Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 591- Are we having any fun?

Life boils down to a few main things. What are they? I suppose for everybody its a little different. I believe one word does a great job in answering why people do what they do. Do you want to know what it is? Its INCENTIVES! Think about it. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What gets you to get dressed? What gets you to school or work? There is that word again- INCENTIVES! The dictionary defines it: –noun
something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity.
Okay, not bad. But remember, everyone has an incentive for doing anything. Just sitting in a chair requires an incentive. There is a reason why you are sitting there. You want to receive something. Relaxation, to read my blog, look at the ceiling or anything. Now, an incentive is only there because you put it there. You placed it there and you are going towards it.

So in summary, I believe the key to life is identifying your own incentives- For example why do you not want to work out? No time, no energy blah blah. NO INCENTIVE- You know, most people are tuned into the same radio station. Its called WIFM- Whats in it for me.

Happy days- find your incentives and go out there and charge!

Okay I did it. I charged, did a 471 calorie burn in the first 30 minutes. Slowed a lot in the next 15 minutes. then gathered myself up to finish with a 902 in burned calories for the 60 minute ride. Felt extraordinarily well after the ride. Which is and was my incentive. Hey, do we all have an incentive to feel well? Of course we do! once I finish my ride as usual I had remove my totally soaked clothes and get into some dry ones. hey, that is something I heard a lot of major league pitchers do in between innings in baseball. So why not me? After the ride and wearing dry clothes I went to some crunches then the plank and back to some crunches.I did around 900 crunches and 25 minutes straight through on the plank exercise. Once again it felt... EXTRAORDINARY!

I am excited about tomorrow why? Because I get to workout again. How about you are you excited about tomorrow? What is your incentive for this evening? Or tomorrow?

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