Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 887- Make it three! We are on a roll

The weather has been nice in the am. Humidity has been low. We tend to look towards distraction while we engage in activities we have to do rather than want to do. I always thought if there was one thing we can all work on all the time it is a simple concept called "want to". I believe it is a instinctive force that is within all of us. The exciting part is that we have had it all through our lives.
We all have that given instinct to ask until we get what we want. Think about this when we were just little kids and we wanted something real bad when did we stop asking for it? If you were like most you did not stop asking until you got it.

Now, ask yourself this when did you stop asking for something before you got it? I will give you the answer. You stopped asking for something before you got it when your want to went away. OK some may say I got something better or I lost interest but, it is still the absence of a want to that prevents us from getting what we want.

So if we now know that working on a "want to" is important in our lives, the question is how do we work on improving our want to?

It is a great question. A question that we can probably spend days discussing. I suppose the ability to identify what exactly we want will strengthen our chances for improving on our "want to". So take some time and discover what you want and find out why you want it. Then work on ways to improve that want and you will be able to work on your want to.

The meaning of life, what is it to you?

Today, I burned 1360 in the hour and felt great while doing it.

But, I must work on my "want to."

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