Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The record stands as of Tuesday December 8 ,2015. Day 662 I have now 2977 workouts in the last 2837 days.

The record stands as of Tuesday December 8 ,2015. Day 662 I have now 

2977 workouts in the last  2837 days. 

Based on the current work schedule of two days on and one day off followed by three days on and one day off. I am beginning to look at Tuesday night's as my Friday nights and Saturday nights as well, Saturday night. 

On Monday I slept from 9:15 pm to  4 am  woke up and my body ached but I was able to move. Luckily, I was able  enjoy a day of work  for 7 hours and 15 minutes.
Got on the machine @ 2:35 pm burned 2107 calories in the hour.
Highlight of the workout? I burned 733 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Day 1908  Daily questions for highly determined individual's

So you that it over, and you have decided on a plan of action. What percent of your decision on the course of action to take was emotionally driven? Why?

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