Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 1519 Just about to 20!

We are ready for our weekly double.With some good planning we could hit 40 doubles by Sunday. We have got 38 in right now. I was just browsing the web and found this interesting bit of information. Its called seven habit of slim people. Now I would not consider myself as slim. But....I have manage to maintain a good weight for a few years. Here is his list and the link.
1) exercise in morning before breakfast
2)  eat small meals through out the day
3)  eat slower savor your meals
4) not skipping breakfast
5) better monitors of the health the weigh themselves regularly and they KEEP A JOURNAL
6) have fitness habit outside of the gym
7) drink water

There you have it and there you have a big chunk of me.
Boy I cannot explain my lifestyle more simply. I suppose the fitness habit I have is work. I work on my feet all day long and do exercise all day long. I eat at lunch fruit and whole grain and green tea. I workout or try to workout all day long. I try to work everyday. I work out every day.

I keep a journal everyday. Today, I tied yesterday's number. Can you believe it,TIED!( 2417 in sixty) I did 33 84 pound assisted chin ups. I did 330 killers,440 crunches and 60 q's. I did 8 minutes down and four minutes up plank and ended with 800 floor crunches. I love the stretch did a usual 5 to minute stretch. I think it is vital to stretch at least after the workout.

Day 1520! We are eighty away from 1600.Now, we do 2.

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