Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 547-Nearing a milestone as the rain falls

Today is as they called it, the penultimate day before in complete a good solid number of consecutive work out days. My body needs to feel a little refreshed. It all starts by having a renewing of the mind. To begin we need fresh thoughts, positive thoughts, thoughts of success. I believe in the theory focus on your thoughts because they become my words, actions,behavior and habits. My habits become my character which drives my decisions. My decisions help shape my destiny. While my destiny determines who I become.

Today I am ready to do my best and meet the challenge of day 547. I am psyched to go for it.

Hey, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I wanted to crank out a strong one but had to settle fora decent finish. Managed to do 152 in last 10 minutes. So, I finished with a 867 calorie burn in 60 minutes. Which is a 14.45 burn per minute for 60 minutes.

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

There is a ton of power in that one phrase. We all know this going in so why do we do what we do? Every time you have a good intention keep this in mind. It just may help you succeed on your good intentions. I threw everything I had at that ride and and was getting frustrated with the outcome until I remembered that powerful phrase.

Here is one other phrase to leave you with and its a good one:

All you can do is all you can do but, all you can do is enough.

God bless and enjoy your day!

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