Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 1635 Now, we go for 2500!

While at the daily toil I hurt my leg.Not bad no real injury but, as they say its a nick.I burned 2434 did not reach 2500, bummer.No excuses, I played with the pain and it did get loose.I thought for a minute warm it up stretch it they attack. However, I decided it would not be worth it. My loss, Down goes the streak of six days of beating the day before numbers.Surviving is the streak of now 13 days of burning 2400 plus calories per hour.

Almost forgot. I did do 50 pull ups and 6 minutes of plank. With 330 killers and 450 crunches. 900 q's and ended with 900 floor crunches.I weighed in at 184.

It always feels great. You everyday I do challenge myself to eat as healthy as I believe I can.I believe that taste is not a top priority to eating.I believe the feeling of health and strength is the key to eating right.I have learned by denying myself certain foods that at one time I enjoyed could easily be replaced for more healthier foods.Take rice cakes.Years ago I would never even think of eating a rice cake.After all, I had my chips to snack on.

Here is what I found out by cutting out the chips and
basically forgetting about how they tasted I realized that some rice cakes that are organic and low in salt are on par or even better than chips.Less salt and basically no fat.If I can do it anyone can!

Here is an article that when you consider all the choices we have here in America it is rather sad.


Day 1636 My leg will come around!

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