Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 1889 we have traveled so far. Haven't we?

I returned to the daily toil and moved about 20,000 pounds of freight.I felt good after a nice shower and sat down, ate and relaxed and went to bed.
I thought about my question I asked yesterday.

Day 985 daily questions for highly determined individuals
Do you agree with this thought, stress is a result of resistance and resistance causes friction and friction causes wear and wear causes ones nerves to flare up and flared up nerves causes the body to tense up and fight back and before you realize it there is a battle going in your body fighting this imaginary foe.
Why the stress? Why the friction? I believe it is because we all do not truly believe the life we truly believe we should live. No way, you say. Then, show me the person who can honestly say that they have no stress that can cause any friction?
I caught myself asking the question. Why stress just work and relax.Worry only happens when you do not work on what you are worried about.

Tai chi is awesome. I need to be better at it.

I slept from 940 pm until 410 am. Yep, a total of  6 hours and thirty minutes.

Burned 2199 in 60 minutes.
30 pullups no vest
50 old style very steep no vest
300 crunches incline no vest
300 new style no vest
5 minutes of plank 3 ways no vest
50 Ab machine no vest

practiced a lot of tai chi Tie Qi proper pronunciation more than yesterday
Weight 187.8 is the scale wrong?

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