Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 515-Sleep was an inexplicable challenge

My focus today has to do with time management. Thanks to a great workout yesterday I felt awesome all day.My trip to the gym was a little later than planned. I was planning on a very early arrival and an early to bed early to rise would have helped that effort. As fate would have it early to bed did not result in early to sleep. Now, I am a wake and anxious to capture 515. My legs were very fresh yesterday and I am hoping for a repeat of that feeling in next 20 minutes or so.

My inspiration today is what one great philosopher once pointed out, life is similar to a rainy day. The human spirit can stay in and be dry, go out and be wet or can use an umbrella and be out and do something with the day. Which choice one makes determines their day. Of course I have paraphrased here but I think we all get the picture.

Well, its raining and I am going out sans the umbrella!

Yes, it is still raining, yes I got wet. Yes! I did capture day 515- Finished strong, burned 18 calories in the last minute which is a record breaking pace( 18x60 minutes = 1080). My determined goal in the hour was to get 920+ calories burned. I did 921 thanks to the super smash smudge of an effort in the last minute. Can I get a hallelujah- I am pumped now it's off to the rainy day where this time I plan on wearing a mental umbrella -

Hope you all have a great day and if it rains I hope you are singing in the rain!

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