Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 589- Leadership: Leadership is everything!

You show me anything in America that works and I will show you a leader at work. Take successful boy scout girl scout troop. Take local YMCA,high school music department, pta.Chances are great that a strong leader is behind those organizations. The greatness of a leader is the leader vision. When I say vision I mean to see ahead into the future to see great things happening for the followers. A leader must be able to sell his vision to his followers. A leader's vision has to big enough to fit all of its followers into it. A leader must convey the simp[le thought of here is where we are going and when we get there we will all be satisfied. A leader must always work on stretching the vision of not only himself but everyone around him.

I know this are powerful words coming from somone who has no leadership status but hey, it is all common sense. Just in case if you ever wondered if you are a leader,ask yourself one simple question is anyone following me? That means in anything you do?

People that have a great outlook on life usually have someone following them whether or not they realize it or not. Leadership is both tangible and intangible. Tangible would be someone being led to a certain spot in a building. Intangible would someone imparting the words of somone else's vision.

Having something in mind to do and getting others involved to accomplish that plan is leadership.
Go out and lead today!

I did day 589 - for some reason my legs were not as loose as I would have liked so I did a 862 in 60 minutes. I was operating on less rest than I had all week. I suppose that was a factor.

Tomorrow marks day 590. it also will mean that I have done 595 60 minute work outs in 590 days. It also means I will have traveled 595x20 miles =11,900 virtual miles in that span of time.

I am a leader so everybody shout ---I LOVE TO WORK OUT!

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