Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 687- It seems like the weekends is where I change this schedule

In the process of doing this daily reporting I am starting to detect a trend or a pattern. I have been getting up earlier on Saturday's than any other day of the week. Since my schedule right now is to work Friday,Saturday and Sunday my best times to workout out on Saturday and Sunday are in the early morning hours.

These time changes pose an interesting challenge. Getting myself to rise early on Saturday is one of them. Starting my workout on less rest is the other.Both make for a fun challenge. I want to have tons of energy when I do my workout at anytime because I find it extremely exhilarating to charge through the ride with strength and perseverance.

I will be ready mentally this fine cold morning to get loose and give it my all. My prayers are that God gives my the strength to get strong and be strong throughout the entire ride.

It is now 6:18 am I have been awake since 5:30 am and I went to sleep at 12:45 am.

Energy is the key Day 687 is calling......

Here is an epiphany: If I choose to workout two times within a 24 hour time frame then I have worked out two times in one day. Now, the question surfaces. How many times during this streak have I worked out twice a day? My guess is probably every Friday. But wait a second How times do I workout From midnight Sunday until Saturday at midnight. In other words, how many times do I workout in 168 hours? Therefore, there are times I workout twice in 24 hours and then other times I workout 2 twice 48 hours depite the fact that I worked out twice in 1 interval of 24 hours, I still only worked out twice in 48 hours. In that case I worked out only 1 time a day for a whole week.Because on some days I rest for 26 or 28 hours.

It seemed stranger when I thought about it before. Oh well....

Today's ride was the slowest in a while my legs were not cooperating. Maybe it was riding on short rest or not getting the accustomed sleep. None the less I only burned 802 calories in 60 minutes.

Tomorrow I hope to have more rest in between rides and maybe more sleep.

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