Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 580- Its funny when rest is deemed as an option its easy to take

Today we catch AROD! Yup, he sits there at 580. I realize after today's ride we will be tied and stay tied for the day because his team does not play today.Also, with the good lord willing will pass him before he plays on Friday night.

I remember when I targeted the great quarterback Brett Favre's number of consecutive games of 288 of performing as a starting quarterback in the NFL. I can recall the excitement of feeling the reaching of a big number in sports. The number to me represented longevity and endurance. In addition, I felt a sense of equality with a great player.
I know I was not on that level in terms of athletic ability but hey, I indulged with my mind to stand for one second shoulder to shoulder with greatness.

Now I sit here some having more than doubled that at one time lofty number. I suppose I should feel over whelmed with accomplishment , but I don't. Instead, I am looking for any number as a motivational tool that keeps this journey fun.

So, today its Arod, looking out for who is next?

1 Barry Bonds 762
2 Hank Aaron 755
3 Babe Ruth 714
4 Willie Mays 660
5 Ken Griffey, Jr. (16) 627
6 Sammy Sosa 609
7 Frank Robinson 586
8 Mark McGwire 583
9 Alex Rodriguez (27) 580

Currently tied with Arod. Accepted the battle today. Wish I had more fire. Did a 902 in 60. Was @ 460 @ 30. Then 608 @ 40 minutes. Nine oh two in sixty minutes. No plank today. About 200 crunches was somewhat pressed for time.

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