Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 578 - The routine has been modified

I am on a little different schedule so my work outs should be at different times. However, I still plan on rising early. I love the early morning feel. The last couple of days I have been operating on limited rest. I was down at 12ish and woke up at 6:15 ish. That was a good rest. That is far more than I have had in the past couple of days. So I look forward to the work out today.

Alex Rodriguez is the next home run hitter that has huge numbers. As of yesterday, he had 578. Which I would have tied in consecutive work out days. However, Arod hit a homer yesterday to run his total 579 home runs. So after my work out today I will be one behind him.

That is enough reason for me to get out and get Day 578!
I am dressed, fed and ready to play!

A great day to be and feel alive. As was my want, I pounded out a good work out. A strong 926 in 60 minutes on the ride.After 600+ crunches did a good 31 minutes straight on the plank. A fun stretch and done!

The ride was solid did a strong 482 in the 1st 30 minutes which is awesome. My is always a minimum of 15 calories burned per minute. At 482 in 30 minutes that is over 16 a minute. I sagged in the next 15 minutes but kept my strength in the last 15 minutes. It calories burned in certain minute interval looked like this; 15 = 245 @ 30 = 482 @ 4o 625. There was the drop off in speed went from a 16 calories burned per minute to a 14.3 per minute calorie burn. However, I recouped and did a good 301 in the last 20 minutes. Which is 15 calories burned per minute. I find it takes a tremendous amount of effort to get up to a good calorie burning rate. Then when you slow down it almost seems like takes more effort to get close to that calorie burning level again.

Either way it was sweet. Keep charging and you realize it was worth the charge!

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