Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 559- Life is loaded with ...........

Habits! I know I talk a lot about habits. According to Steven Covey you need 3 things to form a habit. Without looking up his 3 things I am going to say desire in one and skill is the other and the last part of a habit is discipline. Those are tough words when you bunch them all together. Desire, skill and discipline - WOW - What a punch!

Now, back on that thought. Our habits rule us. Oh yeah we are all creatures of habit. I'll bet there are 5 habits you all have that you do not even realize you have. Things you do repeatedly and are not even aware of. I should not say aware of. What I should say is conscious of. I believe that everything we do we are a aware of. However, whether or not we take conscious inventory of it is different.

A habit is so powerful because it can be linked so far into your sub conscious that you are not aware of it at the conscious level. That is how people will do things without even realizing it.

Take for example my crazy streak how much conscious thought do I really give it prior to my workout each day? Not much I just do it. I feel that people that are not on a streak probably give it about the same level of thought. They are on a habit of not thinking about working out.

Today I attempted very hard to practice CANI but fell short. My ride ate up 903 not 930 or more and my plank was at 14 minutes instead of my desired 17 minutes.
But, the great thing about having a goal and a determination to stay on it is that tomorrow I can build on today.
I kept thinking of that dopey old little kids song: The itsy bitsy spider

The itsy, bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
So the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again.

See, the spider just keeps coming back for more. Because the spider has a habit it must keep!
God Bless All !

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