Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 1665 Now we are deep into this way of life.

When you consider what I have gone  through in the last 4 years and 7 1/2 months it is easy to see why this has been an adventure of a lifetime.I have risen every day to meet a challenge that puts me in a place where I could never have imagined.I thank God for these blessings. I praise him for my strength. I know deep in my heart that it is only because of him that I have maintained this pace. Mentally, I am at a place that I am truly in awe of.

As I leave the house, I feel renewed and refreshed........

I feel spiritual more today than  in past days. Which is great because I believe we are all spirits living in a human body or form. Today, this form or body was spirited enough to burn more than 2400 calories for the 24TH consecutive day.

  1. burned 2410 in sixty
  2. did 51 pull ups
  3. 4 minutes of plank
  4. 410 killers
  5. 520 crunches
  6. 810 q's
  7. 800 floors
weight 185

Day 1666 kind of a creepy number.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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