Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 570- A nice fall day

Since I have no work to get to after the work out I will get to the gym a little later today. The key to all is having a great frame of reference. Its how you frame your life that allows you to create your point of view. Use your strengths to improve on your weaknesses.

My spirit was willing but my flesh was weak. had all good intentions of getting 900++ on the small pedaled life cycle but only got 876. Bummer, had 597 @ 40 minutes.Only 3 calories off the pace of 900 for 60. By 45 minutes I was fading and fading fast. gutted it up to get a 876. Felt good just to get that number. Did a good amout of ab work. Tried something different. Instead of just doing a whole bunch of continuos crunches on one machine I switched back and forth from doing 50 incline sit ups to 50 10 pound quantum crunches. I did that about 10 times and it was fun.

I did 50 of these-----------------------
Then 50 of these-------------------------

I did that 10 times -hence the 1000 crunches. I planked 18 minutes. Felt great -

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