My oh my what an obvious thought. Looking out on the day ahead and filling this day with a good strong ride adds a sense of fulfillment to the day. The feeling of accomplishment in the early hours gives me an emotion of conquest. Conquest in knowing I gave it all I had for that task and by the strength of GOD I did it- Yesterday was the strongest ride of the week - my numbers were low until I did a 922 -Friday. I only did in the 800's prior to last Saturday. Where I did a 906. My numbers usually tell me how loose my legs feel. I am ready to go so let's have at it!
Had at it as best as I could. Wanted more did a 851 in 60. Knee was barking a little. Probably just needs a little rest. Pushed ahead I will feel better in 20-24 hours.
You know we all have challenges we all coulda shoulda woulda all over ourselves everyday some every hour. That is ok, just keep striving to do our best is all that we can hope for. The fire in the belly thats the name of the game. I love the workout it brings me great joy. I hope all who read this someday if not now feel the same.
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