Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 700- It has been one heck of a ride! Celebrate good times, Come On!

I still feel great! It was awesome going into the gym at 5am(as advertised) in the dark and coming out of the gym at 6:15am in the dark. It was a sensational feeling knowing at 6:15 I had already kept the streak alive.

Everyday I workout and I do mean everyday I do workout I feel as though a little battle has been won. Steven Covey the (author of several books) author of seven habits says we all need our private victories. In the past 700 days I have actually enjoyed 705 private victories. How sweet is that? That is a shade more than one a day. If you include all the abdominal workouts which were on average 5 to 6 a week and multiply it times the number of weeks which is 100 it adds up to an extra 500 to 600 private victories.

A private victory to me is when you win but only you know what you won. Only you know what you had to sacrifice to get that victory. It has been said In the good times you put it in your pocket. Ah but in the lean times you put it in your heart- Can I get an AMEN?

The same for working out on the good days you just sail right through but in the days where the workout is a little more challenging you just stow it in your heart because you know what it took to get the workout done with maximum effort.

One of the signs at the gym says judgement free zone. Heck, what does that mean you are free to judge anyone? No, actually it means the opposite it really means no one will judge you. So, you are free to do your best.

I did my best today after a 16 hour break from my last ride I managed to burn 830 calories in an hour. Not a great burn but a truly exhilarating one!

Tomorrow I will attempt another workout only this time in a different gym.

Day 701 beckons- It says come get me .... if you can!

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