Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 486 - Pomp and circumstance is in order

DAY 486

Attitude is made up of 2 things 1) what you think about 2) how you feel about it.

Bed 1:30 am up 8:30 am WHAT? Gym time? It’s a day I am not scheduled to work. So, workout will be in a few hours after wake up. OK, so I am loafing. Good stuff planned: ride abs & express. All should take 2 ½ hours. Since I have time today, I will finish this blog after I work out.

Well, that was indeed pleasant. It took 2 hours and 45 minutes to do what I wanted to do. Awesome ride, serious crunches and a brisk three times around the express machines. Topped off with a good stretching session.

As I challenged the heck out of myself during todays's workout I had some interesting thoughts.
Our thoughts can become our destiny.

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen

I can think thoughts and watch what happens: my thoughts become my words and usually my words become my actions,then my actions could become my habits then as I continue my habits become my behavior. I think you can follow my line from here. Now, that I have established my behavior my character begins to take shape, once character is established my decisions start to unfold. As my decisions unfold my destiny is created. See, as the quote says, I am today where my thoughts have brought me. Now tomorrow is a new day, and I have a choice as to where I want to be taken to tomorrow.

Congratulations all graduates!

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