Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 747- Today represents the seven hundred and fiftieth workout

Each diamond represents 100 days of consecutive workouts. If you take a diamond and split it in half and add it to the this picture you get the whole story!
Thank you God for the strength to complete 750 workouts in 747 days. Today, I felt very strong as I came within a hair of burning 24 calories a minute for one hour. I have to say burning calories at a rapid pace is one of my favorite things to do! My back was still a little testy so, I increased my ab workout from yesterday but I held back any major workout until hopefully, tomorrow.

During this journey I have learned so much about my body. I learned my legs are resilient and they love to be worked as much as they can. It is funny after I had burned 1437 calories today i was not that tired. I contemplated doing another 60 minutes to see if I could burn another 1200 or so calories. i suppose the record for most calories burned in a 24 hour period is 2,536 set on February 20Th 2010 Day 736. A piece of irony 2,536 burned on day 736? Here is a thought, whenever I burn 1,400 or more calories in an hour I am only within 1,200 more of breaking the record for 2 hours.
I hear that there is a movie that will be released that has Robert DeNiro playing the part of Vincent Lombardi. I sincerely hope that DeNiro does a great job portraying a great football coach. As I recall, the last movie I saw where a great coach was portrayed by an actor I wasn't very impressed. Had I not read the book prior I would not have appreciated the movie very much. As the movie did little to enhance my image of the great coach.
If DeNiro can pull off a great portrayal of Lombardi it will definitely enhance my image of the great coach.
I love this challenge I am somewhat drained I have completed my workout and have not had any food or drink since last night at 10 pm. It is now 11:52 am. I am in the middle of my 13TH hour of fasting. Throw in a 1,400-1,500 calorie burn and I am ready for a drink and a bite to eat. But, here is where the fun begins. In about another hour, I will replenish myself. So this next hour or so shall be fun!

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