Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 973 - And the 500TH post! Sorry no bells and whistles

No just straight talk. With a little more wind in my sails and a glint in my eye I woke up fresher than the last few days. As a result of my spryness I bounced out of bed and was on the machine 32 minutes after my feet hit the floor this morning. In so doing I captured the only machine which really works in the place I call the gym.

A little bit about the gym. The gym is designed to be a place where the plan of let us see how many people we can get to join at the CHEAPEST price. The price is about as CHEAP as it gets I suppose. But cheap does include not only the price. The service you get is deplorable. It is really a shame because the equipment is good. Hey, its good when it works. The trouble is apparently not for owner is it hardly if ever maintained. Why do I say that? Well, when you consider how long it has been since certain equipment has been fixed in the CHEAPEST place, you will know what I mean. In my estimation there are about 20 machines that go by the name of arc trainer. In my estimation only one works properly.

Hey, you get what it is you pay for. I suppose to the typical unmotivated person who will join a gym because its cheap and show up a few times then quit working out, its a marriage made in heaven. After all MR or MRS lazy come meet MR or MRS cheap. Here is your gym its cheap. So what ya say? Okay I am in. Great! Oh excuse I need this fixed or that is not working - Oh sorry we have to tell you it will fixed but... we cannot tell you when. Really ? Yes, sorry oh and thanks for your money which will be sucked out monthly out of your account. Oh, MR or Mrs lazy we love you here at MR or Mrs CHEAP!

Yes, folks the beat goes on and despite the lousy cheap gym I by the grace of God continue on this awesome journey of working out everyday. I am now at 976 workouts in the last 973 days.

Today I got less rest than yesterday and burned more calories in the hour. I burned 1255 and did it while getting less than 23 hours of rest in between the conclusion of my last workout.


As they say on the sports talk show around the horn- " we will now take a 23 hour break and see you tomorrow.
We go for 974!

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