Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 652- Up early to meet the challenge

First time been up this early since November 21st. Interesting, it sure feels good to awake when it is nice and quiet. The focus here and now is to get the legs moving. I did a 908 yesterday after a great start. Need to focus on a strong consistent ride today.

Gym opens in a few minutes. Then that delicious feeling of working out returns for a solid 60 minutes. I am dressed
and ready to play.

Three words don't give up. I was definitely challenged today. Today was the first day since Day 638 that I did not start my workout after 8:30am. It is safe to say my body knew it. Ever notice that it is hard to slip one by your body.Your mind maybe the brains of the outfit but body is right there on the front lines. For the last 14 days my body has been given a nice rest prior to each workout. A nice includes a good 6 hours of sleep then an hour or so of wake up time.

As I said the body knows when something has been changed. The nothing wrong with a little alteration of schedule it is just that your body needs to adapt to the change.

Today's ride remind me of a classic case of the over matched versus the ready and finely tuned pro. The reason why I say that is the numbers
First 10 minutes did 144 calorie burn by the end of 20 minutes I had burned 304 calories( not bad that pace actually beats yesterday's 908 in 60) Now, At this point I saw my self standing toe to toe with 900 until the end. I really did! I hit the 30 minute mark at 448(I can live with that)
At the famous 30 minute to 45 minutes mark is where I usually know where I am at. Questions are answered have the legs gotten loose enough? Am I ready to get a big push off to keep the pace strong? I did come to realize that when I reached that 30 minute mark I was sweating like crazy and breathing pretty hard. I suppose it was my legs saying what we doing up so early?

Either way the number did not go the way I had hoped for so i gutted it up just to finish burning up 836 calories in the hour. So, I felt great after I was done and resigned to the fact that was what my body could muster today

Woodja gimme an Amen?

The next day with the GOOD LORD willing will be Day 653- I wait for that challenge

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