Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 582- Arod blasts 581 need today to pass him again

I knew this would be fun! If he hits a home run for everyday I work out until the end of the regular season he will have 590 home runs. It should be an interesting chase. This morning I am up early. Last night I went down late. Went down at 1:10 am up at 5:45 am. I had been getting more rest so I am excited for the challenge.

I have often thought about this concept and a question we can all ask one another. What is your preoccupation? What is your mind engaged in right now other than what you are presently doing. Everyone has a place they think about other than where they are now.

The biggest challenge we all have to be where we are now! To make the most out of every second. It sure sounds simple but then why don't we all do it? I am preoccupied with doing the work out and having fun and then getting ready for a day of work.

Here I go ready to pass Arod, again!

I always loved that movie. What movie? Running Brave. It is the story of Billy Mills the Olympic gold medalist who came out of nowhere to win the gold medal in the Tokyo Summer Olympics.
He did by never giving up in his life and in the race.The mememorable part of the movie is when comes from behind the pack to win the race. His track coach said he had no heart and no kick. Meaning he could not push himself to run harder at the end of the race.

Boy, was that coach wrong. Mills came from way back to out distance his opponents to win the gold medal that day.

That is the focus I try to garner when finish my ride. Today I did something I havehad troubl with in the past. That is to have a stonger second 30 minutes of riding than first 30 minutes of the ride. In my 1st 30 minutes I burned 448 calories which is okay. However in my 2nd 30 minutes I burne 459 calories. I had a good kick at the end. In fact, I burned 50 calories in the last 3 minutes which is over a 16 calorie per minute pace. When you compare that to my 957 calories I burned in the firsst 57 minutes that is a 15.04 per minute calorie burn pace. To put that sort of effort is awesome! That is the Billy Mills kick I always go for when I ride. I did some research and find out that Billy mills planned thru visualization that he was going to win that race!

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