Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 575-I am getting into the right frame of mind

Now that is an interesting concept frame of mind. I suppose frame of mind is really the way you decided to look at something. Let us suppose your mind was a camera and it was ready to set up a picture. Well all that camera would focus on is what is in the FRAME right? That is all that it would show is what area the lens is looking at. Our minds can work the same way and it is funny how to large extent that is how are attitudes are determined towards various things.

So, when I say the right frame of mind what I am really saying is I am begin to focus on the work out the ride and its challenges. I went to sleep last night at 1:30 am ish and got up at 5 am ish. After a crazy night of work. I came home ate tried my best to relax and then sleep. You know the ole 1,2,3 combo. Eat, rest and sleep. Prior to going to sleep I was determined to get to the gym at 7 am. Well, here I am poised to get to the gym when they open the doors at 7 am.

Yesterday was an awesome ride did 502 in the 1st 30 minutes. I have to say that is such an awesome feeling when you can burn over 16 1/2 calories a minute for at least 3o minutes. WOW!
The most I have ever done is 520 in 30 minutes of course on the life cycle. Doing that amount which equals 17.33 calories a minute for 30 minutes is indescribable.

Okay, so I am off to see what I can accomplish today. I have challenged myself to be dressed, fed and ready to play.

A steadfast approach does the trick. Did a good 905 in 60 a refreshing wake up ride say hallelujah.

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