Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 562- Today should be awesome

The reason I claim that is it is a day I am not obligated to work. So I can work out as long as I wish! I realize it is getting a little later in the morning and will probably get to the gym around 11 ish but heck, I have got some free time.Happy Labor day all! I was asked yesterday what is labor day? good freaking question. I answered labor day is a day that was created to honor all workers especially the ones that harvest the food. I explained that it was created in the early 1900 by the fruit pickers to allow them a day of rest before the have the fall harvest. It sounded good to me. Now I am curious so without any more comment I am going to google it to see if I was correct.

Well, I was somewhat correct It had to do with workers and honoring them. Either way, Carpe Diem!

All Right had a great ride did 937 in 60. Then did a fantastic 24 minutes straight on the plank. I feel doing the plank for anything more than 10 minutes straight is a form of meditation. The reason I say that is while your body is in the position of the plank it creates pressure on your back muscles, elbows and stomach muscles. All this pressure is worse if you focus on it so in an effort to not focus on the pressure I concentrate on other things. I have NOTICED when I concentrate on other things I do not even NOTICE the pressure. I have never practiced meditation before but feel this extended planking is in that realm. It is weird though because after a while it actually feels relaxing to be in that position. Strange Huh? Who would ever think that putting pressure on your core can actually feel relaxing?

So that's enough work out chatter for one day. Tomorrow we go after our 563rd consecutive day of doing a 60 minute cardio work out - OH YEAH!

Also tomorrow we tie Mr October! Old Reggie Jackson hit 563 home runs in his awesome career tomorrow we tie him. Awesome!

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