Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 567- There will always be aches and pains

Today presents a wonderful challenge. I am searching for that great feeling . I have mentioned before that flow. The flow is where your body is moving effortlessly the resistance is limited and you feel one with every living thing.

I said not long ago that I would rather spend energy than rest. Now, that I reflect on that thought I realize that was a pretty bold statement. However, I know a thought like that can change quickly. Having the right circumstances like the flow makes it easy to say "oh yeah lets keep spending energy who needs the rest".

Okay! Right now, right here, I am getting myself up for Day 567 workout # 571 in the last 567 days. Looking for every ounce of inspiration and focus. I used to love this expression, " just gut it up on more time to go out there and compete".

Aw, shucks this is no big deal just get on, pedal and focus on riding faster with each passing minute. Look for the flow,Man!

Let us see how its done.

Great pep talk! I competed I burned 960 calories in 60 minutes. I was on a major roll. I found the flow.
I must admit, I LOVE TO WORKOUT. I felt it coming on around the 5 minute mark I just sensed I was going to get stronger and then keep the strength throughout the ride.

The thrill of it all racing to the end of the ride knowing the difference between winning and losing is so close that its scary. Feeling that you are real close and you just know you are going to hit the number. Then hitting it is awesome! I know just about everyone has had that feeling in any thing they have attempted to do. Its the sense that yes, I going to get it, and yes I worked hard to get it. Upon completion of the ride I went ahead and took the time to work on my abs I did around 600 crunches and went on to set another personal; best in minutes on the plank exercise. I managed to hold my self in the plank position for 34 minutes straight. That breaks Wednesday's mark of 32 minutes.

On plank exercise, its another form of exhilaration. While I am planking my body is usually covered in sweat as my mind and body work together to keep myself in the position. I wish I could bottle this feeling I get from working out and distribute it to everyone just so they can share in the enjoyment of it. Sounds weird but that's how I feel.

Here is a thought anyone can accomplish anything if the they have the right- REASON-
Whenever I get that thought I always here the song reasons in my ear.

Anyway, you get the idea. The motivation to get started is the REASONS. The way you attain your goal is with discipline. The game is simple come up your own reasons and you will find yourself playing harder than you ever could imagine.

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