Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 613- Ever wonder why some people respond to the world in a happy cheerful manner?

What is it about some people that they just seem to be constantly in a good mood? It must be the way they look at things. They must believe that all people are good. And good things will happen to them. They must be fascinated by the whole living and alive experience. I gather that most of these type of people genuinely like people. They enjoy seeing people and are usually happy to be around people. Also they must feel good around people because it makes them feel good to be around people. I also believe that their enjoyment is not limited to people, it is for all living things.

Most people of this type are probably challenged a lot by people that do not have a great disposition in their lives right now. Yet the person with the great attitude just smiles and shrugs off the negative outlook the person forecasts.

So hats off to the persons that have a great attitude and are fun to be around and having around.Christ said " I have come here so you may live more abundantly". Thanks to those who make us feel better than we normally do - Thank you for helping us all to live more abundantly.

Make sense of my recent power outage and I'll give you a dollar! Today, I rode the lifecycle but not with same vim and vigor I would have liked to have. Oddly my calorie burn per hour has been going down. I believe its OK but I suppose it is worth noting. I am still cranking up the heart rate and sweating as usual and do feel great after the ride. Also, I do have plenty of energy after the ride to do other exercises. I did do a 22 minute straight plank today. This plank included a 10 minute straight plank of staying in the exact same position which is probably one of my longest ever!

Ah life is grand! Day 614 is less than 17 hours away- Lord have mercy!

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