Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 566- Focusing on the now

Last night I watched with great interest as one of my favorite players took a giant step towards baseball greatness. Derek Jeter the captain of the New York Yankees tied the great Lou Gehrig for the most hits as a Yankee. The greatness lies in the fact that Lou has held the record for most hits as a Yankee for over 70 years. The most impressive part of Jeter's accomplishment is that through his ability to stay in the game and repeat a standard of excellence he has been able to become the Yankee with the most hits in the entire history of the franchise.

So hats off to Derek Jeter. As I attempt to reach my 566Th day of just doing a cardiovascular work out I can not help being in awe of such a consistent achievement of excellence. Derek's number right now is 2,721. He is now shoulder to shoulder with a guy known as the "iron horse".
It has taken Derek Jeter 14 years to accomplish this feat, I am amazed.

Today, with this inspiration on go after my quest of the day ------

A start that was not to strong but with a great finish.Part of the reason why I got off to a slow start was because I attempted to chat while doing a maximum work out. I noticed I was not that good at working out to my maximum and chatting at the same time. Its almost like a half hearted effort. When I start I want to pedal as hard as I can and in order to do that I need to focus all my attention on that. Once I was done chatting, I started to focus on my goal of getting 900 calories burned in an hour. The 1st thing I did was the math. How many minutes do I have to go before 60 minutes is up? I saw that I had 30 minutes left to get to 900 calories . I also noticed I had only burned 422 calories- I needed to burn 478 calories! I gave it maximum effort and burned a total of 916 calories. My 2ND 30 minutes included me burning 494 calories which maybe one of my highest second half totals ever. COOL !

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