Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 579- Today I actually got up after 7 am

Although I did not go down until 2amish I still managed to get a good rest. Will probably work out between 9 and 12. I look forward to challenging myself to a good battle on the ride. As long as my legs feel loose and fresh I can attack with vigor.

My goal is to practice CANI - Constant and never ending improvement. CANI is a very interesting concept. If you literally get better at anything for a period of time everyday you will be so much better at that task that it is unbelievable.

For example, let us say you want to improve on your endurance to ride a bike. So your goal is to increase your distance every day by 10 %. If your starting point is one mile in nine day you will be riding 2.12 number of miles a day.

Day 1=1 mile
Day 2= 1.1
Day 3= 1.1x.1= 0.11+1.1=1.21
Day 4= 1.21x.1 =0.121+1.21=1.33
Day 5= 1.33 x .1 0.13 +1.33 =1.46
Day 6=1.46 x .1= 0.146 +1.46=1.60
Day 7- 1.60 x.1= 0.16=1.6+ 1.6=1.76
Day 8= 1.76 x.1=0.176+ 1.76=1.93
Day 9= 1.93 x .1=0.1936+ 1.93= 2.12 miles

Within nine days you will be riding a little more than one mile more a day. So, this example proves that by just improving by ten percent per day you can be hundred percent better in nine days! The commitment to getting better at something every day by just a small amount can dramatically improve your performance in anything.

My Ride today was strong I hit a good pace and maintained it. Wound up doing a 911 in 60. Now the good thing about burning 911 calories in 60 minutes is that I did this on this ride I rode on the life cycle that i have been having trouble with. On this particular life cycle I have only been able to average a 15 a calorie per minute for 60 minute work out only a couple of times. i loved the challenge. I did 600 + crunches then a good 23 minutes straight on the plank.

I am chasing a moving target Alex Rodriguez hit his 580TH home run of his career last night. If Alex goes homer less today I can tie him with 580 consecutive days of work outs tomorrow. Its fun to chase a moving target. It gets me psyched to think any time I go there I have to best the other person's number.

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