Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 302  I now have done 2594 workouts in 2475 days as of December 11, 2014

Day 302  I now have done 2594 workouts in 2475 days as of December 11, 2014. Did a one hour workout today and burned 2113 calories by getting on the Cybex arch trainer @ six this morning and setting the program to manual. Then I set my weight to 400 pounds even though I weigh only 185 that provides a tough challenge because now the machine thinks I can handle more resistance.The reason I set the program to manual was because it offers a great test of stamina to keep going without any drop in resistance. I then set my time to 120 minutes. Reason I love the challenge of being able to maintain the pace. Next, the resistance was set 100% and finally the incline was set to its highest level 10 which provides a good constant  steep grade. This blog is called I love to workout. One other note. Although I set the time for 120 minutes there is always a five minute cool down. At that time I then lower my resistance from 100% to 75%. So I actuallually do a 5 minute cool down every  time I workout. I have noticed that most people:
A- do not set the machine to manual
B- do not set their resistance above 50%
C- probably think I am crazy
So when you add in my extra 5 minutes everyday you can see that 5 x  is  x minutes which equals x more hours of workouts.However,I do not include that because I am not doing what I consider a hard cardiovascular workout during those 5 minutes of cool down

Day 1581 Daily Questions for highly determined individuals 

When we are just about ready to fall asleep those last few thoughts marinate in our heads until we awake from our sleep. If this is true, how important is it that we try to have those last thoughts be positive? 

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