Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 614-Rain reminds me of Descartes

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I am sure all this has been covered before but it is worth a review. I was woken to the sound of rain this morning. As I said "Rain reminds me of Descartes" . Descartes was a philosopher I studied in college. His premise on life was when it rains a person has but three choices 1) stay in and be dry 2) go outside and be wet or 3) use a cover from the rain an umbrella. With an umbrella a person still be outside but they will be dry. So, how does this pertain to life. Let us think about it a bit. In this example what is rain? Rain is an obstacle is it not? Rain is stopping this individual from being dry and being outside. If one of that person's goal of the day was to be outside and be dry then rain has certainly presented a challenge to that. Now come the choices, stay home and give in to the obstacle and relax the goal for as long as it rains. How about going outside and being satisfied with half the accomplishment of the goal.Whereas the person did not stay dry but darn if he or she did not go outside! Last using an umbrella, what does that mean? It is saying to the rain and the world "I know it is going to be a challenge but I am up to it."

I suppose this does sound simple and obvious but that is life. WE CAN CHOOSE TO QUIT COMPROMISE OR DO IT!

When it comes to working out I like to choose to DO IT!

Did a great work out today, reason? Sweated for 2 hours. If that is not reason enough then I have not got a reason.

I the past few days I have been challenged on the ride. However today I did more than yesterday. Burned 814 calories in 60 minutes. Had a 15 calorie burn per minute average going up to the 28 minute mark. My competitive nature kicked in when I got off the lifecycle and did 1327 crunches in about 20 minutes. Soon after I did 32 minutes on the plank. A word about the plank. It is one of the only exercises I know that you can sweat like crazy while not moving. So Day 614 is done - I pray for more power on my ride tomorrow - Day 615

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