Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 517- I went but I am coming back!

I had a good challenge today. I started reading a book which over 2 years I couldn't pick up. Then I started reading it and I couldn't put it down. Now I am in the final chapters and feel more compelled. Anyway my workout was delayed this morning. Along with the delay we had a equipment malfunction. Yes, I can not believe the pedal broke on my favorite life cycle again. As a result I switched off one life cycle and on to another. I managed to do a total of close to 60 minutes of riding. I did 14 minutes and 14 seconds on the one that broke and the remainder on the one that is broken but you could still pedal. my total on the last one was 675 on the first one( which I rode for 45 minutes) was 225 so I did 900 in less than 60 minutes which is good! Now, I am going back to do some ab work and arms work. I have been lacking in that area over the last 72 hours or so.

I know I have mention this before but I will repeat this another time. My routine when I workout is to take no drink or food before or after I work out until I am really ready. What that means is some days I take no drink or food until I have completed two workouts. I just fast until I really feel like drinking or eating. Today, I am prepared to do just that. My plan is to go to work go to the gym again and work on my abs and arms then come home shower and then have some vitamins and something to drink and eat. That should been a good challenge and a good fast.

Now, back to the book before I go to work.....

Managed to finish the book it was awesome.

All right 517 was a memorable one. First at the 14 minute and 14 second mark I broke the machine- AGAIN- Then after fasting for 17 or so hours -I went back to the gym to do 3600 or so crunches and some plank exercise with some arms work. After I finished my workout I so the manager of the gym and I explained to him that the pedal on the life cycle had broken again. His response was what you doing to these machines? I said "I stand up on them". His reply was you are not suppose stand up on these cycles they are not made for that. So, as the bard would tell us there in lies the rub. I have been breaking the life cycles because I am working them too hard. Now what? Work them softer I suppose? I will focus on doing a lesser resistance on the life cycle. That will be a challenge. What is the worse that can happen? I workout a little less strenuously.
Either way, I am excited about the challenge as day 518 awaits...

One footnote to today -day 517 is when the 17Th perfect game in Major League Baseball history during the regular season.The game was pitched in Chicago by Mark Buehrle vs the Tampa Bay Rays. Mark was pitching for the Chicago White Sox. The perfect game by Buehrle was 18th overall. In the 1956 World Series Don Larson pitched a perfect game. After the game, President Obama called Mark to congratulate him on the effort. Ah Hmm, I did not get a call from the president on completing my 517Th day consecutive day of working out. Maybe next time!

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