Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 695- High energy cures what ails you!

When energy is high, a lot of ailments seem secondary. It all comes down to energy, how much you do you have? What is the depth of your enthusiasm? What is it that is going to make you quit? When will you say, okay I have had enough? When will you become being sick of being sick and tired? When will you be sick and tired of being just that- sick and tired?

How much energy do you have? What do you do with the energy you have? Are you happy with the use of your energy? Why do you not have more energy? Do you wish you had more energy? If you had more energy what would you do with it?

If you lost 10 pounds would you feel better about yourself? What do you think are the reasons you think you would feel better about yourself?

What habits of eating and exercise are helping you today? What habits of eating and exercising are hurting you today?

If they are helping you, what are they and why are they helping you?
If they are hurting you, what are they and why are they hurting you?

I guess when you look at the two help and hurt side by side they say a lot. What is helping you? How is it helping you? What is hurting you? How is it hurting you?

If you just shrugged your shoulders and said I don't know. My reply would be well, don't you think you ought to find out?

I did two courageous workouts this weekend. I feel whenever you can do a workout in a)a 19 hour break b) 4 1/2 hours of sleep c) despite being on your feet for 14 straight hours the day before and do a stronger workout than you did the day before.
You have done 2 courageous workouts!

So chalk today up for courage, as I burned 873 calories in 60 glorious minutes!

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