Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 560- Nice # gave myself some rest

I have noticed lately when I get a little extra rest I tend to be a little less loose when I start my work out. I went down at 11:30 ish and was up at 7:30ish. My gosh that is almost eight hours. Since I usually get six hours that is a big difference.

I once heard from a performance coach by the name of Dr Mitchell Perry that whenever you engage in any activity and your goal is to improve never say to yourself how am I doing? You might ask why? Why would I not ask how am I doing? After all we all want to know how we are doing on a consistent basis. The reason is simple, according to Dr Perry in an effort to not be too judgemental and hard on ourselves he suggests asking what am I noticing? Which is a much less judgemental approach. I agree with this thought process, rather than say I am not doing this thing good and try to just get better at it.We should break it down and say hmm, what am I noticing here? Am I nervous? Anxious? Not focused? Uninterested? Not ready? There are a huge number of things that are going on not just the result. Its only when you acknowledge what is happening can you start to develope a maximum performance.

Keep this in mind, the difference between having a peak performance and not having a peak performance is very small just the slightest thing spells the difference.

My theory is winners win because they do things people who do not win do not do. Man, that is indeed a mouthful. Sometime study a winner and see if this holds true.

DAY 560 AWAITS- that me see what I can notice?

I noticed I felt a little tight in the first 5 minutes then felt looser and looser. By about the 20 minute mark I was really pedaling hard and noticed that flow. Flow is a great word to me it means you are one with it all. Your moving and everything is moving with you.I am referring back to that Henry David Thoreau concept. Day 554( see the entry with pictures). As fate would have it I blasted to a 640 in 40 which is 16 calories a minute which in my book is sensational. I noticed my strength start to sag and wound up with a 925 which allowed me to practice CANI. Especially since I did a 903 yesterday. After I did my 925 in 60 minutes I proceeded onto the crunches where I did 1,000 and 17 minutes on the plank which is better than the 16 I did on Wednesday. So, I CANI ed myself happy today.

Tomorrow, I will be challenged. I have not decided whether or not I will do my Day 561 tonite around 1045ish until about midnight when I get out of work or get up at 5 am and get the workout in before I go in at 9:30 am . I like the idea of getting it done tonite. Thus giving myself a 30+ hour break in between my next work out.

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