks if you are not totally satisfied with your life and want to know how to change your way of life it could start with your way of thinking. Now, I am no rocket scientist but, thinking and talking more positive could be a way to do it.

Here is a report I just read about new findings on how exercise can improve your chances of NOT getting as many colds.

November 12, 2010
Regular Exercise Reduces Risk of the Common Cold
At a Glance
New research shows a strong correlation between regular aerobic exercise and reduced risk of upper respiratory tract infections.
Read more about this research below.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) can be caused by more than 200 different viruses, and it is estimated that the U.S. population suffers more than one billion colds a year (2-4 per average adult, 6-10 per average child). A number of lifestyle factors contribute to URTI risk, including poor nutrient status, lack of sleep, and stress. A new paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine adds exercise habits to the list of lifestyle factors affecting URTI risk.
1,023 subjects between 18 and 85 years of age were recruited for this study, with 1,002 individuals completing all study requirements. Subjects were selected from multiple BMI groups (roughly one-third were of normal weight, one-third were overweight, and one-third were obese) to ensure adequate representation. A comprehensive validated survey on lifestyle, diet, activity levels, stress, and URTI incidence and severity was completed by each study participant.
After controlling for potential cofounders, total days with URTI symptoms were 43-46% lower in the highest third of aerobic activity when compared to the lowest third, while URTI severity was reduced 32-41% for the high group. Low stress levels, high exercise frequency (≥5 days/week), and high fruit intake (≥3 servings/day) also correlated with reduced URTI incidence.
The exact mechanism by which aerobic exercise reduces URTI risk is still uncertain, although it appears to be a combination of factors, including transient increases of certain immune cell types, a reduction of stress hormones, and specialized benefits to key organs (particularly the lungs, which serve as a primary barrier against URTIs).
Nieman DC, Henson DA, Austin MD, Sha W. Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults. 2010. Br J Sports Med, ePub ahead of print. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2010.077875

We all have choices. How and what you think plays a huge factor in what you actually do.

I write my posts daily for a couple of reasons. One, is to spread the word that working out every day is fine.Two, working out every day is beneficial. Three, working out every day is fun. Four, to benefit myself with an accountability of my daily efforts.

In all, I feel if I do this on a daily basis, I can blaze a trail for others to follow so not only can I or you improve ourselves but maybe the entire world can move in that direction.

Can I get an AMEN?

I am marching to the gym for this, the Saturday before the 1000TH day!

As I loosened up prior to getting on the machine I realized this is the 1000TH workout in the last 995 days. after that I made the decision to celebrate by doing two one hour workouts. During my first hour I burned 1263 calories. In the second hour I burned 1266. Not bad. I actually burned more in second hour than the first.

Now, I have done 1001 workouts in the last 995 days. Can I get an AMEN?

I am here to say doing that workout will cure what ails you!

The elements were in place for this to happen today because:

  • excitement over reaching one thousand workouts
  • extra time because of no work today
So now the question arises what about tomorrow? Do I go for 2 day 2 days back to back?
I have not done that before. I am temped .......

Day 996 will be here before we all know it!

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