Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 497- I love the challenge- A broken life cycle awaits a rider

The time has come I have rested long enough. I want the ball, put me in coach. Dr Mitchell Perry a performance coach reminds us to focus on what we are noticing not only our results of our actions. He also cautions us on not to use negative words while completing a task. Example, never say why don't we do this. Instead say let's do this. The reason is obvious, when we ask why don't we? It conjures up reasons not to do something. On the other hand, if we say" let's do this" it is a more positive question. Here is a great book by Dr Perry

Anyway, time to go get # 497- One little note about my streak of 496 straight days of a cardio workout lasting at least 60 minutes. On three of 496 days I did 2 workouts of 1 hour or more . If you want to be technical I have done 499 straight workouts and today would be the 500Th.

Had a great workout - It was like Christmas, the pedal was fixed! I got to attack the workout on a working machine- I came out as the hockey players say "a house of fire" did a 168 in the 1st 10 minutes. Did a 326 in the 1st 20, a 474 in 30 minutes. Then as has been the normal I slowed in the second half and wound up doing a 909 in 60 minutes. Felt great after the ride. Went onto to do 3000 + crunches did the usual 10 minutes of consecutive plank.( that's where I support my self on my elbows and balls of my feet.)http:/
Did weights: which included three sets of thirty. Altogether the workout took about 2 1/2 hours.

Shared a few thoughts with some people at the gym.
1- people don't care how much you know until, they know how much you care.
the thought is people want to know you really care about them before they will listen to your advice or well wishes.
2- in the good times you put it in your pocket and in the lean times you put it in your heart.
the thought here is simple when things are good your happy.However, when times are tough its hits your heart and you remember how you got through the tough times.

My focus now is on 498- I am psyched! A working life cycle. I am pumped for the next day's opportunity. I love it!

Before I go any further I have got add this link: htt Read this and you be as Oliver Wendell Holmes said "a mind stretched to another dimension will never return to its original dimension."

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