Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 564- Can I do a 964 or more?

What am I talking about? Well here is a brief recap: Today marks the 564TH day without interruption that I have done a 60 minute cardiovascular workout. Within the 60 minutes I give it my all to burn as many calories that I could. My record to date is 1,013 calories burned in 60 minutes. Yesterday I burned 958. Which included burning 501 calories in the 1st 30 minutes something I have only done 5 times in 563 tries. So now I feel good to give 964 or more a good attempt. Strength and focus is the key.

So here I go...

Yes! It was a wild ride! I was challenged. I started with a good strong 30 minute pace that I was determined to maintain. I maintained a 16 calorie burn per minute pace all the way to end. Which beat yesterday's total of 958. I pushed very hard to get the desired mark of 964 but fell only 2 burned calories short. Awe, but it was awesome charging after that magical number! Just gunning it, with all I had, that total empty the tank feeling. My legs are feeling good and I love it!

After a short rest(maybe three minutes) I did a record setting 30 minutes on the plank exercise. My mark yesterday was 26 minutes and the day before 24 all personal highs for me.

So with a great ride and a record setting plank I am finished with my workout for Day 564, the day Reggie's number was passed.

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