Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 568- Its been a good week!

He looked back before he decided to leap forward. He had only to look out on the day and realize it was his day to make. The chance to do something special lie ahead. The journey which had begun on February 23rd 2008 was gaining speed. The challenge was there the opportunity was ripe. He had come to enjoy the morning ride. Although he was not outside on the pavement he was inside riding virtual miles. The total of miles he was approaching were huge numbers, a grand total which of course could only be estimated by multiplying 567 times 20 which did equal 11,340 miles. As he sat and typed he wondered how far he had come and where he would be if he had really rode that far?

Good question, save it for another day! Did 60 minutes burned off 891 calories fought like the dickens to get that 900 but although I had a 601 at the 40 minute mark I was unable to blast that extra 300 calories off during the last 20 minutes. I sweated profusely and got good and worn out but still, no go. It was a good week for burning off calories. Starting with Sunday through today I burned 937, 958, 962, 910, 916, 960 & 891. The average for that is 933 calories burned per day that is awesome. That is by far the best I had done in awhile.

See it is dopey stuff like that that can keep you moving and maybe have you wanting to say, "I LOVE TO WORK OUT"

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