Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 571- What would happen if.................

When I said that were you thinking something good or bad? Ah, there lies the crux of the matter which way to you lean? Are you an optimist? Or were you looking for gloom and doom. How many of you want to know the world news when you first get up? Let me tell you whats wrong with that. Guess what? You do not need to know. You need to know where you are at, and what you can do today to make you life better by helping yourself and others. The focus of the world to a large degree is ASK; whats happening out there that I have no control of ?

What would happen if ..... someone gave you the best compliment you ever got and you did the same for someone else and they did the same for some one and so forth and so on?

Where would the world be then?

I tell you one thing, it would be in a lot better place than it is now.

Had to take a different tact to today the jets just were not firing so I took it a little easy but I worked out longer. Did 84 minute ride and burned 1,050 calories. Hey, you take what they give you. And you do your BEST to enjoy it. I enjoyed the ride and I got a work out. My goal now is to get the jets back. I feel they will be back by tomorrow.

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