Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 549- Time to break Michael Jack Schmidt's awesome Home Run number

I am excited to take another step towards beating more Home Run hitters on the all-time list.
Here is who is coming up:

Frank Robinson 586
Mark McGwire 583
Alex Rodriguez 575 still playing
Harmon Killebrew 573
Rafael Palmeiro 569
Jim Thome 564 -still playing
Reggie Jackson 563
Mike Schmidt 548

This ought to be a blast let's to see if I can catch Alex by the end of this baseball season. The last regular season game is scheduled for October 4TH which happens to be 41 days from today. That would be day 590. When I am at day 590 Alex would have to be at 590 career home runs. So, Alex would have had to have hit (590-575=15) fifthteen home runs. Which is entirely mathematically possible considering the statistic that reveals that Alex has hit a home run every 14.82 at bats this year. Since there is 38 games left for his team to play and Alex averages 3.58 at bats per game( 38 x 3.58) Alex has the possibility of coming to bat about a 136 more times. Now, if you divide his possible at bats to the average number of times he hits a home run per at bat you can see he will hit 9 more home runs this regular season . Which would leave Alex Rodriguez with 584 career home runs on October 4TH.

What did I say the day I would be on October 4TH? I believe it was 590. So, that would put me 6 workouts ahead of Alex's career home runs.

I felt great. Whenever I pound out a 924 it is time to celebrate. Once you hit that 472 in 1st 30 minutes you feel like you have got hold of the tiger's tail- oh yeah! I felt strong, I am sure having 6 1/2 hours of sleep sure helped.Plus, working out some 26 hours from the last work out felt better than working out the usual 24 hours. I wound up doing a 924 in 60 minutes which equals a 15.4 per minute pace - YAWSA! T is the beauty of keeping a log of one's workouts. I can simply go on my blog or calendar and find out when I last did that high of a calorie burn in one 60 minute ride. On August 7TH, I did a 933 / Day 532 - Well, that's good to know.

Tomorrow we go after 550!

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