Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 573- The weather is gradually getting cooler

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 573- The weather is gradually getting cooler
Last year, on this day, I was on day 208 and I did two rides in one day. I did them back to back with no rest. The first ride I burned 938 calories.The second 823 calories. I was weighing in at 166 pounds after the ride. I felt great I did the plank in three segments 1 1/2 minutes; 1 minute then 30 seconds. A total of 3 minutes on the plank. Prior to Day 208 the previous time I did 2 rides in one day was July 9, 2008 - where I did the first one and burned 885 calories. Then burned 863 in the second ride.So, today is the anniversary of a double ride. I hope to put in some more of those soon they are fun! Today will be great I need to go kick the jets into gear. A positive attitude is all it takes.Go get them!

There is always something magical about having an awesome ride! Did a solid 926 had a great pace and I kept it. In my first 30 minutes I burned 462 calories. Now that is a good pace. I maintained that pace by doing a 464 in the last 30 minutes. My plan was to keep burning 16 calories a minute for the last 40 minutes. Quick math says if I keep burning 16 a minute I would be 1 calorie a minute ahead of 15 calories a minute. So if I would burn a total 900 in 60 minutes I would be at a 15 calorie a minute pace. However, if I can burn one more calorie a minute for 40 minutes I would be 40 calories a head of the 900 calories I would be at 940 calories per hour. That would be awesome. But, I was not able to keep burning 16 calories per minute for the entire 40 minutes. Yet I still got a very respectable number. I love it . After I was done with the ride I did some crunches 500. I plan on going to the gym for a few minutes this afternoon.

Day 574 is where I can pass the great home run hitter Harmon Killebrew. Old Harm hit 573 HRS.

Went to the gym in the afternoon and did a record setting plank! 37 minutes ! Felt awesome
Did some arm work and stretches!

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