Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 1072 As we head toward Saturday number 153

As the followers of this blog may have noted this streak started on a Saturday. To be precise, Saturday February 23,2008.Here we are Saturday January 29, 2011. The gym opens at 7am so I have some additional time to post some thoughts. It about 15 degrees outside, there is so much snow you can barely see over the the snow banks.

When we try determine how we have received we get a report that another storm is coming. Well boys and girls this has been one incredible run of 30 days. I would guess that since December 26TH when we got a pretty picture of snow fall until today we have gotten at the very least 50 inches of snow.

The news that is not that exciting is that it is still here. Yep winter has done its part.

Last year, my calender says that on this date that my workout activity. Day 707; I had just done a workout on the arc trainer and burned 1070 in an hour. No mention of snow. As we fast forward to today. I am warming up the car and getting ready to burn 1400 plus calories in the hour as I have rested over 25 hours in between workouts.

The car should be warm I am ready here I go........

Today, we put on a clinic on how NOT to give up! By burning 1416 calories in the hour I exerted about every ounce of energy I had.I had a great first thirty minutes where I burned 715 calories. I definitely felt it. When in the next thirty minutes I could not reach that total but I would NOT give up. I burned 701 calories to get the total up to 1416 calories burned in one hour.

My legs and my breathing felt good I knew if I kept a good pace I would burn 1400 or more calories in the hour.

Here is a quick story to ponder. A man is asked to do a tough job. He must find out a way to boil a frog.First, he places the frog in a pot of cold water then before he knows it the frog jumps out. Now, the man was given this job and promised a good sum of money to complete it. So as the man thinks about his challenge he starts to formulate the idea of why is this frog not staying in the pot? He realizes the reason is the water is not comfortable. Perhaps if the water was more to the frogs liking temperature wise he would be able to get the frog to stay in the pot.

So with a flash of brilliance he puts the frog in a pot of comfortable lukewarm water. Then, guess what? The frog stays in the pot. Now, with frog in the pot he decides to turn up the heat. However, he does not turn it up high right away he gradually turns it up and before he and the frog know it the frog is boiled.

I know that is kind of a tough story but, there is a lesson and a question in it. What activity have you engaged in that has a habitual repetition that if you do not get out of the "pot" you will be boiled in it. Just like the unsuspecting frog?

Day 1073 will I break 1416 on ample rest?

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