Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 558- Early to bed early to rise makes a man Happy Healthy and Wise

That is the saying coined by Ben Franklin many years ago. I have decided to get on this track. My focus is to go down earlier. With efforts to rise earlier. If you consider what really gets done later is not that productive. At least in my case. I have noticed I wind up eating more the later I stay up. Who needs that? When I wake up earlier I do not feel rushed to work out and I will try to work out longer. Well this is day two of this plan. The concept here is motivation gets you going but habit gets you to reach your goal. I am motivated to try something a little different. Will habit be formed. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. I agree its all the turning around of a mind set. Focusing on CANI opens the door for a good habit to be created.

Now to go off on a macro tangent. According to Schopenhauer:

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.Truth Arthur Schopenhauer quote

I feel the same process goes through all individuals whenever they attempt to change from a bad habit to a good habit. Your mind first says yeah right? Then you have this tremendous battle will I change? will I not change? Can I change? Can I not change? It goes on for awhile. Until, it finally comes to pass, you change your habit and its done- it is self -evident.

So what the heck am I saying? Whatever is in your way move it. Change your way to make yourself who you really want to be!

Did second straight day of CANI - 929 IN 60! 16 straight on plank-sayonara!

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